Wednesday, March 4, 2009

October Time To Focus On Protecting Children

Writen by Joe Hickman

No one wants to hurt a child. Yet each year since 1928 our nation's leaders have felt it's important to stress how we can unwittingly allow our children to be harmed in and around our own homes.

Children are vulnerable. Pound for pound, they breathe more air, drink more water and eat more food than adults. They play close to the ground and put their hands in their mouths, increasing their exposure to toxins in the environment.

Their small bodies are still developing, often making a child less able than adults to metabolize, detoxify and excrete toxins they consume from air pollution, drinking water, food, secondhand smoke, or peeling paint.

National Child Health Day, October 3

In 1928, President Calvin Coolidge established May 1 as Child Health Day. In 1959, Congress changed National Child Health Day to the first Monday in October, where it remains. The American Academy of Pediatrics established October as Child Health Month in 1992.

Sixteen federal agencies observe October as Children's Health Month.

In 1928, President Coolidge declared, "The protection and development of the health of the children of today are fundamental necessities to the future progress and welfare of the nation."

Focusing on children's health today is as important as ever, maybe more. Asthma is a growing threat to children. With new chemicals introduced into the environment each year, children face a widening array of environmental hazards that can have a significant impact on their health and well-being.

A Great Month to Learn

The Children's Health Month ( ) website provides great ideas to help parents and teachers learn more about a variety of child health topics: childhood illness prevention, education and child care, limiting environmental hazards, reducing risky behaviors, and safety.

For October, you'll find a daily calendar of ideas to protect children, ranging from preventing mercury exposure at school to protecting children from secondhand smoke and mold. Other days will focus on the safe use of pesticides, how to prevent lead, radon and carbon monoxide poisoning, and how to help children breathe easier and reduce asthma attacks.

Walk and Bike to School Week

Children Health Month also includes International Walk and Bike to School Week October 3 - 7 ( ). Children walking and biking to school offers real benefits for both the children and the environment. The week enhances children's health, cuts down on auto carbon monoxide around schools, and with parents involved, helps to create safer routes for walking and cycling.

Everyone Can Help

Children's Health Month is a tool to impress on everyone – health care professionals, teachers and parents – the importance of protecting children's health. Maybe we can absorb enough helpful ideas to last year round.

Because, let's face it, children need our protection every day, every month.

Why not click on the Children's Health Month Calendar ( ) and learn how to protect a child today? Or better yet, print out the calendar and check it all month long. Maybe give copies to friends.

After all, children are 100 percent of our future.

©2005 by Joe Hickman, a retired EPA web writer, currently editor at

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Memory Foam Mattress Buying Guide

Writen by David Z

What is "Memory Foam"?

Memory Foam was created by the American Organization, NASA, during the 1970's. The invention was not used for space missions due to some reasons of the closed environment atmosphere. However, some companies like Tempur Pedic, saw that their could be a future in this foam for consumers.

Memory foam was engineered to spread pressure and release the pressure points from the weight of the person or thing. However there were some fundamental flaws in the initial memory foam concerning durability and therefore they began to research heavily on new methods to create this Memory Foam to have what we see today.

How Many Brands Are There?

By doing a simple search for memory foam mattress, you will come up with around 200,000 results. Most of them are trying to sell you on their products, which are a lot to choose from.

Through our basic research, we have seen that the average online price for a memory foam mattress is between $700-$3000 on average. The first factor, size, the second will depend on the name brand and warranties associated with the mattresses. Some offer free delivery, others offer free frames, pillows, etc.

Which Is Best For Me?

There is only one comment or discouragement that I have ever heard about buying a memory foam or tempur pedic mattress. That is that it gets very hot, the way your body is snuggled in the mattress and the material which is thickly condensed and not very open causes a pocket of warmth to create around you. So if you detest sleeping hot, either turn up the air conditioning unit or research a different system.

My first suggestions, buy a memory foam pillow and mattress. This will help you feel the difference in your current sleeping arrangement and it will provide you with an idea if the product is right for you. It really does provide support and comfort. If you sleep uncomfortably at night and need a new solution, try it. Most places like Tempur-Pedic offer warranties and 30 day refund periods if you are not satisfied.

My second suggestion, never listen to anyone online unless they are a certified physician. So consult your doctor and he will help you determine the best sleeping arrangement to help your ailing back pains.

Lastly, most memory foam systems are the same. The only differences are that certain firms find new designs or technologies to include with their product that set them apart. But never buy a mattress online without some type of warranty and 30 day refund policy, just to be on the safe side.

When shopping online, check other feedbacks or testimonials. People generally list reasons why their mattress would work best for them depending on their health and situation, you can certainly use their feedbacks as reference for your shopping decision.

For more memory foam mattress buying guides, please visit Memory Foam Mattress

Having a good night sleep is essential and helps you feel rested, energized and prepared. This article will provide you buying guides about memory foam mattress so you can make a good decision when looking for your next mattress.

For more memory foam mattress buying guides, please visit Memory Foam Mattress

Santas Workshop ~ Diary Of An Elf ~ Day 34

Writen by Ashlee Williams

Hi everyone!

We had a great day. Our bake sale was a real success. We made almost $2,000. Well, we actually only made $1,000 but Santa donated another $1,000. So we now have enough money to buy new decorations to decorate our entire town. The Christmas tree in our common will have a bright shining star now, when we get the new decorations. Probably will go shopping later this week! I can't wait!

Everyone liked the Gingerbread house that Crystal and I made. It turned out beautiful and everyone raved about it. We raffled it off to the highest bidder for $55.00.

Mrs. Claus bought all kinds of goodies at the bake sale. My favorite was the Peanut Butter cookies. We all ate so many snacks today that nobody was hungry at suppertime.

The best part of the bake sale was when Santa, Rudolph and Blitzen arrived with the sleigh. Santa let the children (even some grownups!) climb into the sleigh and have their pictures taken with him. You should of seen Rudolph, he is such a show-off, he loves to have his picture taken.

After the bake sale Mrs. Claus took a group of us girls shopping for Christmas decorations. We bought a lot of cool things. You should see the sparkling star we bought for the big tree on the common.

We didn't have time to buy all our decorations today so we are going shopping again on Saturday.

Well I better say goodnight. Mrs. Claus is calling us for our hot chocolate. Then we have to go to bed.

Talk to you tomorrow

Ashlee Williams writes a daily report from the North Pole, through a diary of an elf who works in the Toyshop. Why not visit You'll find it interesting as all those problems arise while Santa is making all the toys.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Immigration Woes Part Four

Writen by Rick Parrott

The National Visa Center (NVC) had sent our paper work to the US Consulate in Ciudad Juarez in June 2005. Our appointment was in March 2006!

Why so long? Well is appears the US Consulate in Ciudad Juarez is the busiest consulate in the world and they are extremely back logged. Maybe they ought to hire more people.

Up to this point my Congressman and Senator had been a great help moving my paperwork along. When the paperwork arrived at the consulate they hit a brick wall.

It seems that our State Department doesn't answer to the US Congress any more. Or so it seems.

We waited, not so patiently, for our appointment time to come. Then suddenly we received a package informing us that our appointment was in 30 days.

It was obvious that the package they send out is a standard one, -because it was asking us for forms we had already submitted. So to be safe we filled out all of the forms and took them with us to the appointment.

Before we went to our appointment my wife had to have a physical. This consisted of a blood test and vaccinations. All of which cost an additional fee. In total, it was about $250.00 more.

There are only two approved places you can take your physical. Luckily the one we went to was quick. It took us about an hour. We arrived there as early as possible. The other clinic was taking between three and four hours.

Included in the information packet is a warning to be careful around the clinics because there have been many robberies and assaults. Isn't the concern of your government touching, they do not however provide any security.

The day of our appointment we arrived early. The information packet said it didn't matter when you arrived and they were right. My wife didn't have her interview until almost 4:00 pm.

Meanwhile we had to stand in the rain on the street, because the sponsor wasn't allowed to accompany the applicant.

I decided to turn the wait into a research opportunity. I talked too many of the people waiting, asking about their story.

Many of them have been waiting as long as or longer than we had. Some of them had made multiple trips to the consulate. Many had the services of a lawyer, which really didn't seem to do them much good.

Here a partial list of the wisdom I gleaned for my observations:

- Don't talk to or trust the vendors offering to assist you with your paperwork! These establishments exist solely to separate money from confused and often desperate people.

- Get a hotel close to the consulate, they should cost between $40.00 and $60.00 dollars. There are also restaurants close by.

- Do not get to the consulate too early, because there isn't any security until just before they open.

- Ciudad Juarez is on Mountain Time so adjust your watch, if necessary.

