Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hate Cleaning Try The Happy Slobs 3 Step Solution

Writen by Christina Spence

Children need picking up after soccer practice? Super Mom to the rescue! Dinner needs to get on the table? Once again, Super Mom is there! A huge file at work that no one else wants to tackle? You already know who will deal with it - you. With the stresses of your day-to-day life, housecleaning is very likely the last thing on your mind. And yet, it's hard to ignore, since the proof of ignoring the housecleaning for too long equals a cluttered, messy house – definitely not the happy haven you want your home to be.

Here, then, is a simple 3-step solution to finally solve the hassle of housecleaning. If you're a 'happy slob' like me – just a laid back, fun natured person who'd rather be doing anything but cleaning – then it might be just the solution you've been looking for.

The 3-Step Solution Simplified:

. Two daily cleaning bursts. What is a cleaning burst? A cleaning burst is an intense burst of cleaning – getting maximum results from minimum time. Try to do one cleaning burst in the morning and one in the evening. You decide how much time you can budget for each burst. Only five minutes? Fine! If you've got twenty, great! Use a timer to keep track, and when it rings, you're done. During your cleaning bursts, stay focused on cleaning – and clean your impact areas first (the areas that people see the most in your home.) Get family involved, even if they only help for a few minutes.

2. One daily Focus Room: The daily focus room is an area where you do more in-depth cleaning. Create a list of focus rooms that includes storage areas. I recommend 10-15 minutes a day in your focus room, but if you don't have that much time, then just spend the time you can afford. If you have more time, then go for it!

3. One weekly Clean-for-All: One day a week, you and the family finish up the rest of the housecleaning that didn't get done during the week, or any larger jobs. Keep track during the week of areas that need more work during your clean-for-all. Assign tasks to all members of the family. Again, set a time budget and use your timer to stick to that budget. Anything that doesn't get done this week will get done next week – so don't stress! Reward everyone for helping out. (Including yourself.)

Why does it work? It's simple, flexible, fast, and keeps you focused on the tasks at hand while you are cleaning. Therefore, you get more done in less time – and you don't have to stress out about cleaning anymore. Do what you can, and then carry on with your life.

Cleaning Formulas

Cleaning formulas aren't all they're cracked up to be. You'd think, for instance, that anti-bacterial cleaners would be your best friend. If it cleans and kills nasty bacteria, it must be good, right? Wrong-o my friend! In fact, these cleaners can make bacteria more resistant and cause even more harm in the long run. Plus, the chemicals in many commercial cleaners are dangerous for children and pets.

Here are two great natural cleaners to start you off, using two ingredients essential to many homemade cleaners. That is, vinegar and baking soda.

Very Vinegar Cleaner

A fantastic all-purpose cleaner. I use it for just about everything! Gets glass and mirrors sparkling clean…excellent to wipe down surfaces.

In a clean spray bottle (not a bottle that has contained other chemicals) pour 1 part white vinegar to 3 or 4 parts plain cool tap water. Give the bottle a good shake. This stuff is amazing on glass, mirrors, and all other surfaces in the home. And don't worry, the smell dissipates quickly. If you want to add extra cleaning power, add a squirt of natural liquid soap.

Powder Cleanser Substitute

One ingredient – baking soda. This will replace any powdered cleanser you usually buy. Baking soda is inexpensive, safe for you and your family, and a lot friendlier to the environment. Plus, it gets sinks, tubs, and tiles really nice and clean.

Cleaning no longer has to be a much-hated chore. Using the Happy Slob's techniques, you can finally clean in less time, while having more fun.

About the Author:

Christina – the Original Happy Slob – is the author of: "The Happy Slob's Guide to Housecleaning." This 125-page book is JAM PACKED with dozens of homemade cleaning formulas, the detailed 3-step solution to cleaning, clever cleaning techniques, and good humor throughout to finally make housecleaning less of a challenge. Visit today to get YOUR copy AND join her free weekly newsletter, The Happy Slob Gazette. (Or, check out her daily blog at:

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