Friday, August 22, 2008

6 Simple Tips For Finding Great Gifts

Writen by Jamie Clark

Finding a great gift is rarely an easy thing to do. Everyone is different and it's often very difficult, if not impossible, to know if a certain gift will make someone happy. Add to this the fact that you often have to buy several gifts for several different people and gift-shopping can be down right stressful!

It's no wonder that many peoples' stress levels skyrocket during the holidays. Fortunately, there are ways to find great gifts for each person on your shopping list... without getting stressed out, spending too much money, or wasting too much time. Just follow these simple steps and you'll be on your way to gift-shopping bliss:

1.Always keep your primary goals in mind: a.) To delight someone who matters to you. b.) To demonstrate your thoughtfulness, originality, and taste. c.) To appear generous... without spending more than you can afford! This will help you avoid making gift-buying mistakes.

2.If possible, begin your gift planning and brainstorming several months ahead of time. Keep a list of people you will be giving gifts to along with a few notes on what you think they might like. By doing this you "program" your mind to notice good gift ideas when you see them. This often happens when you're surfing the web, so be sure to bookmark any good gift-related sites you come across. Also, if you see an interesting gift idea in a magazine or catalog cut out the article/ad and put it into a "gift idea" folder where you can find it in the future.

3.Avoid the malls at all costs – especially around the holidays! Dealing with crowds of confused shoppers and befuddled sales people just isn't worth the hassle. You'll rarely find a really great gift at the mall anyway.

4.The internet should be your first option for gift buying. Why? Simply because it's the fastest and easiest way to research gift ideas, find interesting and unique products, read product reviews, and compare prices among retailers... all from the comfort of your own home!

5.Buy your gifts early. By purchasing several weeks in advance you'll have time to return or exchange any gifts that don't fit the bill. Plan an evening of shopping on your computer and get it all done in one shot if you can.

6.Two things to avoid: having gifts sent directly to the recipient and giving gift certificates. Both of these things are "lazy person solutions" that show a certain degree of inconsideration. Take the time to personalize each gift with special wrapping, cards, thoughtfulness.

As you can see, gift-shopping doesn't have to be a pain. In fact, for many people it's pretty enjoyable. Just remember to plan ahead, stay focused, and get it done the right way. Enjoy and best of luck on your gift-buying adventure!

Jamie Clark is a writer for, which provides a list of the best gifts currently available, based on online and offline reviews. Save time and money by visiting:

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