- As is true in most third world nations, the people see Americans as potential targets to be fleeced. Watch out for pick pockets and con artists.

- If the price of the VISA application has gone up you will have to pay the difference. For us it was about $40.00 more.

- If you need a waiver, expect to wait an additional amount of time.

-- I know of one case where the family waited for three weeks in Ciudad Juarez then was told they would have to wait 10 years before the wife could come to the US.

-- In another case the consulate wouldn't grant the waiver unless the wife of the sponsor turned in her brother, who was wanted on warrants. Why that should be a condition for entry into the US is beyond me.

There were many stories like this among the people waiting. The biggest problem is the complete lack of information available. It almost seems like the consulate staff wants you to be in the dark. This process could be made much more user friendly.

Currently the process goes through the Immigration and Naturalization Service, then to the National Visa Center and finally to the US Consulate.

To speed up the system the Immigration and Naturalization Service could adopt a program like the National Visa Center has so you can check and verify the status of your paperwork.

The National Visa Center should send all of the required paperwork in one mailing. They could include a fee bill for the entire amount with the requirement that all fees must be paid for the paperwork to be processes. This action alone would have saved us over five months of waiting.

Finally, the State Department must do something about the processing times in their consulates. Especially the consulate in Ciudad Juarez, as it is the system puts an artificial cap on immigration. There are people who have been waiting for their appointments for over ten years!

It's no wonder so many enter this country illegally! If congress really wanted to get a handle on the immigration problem they would do two simple things.

1. Make it a felony to knowingly employ undocumented aliens and enforce the law!

2. Streamline the process to allow a reasonable work visa process.

If I have learned anything in this process it is to be persistent. When dealing with the US Government you must continuously engage them in discussion. If your paperwork isn't in the place it needs to be, question them as to why.

Don't be afraid to contact your political representatives. That's what they are there for, even though some seem to forget.

Good luck and I hope your quest goes smoother than ours.

Secure Publications, is a San Antonio Texas publishing company specializing in "How To" books and special reports designed to enhance our quality of life.

Visit our site to get an immigration assistance kit designed to smooth your imigration journey

Or contact Rick Parrott via email at

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Helpful Tips When Burying Or Cremating The Remains Of Family Member

Writen by Harriet Goodrich

When an individual passes on, there are many decisions that must be made. One important decision concerns the remains. There are many different options for families of individuals who have died. The two most common ways to handle the remains of a loved one is to purchase a casket and bury them or have their remains cremated.

Generally the most traditional choice is a standard burial in a casket. Many families choose this option because they are able to visit a gravestone and know that their loved one is there. A standard burial is often preferred because the individual is being left alone and is at peace.

Cremation is another choice that many families make. Cremation is when the remains of a deceased individual is converted into ashes. This is a fairly common practice on individuals who may have been severely injured or disfigured in an accident or do not have any family members around to make decisions.

The decision to cremate a loved one is often difficult, but there is also an option that is a combination of the two. Once remains are cremated, there are placed in a urn. A urn is a container that stores the remains. Urns can come in various different styles, decorations, and sizes. There is a urn that is known as a burial urn. A burial urn is a specific urn meant for being buried underground, like traditional caskets. A burial urn is generally made out of specific material that will hold well underground.

Generally when compared to a casket, a urn is considerably cheaper. If a burial urn is used and the individual is buried, you can still have a traditional headstone. There are no set limitations or rules on cremating and burying an individual.

In addition to a burial urn there are other burial options or accessories for a cremation burial. Many funeral homes or casket companies sell a special burial urn vault. The materials used, sizes, and styles will depend on where you plan on purchasing a burial urn vault. These vaults come in different sizes, but they are typically just big enough to hold a standard urn. These burial urn vaults are a protective way for urns to be buried underground. Just like caskets, burial urn vaults are typically decorated with various religious designs or they can even be customized for a family.

The decision to bury a family member is a touch decision to make. There are many tips and resources available for assistance with making this difficult decision. Cremation is a common practice used all around the world. The majority of religions accept and believe in cremation; therefore, it will generally not upset an individualĂ­s belief system. Handing the remains of a deceased family member is often a family decision. If the family cannot agree on a specific procedure, a burial urn may be a great idea. A burial urn allows remains to be cremated and buried all at the same time, generally pleasing all remaining family members. = Harriet Goodrich is a writer for Funeral Market where you can find burial urns and funeral caskets of high quality at discount prices.

Bedwetting Diapers Disposable Products For Older Bedwetters

Writen by Peter Crump

Bedwetting diapers are not just for infants and babies. They come in sizes all the way up to adult so that any one with a bed wetting problem can feel secure that he/she will not wake up to wet sheets in the morning. Along with ensuring you or your child a dry night, wearing diapers at night means you also have less mess to clean up. These diapers are disposable, so they won't add to your mounds of laundry. Actually, disposable bedwetting diapers will cut down on the amount of laundry that you have to do because you will no longer have to wash bedclothes each day.

Even with having bedwetting diapers for your child, you still have to pursue other methods for treating the problem of bed wetting. These diapers can give the child or adult a false sense of relief and not really do anything to help the problem at all. If there is a medical reason for the bedwetting, you know that using bed wetting diapers will probably be only a temporary measure. If there is no medical reason, then you need to combine using an adult bed wetting diaper each night with a method of behavior modification such as using an enuresis alarm to wake the wearer at the first sign of moisture.

There are bedwetting diapers that look just like underpants. This makes it much easier for your child to sleep at a friend's house without anyone knowing about the bedwetting. These diapers have an absorbent liner that soaks up the urine and does not let it seep through to the pyjamas or the bedclothes. However, if the child is in bed for a long time, there is the possibility that some of the urine will seep out through the legs of the diapers causing an accident. The top layer of plastic on a bedwetting diaper helps to keep the moisture away from the skin.

You do have to be aware of the cost involved in using larger size disposable bedwetting diapers. This is why you do need to look for treatments that will not only reduce the number of bedwetting episodes, but will help cure the problem. There are child and adult bed wetting diapers that you can get that are reusable. This type of diaper is a cheaper alternative to the disposable bed wetting diaper. It also comes like a pair of underpants or a liner that fits on the underpants. With these adult bedwetting diapers, the person still feels wet, but the wetness does not seep through to the clothing. The wetness helps to wake the adult up so he/she can go to the bathroom.

You do have to choose the best bedwetting diapers for your child. Look at the liners, diapers and absorbent underpants to determine which one would best meet the needs of the child or adult. Liners are strips of absorbent material that have a sticky side that adheres to the underpants, thus keeping them in place. They are not noticeable and will not irritate the skin in the same way as some bedwetting diapers will.

Find out more about Bedwetting, visit Peter's Website Bedwetting Answers and find out about Bedwetting Diapers and more, including Adult Bedwetting and Bedwetting Alarms

Saturday, February 28, 2009

3 Reasons Why You Should Nap In A Hammock Not On A Couch

Writen by Pankaj Andy

Have you ever marveled how life would be when the mornings do not turn to nights, your stars remain at a fixed position and the mountains and valleys run without twists and turns? It is droning to be part of such a world and drooping to lead this kind of life. So when we admire flexibility and relish the curves and curvatures in life, how can we fritter away the most delightful moments i.e. the time we relax and fantasize by squatting or lying on a stiff and a so called stubborn sofa or a couch? Let us delve into three good reasons to nap in a hammock and not on a couch…

· The best place to stretch and take a nap is in the open, in the lap of nature on a hammock. All the worries and melancholy take flight when the gushing winds from the East and West embrace you. A small nap can be an experience of a paradise when you swing in your hammock and the tender breeze cuddles you. Only a hammock can give you this feel, the charisma, the ecstasy of cloud nine.

Hammocks provide you with a harmonious sleep at any and every place. All one requires are any two poles or trees available free of cost to tie the hammock. Couches are immobile. You have to employ tremendous energy and labor to take your couch out to get baked in the sun on a bright winter morning. Not just this but many a times on a couch you wake up with a stiff and aching back that leads you cursing your nap the entire day. Hammocks are supple. It provides you just the right amount of space to adjust yourself. A hammock cocoons you making your nap all the more unflustered and carefree. Hey you can even enjoy a drink unwinding yourself in a hammock!

· Apart from this blissful experience, a nap on hammock is preferred to one on a couch because of other factors too. A hammock is inexpensive especially in contrast to a couch. You need to scrutinize your budget from top to bottom in order to have a sufficiently large and gracious couch. Couches are perhaps the best to embellish your drawing rooms and lobbies. But they remain less inviting to put your feet up. Often the upholstery used is designed to parade more of grandeur and elegance. In relation to simple unbreakable or resilient hammocks couches are more brittle, magnificent and less comfortable.

· Hammocks are not just a relished sleeping bed of kids but also of the young and the old. Hammocks can largely be sighted near the beaches, picnic spots, in the garden of a house and at other areas where nature has spread its splendor without wavering. If you are at a beach, wet and weary fervent to take a break and a short nap, a hammock is the first and the best idea. Your wet body can get soaked in the sun leaving the hammock as it is. Thence in comparison to pricey couches, hammocks are more user-friendly. They can be washed, wrapped, tied and unwrapped anywhere.

So what suits you and your body the best- the big 'Ouch on a Couch' or the joyful 'Yippee on a Hammock'?

Pankaj andy writes hammock topics. Learn more at

Friday, February 27, 2009

Creative Approaches To Family Gatherings

Writen by Jodie Foster

Do you find yourself dreading family gatherings? Is the family situation trying and very draining on your emotional state?

Staying centered when others around us are spinning in excitement, anticipation or agitation is never easy. It is challenging to hold our own position at times. The energy encountered in your family can be overwhelming. When you have to be at a family gathering, remember to take a few simple steps before getting out of your car:

1. Take three deep breaths.

2. Pull in your energetic field closer to your body (this contains your energy so it is not so porous and expanded- keeping you from picking up other's energies). You can also do this by crossing your arms over your heart, hugging yourself tightly and feeling very contained.

3. Focus your energy on your feet- feeling how rooted you are to the earth.

4. Clear your mind and focus on the task at hand, knowing you are centered within yourself and nothing can truly harm you or hurt you.

These few simple methods will help you have a better experience. They seem like very simple concepts, but each has a specific purpose and work together to bring you into a state of conscious awareness. This awareness is the most powerful tool we possess. If you have conscious awareness you are remaining empowered in your personal space. This can assist you in holding your own energy rather than being drained by the swirling energy around you.

It's easy to get caught up in family tension, experiencing undue demands on yourself and the guilt that comes with living according to old feelings of expectation and duty. Simply because something has been unchanged for years, does it mean it is the only way it can be done? Think about the ramifications of some of these expectations that have been passed down through the family for generations.

Do the family expectations make you uncomfortable? Do you visit members of the family out of duty rather than out of excitement and joy? Are you weighed down by the expectations placed upon you? Is there a sense of loyalty that is defining your every move? What would happen if you created a new way of responding? Would it be more fulfilling to you personally? Would you feel guilt? Would it bring you joy? Would it be exciting? Would it be too uncomfortable?

Only you would know inside yourself what your response would be.

Is it worth finding out? Step out on your own and do things differently the next time you are at a family gathering. Why not take the risk to change? Change is the healthiest thing we can ever do for ourselves. Being caught in a routine is stifling and can cause our energies to stagnate.

Samsara is a Sanskrit word that means to me, "the only thing that never changes, is the fact that everything changes." Samsara is about flow. Energy in flowing motion is free and openly being expressed. Energy held in expectation and tradition can be stagnant and unmoving.

Which do you prefer? Which do you choose? Take the leap and make a change! And most of all, remember it's about your wellbeing. Do what brings you joy. Allow that to be the guiding force within you.

© 2005 Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster is an Intuitive Counselor who assists clients to create extraordinary transformations in their daily lives. Her work is uplifting, empowering and success-oriented. You can visit Jodie's website at for further information and to schedule a private intuitive session. You can also look for weekly updates to her blog at:

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Adjustable Beds The Breakthrough Discovery For A Sensational Sleep

Writen by Daryl Plaza

If you just started looking at adjustable beds, then this type of bed, you'll be surprised at the benefits that you will receive. Electric adjustable beds are a blessing for a lot of people. If you have medical needs like osteoarthritis, asthma, spinal stenosis, varicose veins, or have neck or back pain, these adjustable lift beds will show you they way. Quality sleeping is an every-evolving path, with manufacturers and technology constantly enhancing existing designs or creating a completely new one. Adjustable beds come in two styles, standard and heavy duty. The sizes will depend on your needs (twin, Queen, King and full size).

These beds don't use normal mattresses, you will need an adjustable bed mattress, which is made using latex foam, air, and coil springs. These beds evenly distribute your body weight to help relieve pressure on the neck and your legs. It also helps offset acid reflux and heartburn at night while you sleep. Make sure that you choose the right mattress for you. If your mattress is too soft then you won't get the proper support and wake up sore and tired from your muscles working all night. On the other side having a very firm mattress can work against you too by not supporting the lighter parts of your body and give you poor circulation. Everyone has different comfort levels and the only one that will know what it is will be you. So research and choose your adjustable mattress carefully.

Special features of adjustable beds

Finding the best adjustable bed possibly is very important not only for your health but if it's in your home you want a nice looking bed that will fit your décor and not look as if it were a hospital bed. Some of the special features that are in these beds and benefit you are the three types of adjustments that can be accomplished. First the total height you want your bed for easy access. Second would be the ability to adjust the angle of your head. And thirdly you can raise your legs slightly or even your knees. The adjustable beds are run by a noiseless motor that operates the bed mounts and the bed massage feature. Having a special heat option will allow those sore and aching muscles to feel more at ease or keep you warm on a cold night.

The basics in choosing an adjustable bed.

An adjustable bed consists of true basic parts, the mattress and the bed base. The base comes in two typical types - commercial and regular use. The commercial is your typical hospital adjustable bed and would not be too eye appealing in your home, that is why there is the very durable regular style. Make sure you pay attention on the frame construction and get the most heavy duty you can without losing the look of an elegant piece of furniture. Look to make sure the bed has quality motors and are CSA approved and UL listed. Also insure that there are not stray wires and has a plug in feature and is a polarized modular system. One more thing that you should look for is that the adjustable bed will incline at least 50 degrees at the feet and head. The ideal incline would be 60 degrees. Remember to research manufacturer and read reviews on their beds and you will find the right be for you.

Daryl plaza is the owner of a website that is designed with resources and reviews that will help you learn more about the benefits of your health by using a adjustable bed

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Quandry

Writen by Sara Poginy

So I've been thinking that there's a lot of irony in this whole "searching for at-home work" thing. I know there are those who want to work from home because they hate office politics or they don't like the drive to work or their spouse wants them to have dinner on the table and a nice footrub when they get home. But I think there's a large majority who want to work from home in order to be there with their child or children.

Personally I/we have made the commitment to have me stay home with our daughter come hell or high water (or bankruptcy). We feel strongly that it is best for her to have me home, not only because we feel it is right for her personally, but because we feel that there are larger impacts. Without becoming too controversial, I would argue that the decision to stay home with your child has even larger social implications. A parent who stays home with a child at least for the first year or two of the child's life is able to be a source of stability and example. These first years form a child's ENTIRE life and therefore, their impact on society as a whole. I would go so far as to say that I think governments should provide a stipend to parents who stay at home with their children because in a majority of cases, these children become better-balanced, less confused and more stable adults. These parents are providing a service to the Universe.

And, as a qualifier, of course I understand that there are parents and care-givers who just can't stay home with their child/children. Sometimes there are cases when this is just not financially feasible or for whatever reason, it just can't happen. This is understood and honestly, I have no idea how we've made it this far without the ground falling out from underneath us. But somehow it's happened.

So, on to the irony…

The irony is that amidst all of these great intentions, sometimes, during the search for a work-at-home position, the child falls by the wayside. I don't mean that I forget about the child or that she's in a corner eating paper while I hover over the computer looking at job listings. I just mean that sometimes I get so obsessed with filling out applications or looking at forums, trying to find a suitable position (or ANY position), that I forget she's playing at my feet. The whole point of being home with her is so that I can BE with her; enjoy her; explore with her. And here I am, grinding my teeth down to the gums and developing hives (again) just so that I can find something that will allow me to be here with her. I just can't let myself enjoy the fact that I AM HERE with her!

Ug. When am I going to get it?

I am a mother who is committed to staying home with my child. I am also committed to finding ways to supplement our income from home; ideally I'd like to do this through writing, as this is my passion. I am often sarcastic, cynical and raw in my writing. I am always honest.

History And Party Trivia Of Stuffed Animals

Writen by Gail Leino

The concept of stuffed animals are reflected in tomb paintings that date back a really long time to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia civilizations. Based upon the paintings as they have been discovered and translated, it would appear that stuffed animals had a purpose in religious ceremony and ritual as well as being used for the purpose of human play. Medieval Europe used stuffed animals in mystery plays to represent animals seen in the Bible stories. Stuffed animals were used to represent characters like the serpent in the Garden of Eden or lions in the story of Daniel in the lions' den. These animal roles were a pivotal part of the story that could not be ignored, but could not acted out by a human actor either. Therefore, the stuffed animals worked much better to fill the part.

Toys became a booming industry during the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Soft toys became increasingly popular among the population with the Steiff Corporation of Germany quickly becoming the industry leader. However, all stuffed animals are not always made by mechanized industry and a great deal of samples of stuffed animals have been found made in a more homemade genre with stuffings full of stray, cotton, batting, rags, and even beans. Some stuffed animals have even been found to have been made from stuffing the skins of hunted animals, but it is unclear whether these were animals that were made for use as a toy, or if they were utilized to become display items which would be more of a taxidermy utilization, not necessarily a toy.

Among the most popular stuffed animals, the teddy bear and the sock monkey almost always rank high toward the top of the list. Both have been in production since the early 1900s, while there is evidence that sock monkeys may have been popular much earlier, although not in formal production. Today, soft toys and stuffed animals remain popular. In recent years the Ty Company brought back a renaissance of sorts to the stuffed animal market with their Beanie Baby line. Animal lovers, children and collectors from countries all over the world bought up as many stuffed animals as Ty Company could produce including stuffed versions of lizards, dinosaurs, unicorns, and goldfish along with the standard animal patterns of bears, cats, dogs, bunnies, etc. Today, literally hundreds if not thousands, of companies produce stuffed animals for sale worldwide.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies (, using proper etiquette, and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free coloring sheets, printable games, and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Character Party Supplies ( to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties. Kids birthday party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Flowers To Touch The Heart

Writen by Muzrak Maksidov

Roses, daffodils, tulips, violets, chrysanthemums. The perfect way to melt the heart of every woman in your life is with flowers. Flowers touch that special place inside of every woman and let them know that you care. Whether it is your wife, girlfriend, or mom, flowers speak the universal language of affection and appreciation. Sending flowers is a tangible way to show your love and regard.

In this day and age, there are many ways to give flowers to the woman in your life and the Chicago area is a wonderful hub of different options. No matter your style or budget, you can send flowers to the woman you love. Flowers can be found in arrangements or can be purchased singly. Baskets and bouquets are other ways to express how you feel to that special woman. You can combine flowers with candy or balloons to create a unique arrangement. Flower arrangements come a rainbow of colors and styles.

If the internet purchases are your style then there are a number of options available. Search for your favorite florist and flowers for that special woman are right at your fingertips. It couldn't be easier. Make your selection from a huge variety of options and then have them delivered right to that special lady's door. Here in Chicago where our lives are hectic and time is short, delivery is often the best option. Just a few moments at your computer and you can let the women in your life know that you care.

What florists are available in the Chicago area? Some of the most popular are Niu Florist, Sycamore Florist, Dekalb Florist and Society Hill Flowers. Each of these flower shops offers you a variety of convenient options. You can choose from a variety of arrangements or design one yourself. Each flower arrangement can be personalized with a note that shows you care.

What variety of flower should you send? Each flower has a symbolic meaning. You can send one specific kind of flower or create a bouquet that shows an array of feelings. For you mom, you might give Larkspur, which symbolizes laughter or perhaps Daffodils, which symbolize regard. For a new relationship, Lilacs represent first love and Violets stand for affection. If you wish to honor your wife, you might choose Blue Violets, which are a symbol of faithfulness or Red and White Roses, which represent unity.

Flowers truly are the way to a woman's heart. Tell your girlfriend you care, let your wife know how much she means to you; thank your mom for all her years of care. Sending flowers is an easy and heartfelt way to express your feelings for that special woman in your life.

Muzrak Maksidov runs the website, which is provides information related to flowers. This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and link is hyperlinked.

Essential Tip To Finding A Reputable Moving Company

Writen by Paul W Wilson

Moving house means decisions. Who will move what to move, and how to move? For the sake of sanity one needs to find a reputable mover. Begin by asking your company whether they can recommend a mover. Next, look through the yellow pages and note down the names and contacts of at least 4-5 companies that have offices where you reside and operate in your new location. Find out, how long each company has been in the business and check their referrals. Choose companies that have been around for at least ten years.

Meet them to find out which ones are efficient, courteous, and have good business systems in place. Ensure that they do the moving themselves and do not sub-contract the assignment. Ask the companies to come to your home and do an estimate.

Ask about:
* What services they offer?
* The extent of insurance they provide?
* What guarantees are offered?
* Full name as well as DBA names of the company and their address?
* Phone numbers, toll free numbers, as well as tracking system numbers?
* DOT and MC license details.
* Web site addresses and e-mail contacts.
* Company office address and contact details for where you are moving.

In accordance with applicable laws, most reputed movers will give you a copy of, "Your Rights and Responsibilities when you Move," Before you finalize a mover check:
* The corporate information provided—you can do this online or at the office of secretary of state.
* Use the DOT and MC numbers to verify the company workings. Use . They will provide:
* The name, addresses, phone number, and contact details of the company. Check against the information you have gathered.
* They will display whether the company is in service or out of service.
* Information on the number of trucks and drivers will give you an idea of the extent of their business.
* The company should be: authorized for hire, licensed to operate interstate and household goods should be a part of their cargo carried list.
* Be sure to go through inspection records. Make sure everything is in order.
* Use the FMCSA Licensing and Insurance site to check the company's insurance.
* Check out the company's business practices with BBB, Better Business Bureau.
* Call FMCSA's safety violation and consumer complaints cell and check on the company, whether there are any complaints.

Once you have done the needful check the condition of the trucks and whether the name of the company is displayed all over the body. If you find everything is okay look through the paperwork with a fine tooth comb. Never sign any documents that are blank. Only sign papers that are filled in completely.

Be a well informed mover:
* Check the estimate as well as weight of the goods.
* Find out who handles packing and unpacking and if the estimate includes all costs.
* Determine if the goods will be transported directly or whether a storage facility will be used. If yes, is it the company's own or a third party?
* Ask about terms and conditions for goods packed by you.
* Find out who will handle paperwork –licenses, border crossings, customs documents, and so on.
* Ask about Replacement Value Protection.

Be aware, check for loop holes. Check goods against your inventory before packing as well as after unpacking. A little bit of effort goes along way in making moving smooth and hassle free.

Paul Wilson is a freelance writer for, the premier website to find help on moving including moving companies search, compare movers, moving insurance, auto transport, moving tips, and more. He also freelances for

Monday, February 23, 2009

Is Your Home A Healthy Home

Writen by Liv Micoli

Do you suffer from allergies, asthma, chronic dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis and don't know why or how to control it? Better yet, did you know that most people would just chalk it up to symptoms of seasonal allergies?

Do you ever notice that your symptoms are better on some days and worse on others? Did you know that the environment could have little to do with how you're feeling?

You could be chemically sensitive and not even be aware of it!

If you can recall the times of our parents (or even grandparents for the younger readers!) household cleaners and products consisted of very few ingredients.

Lemons, vinegar, lard, even the old fashioned waxy soap bars can clearly be remembered in closets and cupboards and bathroom sinks alike.

Ironically enough, you didnt hear too much about allergies or skin problems back then - especially when cleaning the house.

Today, we are hearing more and more stories about autism, ADD, and other ailments such as shortness of breath. Childhood allergies have exploded into the mainstream so much so that you're actually ABNORMAL if you don't suffer from one allergy or another.

People have to realize that this is NOT JUST the environment to blame!

Household products contain Toxins that can and do affect your health. Your home is as lethal as a toxic waste dump and the problem is - YOU choose to make IT THAT WAY!

Products that contain bleach, ammonia, phosphate and sodium benzoate to name a few of the basics, are destroying your immune system and ONLY YOU have the power to stop it from happening!

Pick up a bottle of any product you have in your home and chances are - you won't be able to pronounce half the ingredients listed!

We try to follow a simple rule in our house - if you can't pronounce it - don't use it!

Researching healthy alternatives to cleaning products is your first step. Products that are environmentally safe and are all-natural have been around for more than 20 years, yet only recently have people begun paying attention to what they have been saying all along - common household products do have the power to harm your immune system.

Your Children don't have to suffer from "childhood ailments". By simply switching the products you use in and around your home - your family (including your pets!) will become healthier, have less illnesses and just have a better general well being overall.

For More Information on how household toxins can harm your family please visit this author's website:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Couponing Online For Beginners Online Shopping

Writen by Domenic Teoli

Coupon Codes - Online Shopping Tips

I'M sure the majority of us remember our mommies opening up those catalogs or newspapers on those Sunday mornings , clipping those coupons like kids opening up Christmas gifts .

For every coupon my mom would clip she would pause and smile , she would then turn to me and whisper " shop like mommy and save all the time " (LOL)

Today mind you , its still a great way to save and im sure more than half of us still clip coupons from catalogs whenever we can .

but with the Internet things are changing , every year more and more people are shopping online , and as the retailing business grows online , prices are dropping dramatically because of the competition .

Smart shoppers are noticing that shopping online is not only convenient but can save you lots of money .

So how do smart shoppers shop ?

Most smart shoppers use online coupons called coupon codes , these are numeric digits that are entered on a merchants site at checkout to receive a discount .

They also keep a list of their favorite stores and wait patiently for their promotional offers or blowout sales in order to save that extra 10 to sometimes 75% off regular prices and in addition they use coupon codes for extra savings ..

Now the tricky part is finding these coupon codes , many online merchants do not advertise discount coupon codes on their site, I don't think they want all their customers using coupon codes for discounts .

Here are four ways to find coupon codes .

1) One way to find a stores coupon online is by emailing the the merchant , most of them will take forever to email you back but some of them will , ( its worth a try )

2) you can find lots of printable coupons and coupon codes by hanging around shopping forums whereas you can trade coupons and deals .

3) download or order that particular stores catalog online if they have , most of them are free and many times you'll find coupon codes and promotional offers .

4) there are also some sites online that spend their days looking for coupons and they post them for free , if you find a site that has free discount coupons " BOOKMARK THEM " and try to find more sites that provide the same service .

Everytime you shop online always make sure theres no coupon codes lingering online for that particular store you want to shop .

Coupon codes are great savings . Use them whenever and however you can .

You too can shop like mommy and save all the time (lol)

For some great savings and free online coupon codes visit

Your Moving Checklist

Writen by Steve Gillman

A moving checklist can keep you from forgetting important things, like turning on the utilities in your new home. You'll want to make your own list of things to be done, but you can start with the suggestions below.

Moving checklist - One Month Before

  • Make reservations with moving company.

  • Notify friends and family and give them your new address.

  • Submit change of address forms to post office.

  • Get documents for school transfers, if you have children.

  • Have a garage sale or otherwise lighten the load.

One Or Two Weeks Before

  • Arrange utility shut-offs and new connections.

  • Transfer banking accounts to new location.

  • Return books to library, rented movies, etc.

  • Transfer prescriptions to new location.

  • Clean house and dispose of things that won't be moved.

  • Start packing and labling boxes.

  • Pack an "essentials" box for arrival, with toiletries, paper plates, etc.

  • Make moving plans (make hotel reservations, get maps, etc.).

Moving Day

  • Start early and remember to eat.

  • Double check every room and storage area.

  • Turn off lights, lock doors.

  • Leave the keys with the new owner or real estate agent.

You will undoubtedly have many more items to add to your personal list. Start writing down anything you think of as soon as you know you'll be moving. Will the phone be on when you arrive at your new home? Will you have to return across the country just because you forgot about a safe-deposit box that has the family jewelry. The best way to avoid problems like these is to start early on your moving checklist.

About The Author
Steve Gillman has invested in real estate for years. See a photo of a beautiful house he and his wife bought for $17,500 on his home page, or go straight to the section on real estate investing:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Simpler Living Ditch The House

Writen by J Allen

Sound drastic? Maybe so, and admittedly it's not for everyone. But for those who may be at the place where they're open to considering a lifestyle change or ways to free up time to pursue other interests, read on. Most of us get to this point due to various life changes, but for others, being tied to a house & property is already beginning to provide less feeling of security and seems more of an anchor. Even if that's the case but the time for an alternative isn't right, use this information in planning for the future.

Houses have many ways of becoming little monsters requiring continuous care and feeding, while they grow to consume ever-increasing amounts of time & money. Having for most of my life owned several of them ranging from small to quite large, I can attest to the fact they are amazingly demanding. Especially if we maintain them properly so they retain or increase their value, and provide a comfortable and attractive domicile.

Whether bought new or pre-owned seems to make little difference. Things like brick and stone exteriors of course reduce painting, and there are other maintenance time-savers, like sprinkler systems, but nothing eliminates the need for continual upkeep. There is always something that leaks, breaks, wears out, needs painting, caulking, or other repair. The list is endless from plumbing and appliances, to heat, AC, roofs and pools.

As seasons change, it's the same. Each year, we spend large sums of money and tons of time with lawns, landscaping, fences, pools, gardens and more. On top of that, there is the inevitable remodeling as needs & tastes change, plus avoiding negative impact on resale value due to outdated décor.

Something many folks never consider is how much it costs just to have a house, especially if expenses like property taxes and insurance are escrowed as part of a mortgage payment. But if you make those annual payments directly, they can be quite hefty, and for large properties, the monthly tax bite easily exceeds the mortgage payment for a small house. Also for large houses, the incremental energy expenses for electricity and gas to heat, cool and illuminate them are often wasted on space no longer used.

The point is, we spend a lot of time and money, in many plain and subtle ways, for the privilege of owning a home. And there's nothing wrong with doing so, if that's what we want. It can be a nice feeling to have carved out our small piece of the world and tend to it. In fact, attending to all the little projects, and caretaking can be a therapeutic diversion, especially if our day job is mostly mind work at a desk, or stressful in some way.

But if we're past all that, either tired of it, or otherwise wanting something different, consider the alternative of chucking it all and finding an apartment or condo to either rent or own. Debating the advantages of owning or renting is a topic for other articles. One can actually make a case for either approach, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Depending on budget, the desired amenities can be had either way, but in general, one can usually get more and do less by renting, plus there is the added advantage of staying unencumbered and mobile.

Advantages can be broken into a couple categories: reduction or elimination of upkeep, and increased amenities. The former is more about saving time and money while still having an attractive, well-maintained place to live, while the latter has to do with the things we have use of without the associated costs of building, buying, storing, or maintaining them.

As an aside, the whole idea of getting rid of a house as a step toward a new lifestyle, usually also involves disposing of excess stuff. This whole process is another subject, but in short, we are likely to achieve even more success and freedom by eliminating the accumulated baggage of years past. It can be strangely liberating not to be tied to a lot of things.

If one has spent significant years in a house, the advantages of an apartment or condo may not be immediately apparent. Beautiful surroundings are there to be enjoyed with none of the chores of keeping them up. Lawns are groomed, trees and shrubs pruned, everything watered, fertilized & weeded, and every season, fresh flowers planted. Pools, grills, gardens, patios, and outdoor areas are always ready for use. Various outside recreation is available depending on the property, and ranges from volleyball to the beach, to golf.

Some places offer extensive fitness centers, saunas & massage, gyms for aerobics or basketball, and courts for racquetball and squash. Also inside are business centers including conference rooms, computing facilities, libraries, billiard & pool rooms, party areas for groups, media rooms & theaters, and concierge services for nearly everything else one might want or need.

Also, there are no concerns about upkeep and repairs. It's someone else's job to keep everything in working order. If it's broke, call maintenance. Most all places change out air conditioner filters, and some replace light bulbs. The degree to which one can be accommodated varies widely accordingly budget and personal preference, but even modest means benefit from the basics, and realize substantial time savings.

Selecting an apartment or condo that delivers all one wants, requires as much, if not more effort than choosing a house. Living many years in a house can cause us to forget some of those less obvious considerations. If you haven't lived in this type environment since leaving home or graduating college, then you'll want to do some prep work to ensure ending up with the kind of accommodation desired. Check out articles on what to look for that are tailored to renting or owning apartments and condominiums.

If you're ready for something different, a way to create more free time, reduce expenses, enjoy a comfortable, less demanding lifestyle, then pursuing this alternative will take you a long way toward meeting those goals.

John Allen writes on a wide range of topics. Visit his blog to read more or obtain feeds. He can also be reached through his travel website Caribbean Destinations which focuses on the Eastern Caribbean.

Things To Remember In Making A Child Birthday Party Invitation

Writen by Trevor Mulholland

A child birthday party invitation should be fun, cute and interesting. It should give an idea of the fun that kids can expect at the party. Making an interesting invitation would help in ensuring that more kids (and parents) will attend the event.

A child birthday party invitation should have a theme, the same way that the party itself should have one. For kiddie parties, themes like circus, fairies, pirates, princes and princesses are good options. Getting the children to wear costumes is also a fun way to celebrate the special day. The invitation should adopt the theme of the party and give instructions on whether the guests are expected to bring something or wear a particular costume.

Some parents forego the usual cards when it comes to kiddie invitations. Children will be more interested in joining in the fun if they receive special invites like toys, cuddly bears, stuffed dinosaurs, dolls or invitations shaped like airplanes, trucks and balls. If the party has a pirate or a fairy theme, having someone dressed as these characters to take the invitations personally to the kids will surely maximize attendance at the party. Of course, this is only reasonable if the invitees live just around the area where the celebrant resides.

Color schemes for kiddie party invitations should depend on whether the celebrant is a girl or a boy. For boys, colors like blue, green, red and even yellow can be used. For girls, pink is the most common color although other pastel shades can be used. The thing about color schemes when it comes to children's parties is that multiple colors can be used without fear of going overboard. Children like colors and the brighter the invitations are, the better.

To get the parents involve, reserve a section of the venue for adults and prepare some activities or games where parents can join their kids. Food should also be prepared for both kids and adult guests. To make sure that the party goes on without a hitch, ask the parents of the guests whether their kids have any allergies or diseases that can be triggered by particular activities or food. Also, prepare for simple tokens that can be given to the kids after the party. They don't need to be expensive. Kids will love them whatever they are as long as they're cute and colorful.

A child birthday party invitation should be able to convey the fun that kids will have in the coming party. Making the invites interesting will help maximize attendance at your kid's special event. provides you with information on where to find stunning birthday invitations, like a child birthday party invitation, or how to make them yourself!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Digging Up Your Family Roots Part 1

Writen by Jordan McCollum

You've begun delving into your family history. You've already filled in all the names of your great-grandparents on your family tree. You've begun collecting the legal documents that record the milestones of your ancestors' lives: birth, marriage and death certificates. You've even located your family in a few census records. But before you push further back, why not stop and really get to know these people? After all, that's the purpose of tracing your family roots: knowing more about your ancestors.

If you have names, dates and records through your great-grandparents, you have fifteen lineal ancestors to get to know, both living and dead. To get to know your deceased ancestors better, you have to dig deeper on the paper trail. To better acquaint yourself with your living ancestors, start conducting oral history interviews. Both of these techniques are explained in more depth in this set of articles. Part one will discuss digging deeper on the paper trail, while part two is an introduction to conducting oral history interviews.

Digging up Your Family Roots: Filling in Your Ancestors' Lives

Documentary support is vital in genealogical research. Even the oral histories of your living relatives will require supporting documents, which they would hopefully be able to provide for you. While these documents include things like birth, marriage and death certificates, it will involve more than just these documents to get to know your deceased ancestors better.

This part of your research might begin with your oldest living relative. He or she might be able to tell you of books or newspaper articles mentioning relatives, even if he or she doesn't have copies of them. The resources your relatives share with you are also a good starting place, including newspaper clippings, photos, books, Bibles, journals, etc.

Newspapers are an excellent resource. If your relatives have provided you with clippings describing a big event, locate the actual newspapers (usually on microfilm or microfiche by now) and search the following days for follow-up stories. For example, I have a great-great-great uncle who was a police officer. He was shot and killed in the line of duty. Not only do we have newspaper records of the stories about him, but we also have stories about the criminal who shot him: the pursuit, the murder of my relative, the shootout, the dynamiting of his hideout, the holding cell, the trial. This event happened nearly a century ago, yet we have it well documented.

The Internet is a good place to start your search. Search engines may be able to provide reliable and helpful information, or even photographs of ancestors. However, as with all things on the Internet, don't trust everything you read, and do record the URL or source of all information. To find newspaper clippings offline, use indexes of newspapers from areas where your relatives lived. An excellent resource might be the obituary of deceased relatives. You've already gathered the death date and place, so you know where and when to look to find the obituary in their local newspaper. Many places are served by more than one newspaper, so search all those you can find. The availability of other milestones like birth, engagement and wedding announcements vary, but try to find those as well. If possible, search for your surname in the newspaper index. Be sure to check for "alternative" spellings of your last name as well.

Newspaper resources are only one resource. Military, probate, immigration, court, deed, and church records are each invaluable sources of information. It might be wise to employ a professional genealogy research service to help you with these aspects of your family history. Not only will this save you time, but you can benefit from professional genealogists' years of experience.

Professional genealogy research can be well worth the cost when it means that you get to spend more time reading about your ancestors and getting to know them and less time looking for your resources and getting to know the archives.

The largest repository of genealogical data is the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City, Utah. Run by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this resource can be a one-stop genealogical gold mine. However, traveling to Salt Lake may not be in your budget. Retaining the services of a professional genealogy researcher located near the FHL is another way to take advantage of the millions of records found there.

Real family history research is more than recording names and dates. Digging up your family roots is more than gathering birth, marriage and death certificates. The goal of family history is coming to know your ancestors better. Start getting acquainted by fleshing out your family roots for both your living and dead ancestors.

A descendant of many avid genealogists, Jordan McCollum works for 10x Marketing, an Internet marketing firm. For more information on fleshing out your family roots or professional genealogy research, see Heirlines Family History & Genealogy.

Planning Weekly Menus

Writen by Randi Kuhne

Preparing your weekly menus in advance takes a bit of time, but once you do it a couple of times, you'll realize how much time you save, and how nice it is not to think about what to have for dinner each night after a hard day's work. You'll have everything you need for the meal instead of getting half-way through preparations and realizing you don't have an important ingredient. And if you're running late, someone else may be able to step in and get the meal started!

So, where do you begin?

Sit down with some of your favorite cookbooks, family recipes from your card file (or computer file), and some new recipes from the newspaper or internet that you've been wanting to try. You'll need a pen and paper, too. A notebook or clipboard is useful.

Get a family member or two to participate. They may think they don't want to, but showing them the pictures in a cookbook may entice them. It's a good way to get more variety in your meals, and teaches your children useful life skills. They may even get some credit at school for doing it!

If they're too young to read, they can suggest some favorite foods. If all they recommend is corn and French fries, incorporate what you can and get additional participation from them by asking them to choose between a couple of food (green beans or carrots?)

Little kids don't need to sit through the whole session, but if they can do some coloring or play quietly in the same room, you can let them help make choices from time to time and also keep an eye on them. (You might put together an activities box just for menu-making time--things they only get to use during this time.)

Now the fun begins. Oops--let's backtrack a little. You don't want to be too hungry or too full when doing this. So plan to do it after lunch, perhaps, or have a snack while doing it.

O.K., now we're really ready. Start looking through your resources and make notes of recipes and their locations. Once you have about 20 selected, you can begin sorting out a week of dinners. You want to have enough choices so you don't end up with chicken every night.

Once you have your week's entrees selected, decide on accompanying side dishes, salads and desserts. Write it all down by day of the week. Use the recipes with the more perishable items earlier in the week.

Now go through the list, including all recipes, and write down all the items you'll need that you don't usually have on hand. Add these items to your weekly grocery list.

Your weekly menu will list the days of the week, the dishes planned for each day's dinner, and where to find any recipes you'll need.

After you've done this a few weeks, you can start repeating some dinners. If you put the weekly menus list in your computer with items needed for each meal it's easier to mix and match later. Eventually you'll have enough weekly menus to repeat a whole week when you want to.


Get your family to help with meal preparations. It's a great way to spend quality time together. Little kids can help wash vegetables or set the table. Bigger ones can help with the cooking--boys, too! (Like Reese on Malcolm in the Middle.)

If your family gets cranky before meals, have a light snack ready: V-8, fresh fruit, or peanut butter/cheese and crackers if the mealtime is an hour or so away.

Plan on using leftovers, if you expect to have some, perhaps incorporating them into a new dish.

If your family likes to go out to eat, plan on that in your weekly menu.

Have international night one day a week. Pick a day, and if you can, make it the same day each week. The menu is planned according to the theme. Everybody brings an interesting factoid about the country to the table. If you have more time and energy, add appropriate music and decor. Have a friend or neighbor from that country? Invite them for dinner! You'll learn about another culture and get more ideas for the next time you do that country. Don't know anyone from there? Watch a movie or documentary about that country or someone from it during or after dinner.

One final thought: Weekly menu planning doesn't have to be limited to dinner. You can plan breakfast and/or lunch, too!

Randi Kuhne is the owner of Kids Party Supplies (, a resource which helps parents find character and theme-related party supplies and gifts for their children. The site also has party planning ideas and other helpful information for parents.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Is A Youth Fundraiser

Writen by Peter Crump

When having a youth fundraiser, you need to keep the word youth in mind. Try to make it fun for them, as they will be doing most of the work. A youth fundraiser can be very profitable if done properly. You can get the funds you are looking for and provide fun for the kids that are doing it.

If you can find someone to donate the space, then a carnival would be a wonderful youth fundraiser to have. A fundraising auction would also be a big hit. Both fundraisers would cost very little to get together, although you will need a lot of hands on help from the kids and the parents. You will have to organize carefully for either one of these fundraisers to go off smoothly and successfully. Make sure each person knows what is expected of him/her and what needs to be done. Then you're on your way to lots of fun and big profits with your fundraiser for youth.

A youth fundraiser carnival can be put together without much cost. You could have a fortune teller which would only take a glass ball, a table, and someone sitting there in a long dress and a scarf tied around the head. Have a ring toss table, where people can try to toss a ring around empty bottles and have small prizes for the ones that are successful. The youth will really get involved with this type of fundraiser as they enjoy acting and playing the games.

Get large cardboard boxes and tape them together for a house of fun for the little ones or have a dartboard with safety tipped darts. Try a fish tank with magnetic fish in the tank and have a fishing contest, borrow a outdoor play set or a few of them and have this as rides for the kids, sell hot dogs hamburgers and drinks at your youth fundraiser these will surely be a hit with everyone.

Fundraising auctions are also a neat way to have a youth fundraiser. Have the kids go through the community and collect items that people don't need anymore. Get the youth themselves to donate any games or items that they don't need. When you accumulate enough items you can start your fundraising auction. Set your items up in a large area and have a set time for viewing. Once the prospective buyers have seen all you have to offer, you can start your bidding.

At a youth fundraising auction it is best to have a set price to start with and anything that is bought above this price is like icing on the cake. It will make it more than profitable for the amount of donations you need. These are not the only choices you have for a youth fundraiser. Have a brainstorming session and you will be surprised at the ideas the youths will come up with.

Youth fundraisers can be a lot of fun.

For a website totally devoted to Fundraising visit Peter's Website Fundraising Answers and find out about Fundraising as well as Charity Fundraising and more, including Cheerleading Fundraising, Church Fundraisers and School Fundraisers.

The Mundane Toilet Brush Making The Right Choice

Writen by David Andrew Smith

We all have at least one toilet in our house or apartment and many of us have two or more. What should we find close to these toilets? A toilet brush. It is rare to find a toilet in a domestic setting that does not have one nearby. Why do we put so much value in a toilet brush?

A toilet brush is a useful accessory and in fact an absolute necessity when it comes to the cleaning of the interior surfaces of the toilet bowl. There we have it, it is a simle, straightforward cleaning accessory, not a decorative item. It is a brush because it is required to scrub away at those resistant stubborn stains. However we live in times where individuals require that all their accessories fit in with each other and look aesthetically pleasing. Toilet brushes and their holders are no exception to this. Consequently they can be found in all manner of shapes, sizes, colours, and materials and the same applies to the holders. You can have wooden, plastic or metal handles. You can find holders that attach to the wall or are free standing. They can be found as scrubbing brushes with long handles to humorous celebrity look-alikes. Novelty toilet brushes abound in the market place.

When deciding what toilet brush/holder you should get for your toilet consider its function and relate that to its design. It has a specific function and you have to decide if its design is best suited to carry out that function efficiently. Do not buy on impulse or because it looks good and would fit in decoratively.

Let us take a closer look at its function. It is used to scrub away at the dirt and accumulated faecal debris, and when used with the correct cleaning chemical will stop lime scale built up. Lime scale, especially in those areas not so visible will allow dirt to built up because of its roughened surface. Where does all of this collect? Well it can e found any where on the inner surface of the bowl. Faecal matter tends to accumulate on the sides towards the base and below the water line on the whole of the curved inner surface disappearing finally around the bend. This area in particular can become very badly stained. The second and important site for dirt and debris accumulation is under the rim, from where the flush water appears.

The brush should have its bristles orientated in such a way that it makes scrubbing under this rim easy. The handle should be firm but not completely rigid. If it is not firm then little pressure can be exerted in the brushing process because the handle simply bends. If it is completely rigid then you will not be able to get to all the surfaces at the base of the bowl. Avoid handles that are screwed on. Invariably in the brushing action these can unscrew and you will be continually screwing them back together. Metal handled ones are frequent offenders here. Do not purchase brushes that have guards on them that also act as lids to the holders. This attachment just gets in the way of correct brushing and will not allow the brush to reach all the parts that are necessary. Do not be unduly swayed by advertising, which indicates that toilet brushes are unhygienic and hot beds of disease causing organisms. If they are used in conjunction with a good toilet cleaner then anything harmful will be killed despite what the brush may look like. Unless of course it has been used to unblock the toilet in which case it becomes caked in large pieces of faecal matter. In these circumstances it is advisable to get rid of the brush and purchase a new one. As they are subjected to daily use their useful life is often short. So why pay a lot of money for a designer brush that you will soon be throwing out anyway. Some of the best brushes are the cheapest at no more than one pound each. At those prices you can afford to chuck them out at the first sign of wear or staining. At £20 you are going to be a little more reluctant to seek a replacement. The cheap simple brushes and holders do nothing to enhance the aesthetics of your toilet but invariably they do not detract from it either.

Always think function before looks when buying toilet brushes!

David Andrew Smith is the owner of and has worked for many years in the cleaning industry.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Adolescents And Alcohol

Writen by Katrina Wester

Are you raising a teenage grandchild? Has she questioned why she can't drink while you do? Do you have an appropriate response for her other than saying, "It's the law"? Do you worry that peer pressure might one day overcome your usually sensible teen grandchild? If so, here are some facts to arm yourself with the next time you get into a discussion about drinking.


Although a teen might feel "old" enough to drink alcohol, the truth is that their bodies are still developing and alcohol has a greater impact on their physical and mental well-being than it does on an adult.

* Children who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin after age 21.

* Alcohol affects your brain; it can lead to a loss of coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses, and even blackouts.

* Alcohol can damage every organ in your body.

* Alcohol depresses your central nervous system thereby lowering your inhibitions. By doing so, it affects your self-control that can lead to risky behavior including unprotected sex.

* Excessive amounts of alcohol can lead to coma or even death.

* It is illegal to buy or possess alcohol if you are under 21.

* One drink can make you fail a Breathalyzer test. In some states that means you can lose your driver's license.

* Mixing drugs and alcohol can be deadly.

* Alcohol is fattening.

* Even if you did drugs as a teen, you might not be able to recognize the signs of drug use today. Many of the drugs are different.


How, as a grandparent, can you tell if your grandchild has a drinking problem? Here are some of the warning signs. Is your grandchild:

* Acting run-down, depressed or suicidal

* Having problems at school or with the law

* Stealing money

* Switching friends


* Moderate your own intake of alcohol.

* Talk to your child about alcohol and its consequences.

* Set the rules and then enforce them.

* Set a curfew and make it known that it's non-negotiable.

* Talk to your grandchild about peer pressure and work with her to stand up when the pressure gets tough.

* Remind your grandchild often that you will always pick her up from a party "no questions asked" if she is concerned about the designated driver or about driving herself.

* If you are worried about your grandchild using drugs, you are not alone, but just bear in mind that alcohol kills 6 times the number of people killed by every illegal drug combined. The numbers are staggering: ten million Americans are addicted to alcohol and it's the #1 drug problem of today's youth. Don't let your grandchild be a part of the statistics talk to them early and often about the dangers of alcohol.

* Even if you aren't raising your grandchild, these tips could help save your grandchild from problems with alcohol. Consider sharing this with their parents.


The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) The Facts for Families©
M.A.D.D. (Mother's Against Drunk Driving)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Alcohol and Drug Information)

Katrina Hayday Wester is the Founder/CEO of Grandparents Magazine the FREE, fun, Online Magazine for grandparents, grandchildren and anyone who loves them!

The Most Successful Relocation Experience Ever

Writen by Dan Lyne

It seems like every financial publication I pick up these days has information about relocating. This is because as school finishes, May and June are the most popular months for families to move. In fact approximately half of all residential moves take place during the summer months. Since I've moved about 10 times in the last 20 years, with 3 moves being across the country with my wife, kids and pets, I feel qualified to share my experiences. In this article, my goal is to help readers ease the potential financial burden of relocating. Whether you're moving across the country or across town (I've done both a few times), a little strategic planning can help ease the transition for you and your family.

Manage your money online

Many banks and credit unions have made it easy to manage their customers' accounts online. These days, anyone who has internet access should strongly consider managing their bank accounts online. Assuming you maintain appropriate security measures with their computer (virus software, anti-spyware, etc), managing bank accounts online is easy, safe and should ensure you don't have surprises (like accidently overdrafting on your account). During a relocation, if you manage your accounts online, you can check account balances, transfer money between your accounts (savings or checking), make loan payments or you can make arrangements to pay bills use web bill pay. You can accomplish these tasks, as well as viewing all of your up-to-date bank statements whenever and wherever you want.

A few years ago, I changed employers and moved my family across the country. At the time, there was no such thing as internet banking. The only way to get an update on my account balances was to go to the bank or phone them. I didn't have time to accomplish either and unfortunately, I bounced a check. I was able to recover by paying a penalty, but it was embarrassing. I was also late on a credit card payment, because the bill didn't arrive in time for me to complete an ontime payment.

A part of online account management is web bill pay. These day's most banks offer free web bill pay to their customers. I strongly urge anyone to take advantage of web bill pay. Web bill pay helps to ensure that your bills will be paid online. This is particularly beneficial because you don't want to rely on your mail catching up to your in your new home.

In order to minimize problems with late, forwarded mail, it's best to complete a US Postal Service Change of Address form at least 3-4 weeks prior to your move and get it to your post office.

Receipts for taxes

If you are relocating for a new job and your employer is not reimbursing or directly paying for your move, there's a good chance you move may be tax-deductible. You need to save all your receipts for the move. Movers, packers, moving supplies, etc. can all be tax deductible. IRS Publication 521 can provide direction for what moving expenses are deductible. Along these lines, it makes sense that the less you have to move the easier your move will be. Reducing the amount of your belongings will not only reduce the costs of your move, but can also provide you tax break. Donate clothes and furniture, as long as they're in decent shape, to the charities of your choice. Don't forget to ask for receipts. You won't be able to claim the deduction if you don't have a receipt.

Be organized & plan ahead

Prior to your move I recommend that you compare prices for all the services involved in your move that you will be paying. Additionally, you should create a checklist for everything you'll need to do. This includes forwarding mail, shutting off utilities, informing insurance companies of your move and ensuring you pick-up all medical records. Contact several professional movers 1 - 2 months prior to your move and determine which company will best satisfy your needs. Lowest price isn't the only consideration with a mover. Reputation of a company is also important. When you schedule your move, consider that weekends are very popular. Also, attempt to get the movers at the beginning of the day. If you're their last stop, they may be late, not to mention tired. Whether or not your packing boxes or not, ensure that everything is clearly labeled and also keep an inventory of everything that is packed. This is especially important for fragile items. There's a chance that if the movers don't replace damaged items, you may be able to take a deduction for their replacement.

There's much involved with a relocation. I can't begin to identify everything involved, but as you can see, if you need to plan ahead and stay organized, in order to reduce the financial stress of the entire process.

Dan Lyne has moved many times and closed on many homes. He's had some very good and some bad relocating experiences. He's writing these articles to share his experiences with his readers in hopes that they will benefit from his knowledge. You can find more information about home mortgages, and debt consolidation, by clicking on the links and checking out the sites he frequently contributes to.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Solving The Worlds Problems By Eating Dinner

Writen by Carole Pagan

It sounds just too simple. You might think I've lost my mind. But I think I figured out how to solve the world's problems! We can solve a lot of the worlds problems just by eating dinner with our family regularly. Really. Let's take a closer look at how many problems we could solve.

Healthier meals will–

* Stop obesity, improve health - stop the rise in devastating diseases like heart attacks, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

* Give you more energy.

* Keep you out of the nursing homes longer.

* Help you have fewer colds and flu.

* Save you money.

* Give you less time to spend in front of the TV getting your mind filled with negative junk.

* Keep you fit and trim.

* Give you better looking skin, hair, nails.

* Build your self-confidence.

* Teach the overall value of good nutrition to your kids.

* Teach your kids, (& spouse?) how to cook healthy meals fast. (these lessons are not getting passed down!)

Plus, a calm dinner will -

* Allow you to actually connect with your family.

* Give you the opportunity to talk with your spouse and kids.

* Let you find out what's going on in their lives and in their friends lives.

* Make them feel like someone cares enough to listen.

* Let you talk about what's going on in the world-

- What's wrong, what's right?

- What does your religion have to say about it?

- How do they feel about it?

- How do you feel about it?

- What should they do if confronted with a situation?

* Give you time to discuss how your family life can be improved-

- What problems need to be addressed?

- Time, money, pitching in, fairness, dress?

- What's everyone's schedule?

- How can everyone work together to work it all out?

Kind of a daily family meeting time.

Did you know that kids who have dinner with the family at least 3 days a week are less likely to engage in risky sex or to abuse drugs or alcohol? It really does make a difference.

The keys to making this work are –

* Having dinner at the table, with no TV.

* A real dinner. Do you ever see CEOs holding important business meetings at McDonalds? It's just not a place for anything serious. Fast food is for fast eating, nothing more. People naturally associate fast food with -chow it down-. You need a dinner that people will naturally linger over.

* Conversation with everyone being heard. Not judgmental. No yelling. Your biggest job here is to listen. Once you start trying to dominate, any open conversation will stop.

Yeah, it's hard at first. It's hard to get used to a new routine. It's hard to change your habits and make the time to do it. Everyone will want to eat in front of the TV, or in their room, or whatever it was that they had become accustomed to. It's hard for everyone to wait to be heard. But once the routine is established, it gets easier. Conversations will flow easily. Just be patient. The payoff is priceless.

Now imagine if every family were to do this. We would put a serious dent in –

- Teenage sex

- Sexually transmitted disease.

- Drug use

- Alcohol abuse

- Gangs

- Drop outs

- Obesity

- Heart Attacks

- Strokes

- Cancer

- Diabetes

- Arthritis

- Depression

- Stress

- Hypertension

Imagine how different the world would be in one year.

You know, you can extend your reach too. If there's a kid who is wandering the streets at dinner time, don't just sit there and talk about them - invite them to dinner. You can make a difference in their life too.

Do you have a neighbor who lives alone? I'll bet they're not eating too healthy, and they're lonely. Invite them to dinner once in a while.

Who would have thought that changing the world could be as simple as having dinner with your family! Make this important ritual a priority in your family life.

Spread this message on. Let's see if we can make a difference!

Carole is the creator of, and the author of numerous ebooks to help you get control of your life. She maintains that dieting keeps you fat, and if you eat right in the first place, you'll never have to diet again - plus you'll look great, stay healthy and have tons of energy. Find out how you can stop dieting forever

Baby And Child Adoption Informationexpect 12 Steps To International Or Domestic Agency Adoptions

Writen by Alan Sharpe

When my wife and I decided on baby adoption as a way to build our family, we discovered that whether you adopt through an adoption agency or go private, adopt a child internationally (China or Guatemala, let's say) or domestically, you go through 12 basic steps.

Step 1. You begin by learning about your options.
You discover who can adopt in your state or province, what age you must be, how many years you must be married to be eligible (if at all), what kinds of children are available, and so on.

Step 2. You decide what kind of adoption you want.
Next, you pick the type and method of adoption you want. You choose between a domestic adoption and an international adoption. And you decide if you will adopt privately, through your government-run children's protective services agency, or through an adoption agency.

Step 3. You find the money, or at least start.
International adoption is expensive, and private adoption can cost a fair amount as well. During this stage, you look at options for financing your adoption (loans, second mortgage, second job, grants, fundraisers).

Step 4. You choose your intermediary, whether adoption agency, facilitator or lawyer.
All adoptions in Canada and the United States, even private adoptions, are required by law to involve a social worker and lawyer at some stage.

Step 5. You complete an agency application form.
If you are adopting through an adoption agency, you complete their (lengthy!) application procedure. You interview with their staff, and discuss your goals and options.

Step 6. You complete your homestudy.
Regardless of the type of adoption you have chosen (private, facilitated, agency), you must complete a homestudy. A homestudy is both a process and a document that the government requires of all adoptive parents. It involves an inspection of your home, extensive questioning about your childhood, marriage, income and ability to parent, medicals and police checks.

Step 7. You participate in adoption classes.
If you are fostering, or adopting through the state, and even if you are adopting from abroad, you will take some introductory classes that prepare you for the arrival of your baby.

Step 8. You find your child, or have one selected for you.
This is perhaps the most exciting and exhausting stage, as it may take you weeks or months to find the child you are searching for, or for your agency to find that child for you. This step may involve meeting the birthparents.

Step 9. You prepare for your child's homecoming.
You buy a crib, diapers, formula, bottles, soothers, baby toys, and receive the, from family and friends. You read up on baby care.

Step 10. You receive your baby.
The big day arrives! An agency worker of person acting in an official capacity gives you your adopted child, you sign some papers, and head home with a brand new person strapped into a new card seat in your car. You pinch yourself a few times, believe me!

Step 11. You file a petition to adopt and finalize your adoption.
This is the formal procedure that you undergo to "petition" the government to adopt your new child. One day you go to court and sign a piece of paper, and your child is suddenly, legally yours, and you are suddenly, legally theirs. Take a book of Kleenex!

Step 12. You celebrate.
If you are like my wife and I, you throw a big party to celebrate your adoption finalization. It's like a second baby shower.

These steps, with a few changes here and there, are typical of all adoptions. Enjoy them!

Alan Sharpe adopted two boys and hasn't been the same since. He's thinking of creating a website and newsletter to help parents find adoption information about international child and baby adoption and other options.