Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Quandry

Writen by Sara Poginy

So I've been thinking that there's a lot of irony in this whole "searching for at-home work" thing. I know there are those who want to work from home because they hate office politics or they don't like the drive to work or their spouse wants them to have dinner on the table and a nice footrub when they get home. But I think there's a large majority who want to work from home in order to be there with their child or children.

Personally I/we have made the commitment to have me stay home with our daughter come hell or high water (or bankruptcy). We feel strongly that it is best for her to have me home, not only because we feel it is right for her personally, but because we feel that there are larger impacts. Without becoming too controversial, I would argue that the decision to stay home with your child has even larger social implications. A parent who stays home with a child at least for the first year or two of the child's life is able to be a source of stability and example. These first years form a child's ENTIRE life and therefore, their impact on society as a whole. I would go so far as to say that I think governments should provide a stipend to parents who stay at home with their children because in a majority of cases, these children become better-balanced, less confused and more stable adults. These parents are providing a service to the Universe.

And, as a qualifier, of course I understand that there are parents and care-givers who just can't stay home with their child/children. Sometimes there are cases when this is just not financially feasible or for whatever reason, it just can't happen. This is understood and honestly, I have no idea how we've made it this far without the ground falling out from underneath us. But somehow it's happened.

So, on to the irony…

The irony is that amidst all of these great intentions, sometimes, during the search for a work-at-home position, the child falls by the wayside. I don't mean that I forget about the child or that she's in a corner eating paper while I hover over the computer looking at job listings. I just mean that sometimes I get so obsessed with filling out applications or looking at forums, trying to find a suitable position (or ANY position), that I forget she's playing at my feet. The whole point of being home with her is so that I can BE with her; enjoy her; explore with her. And here I am, grinding my teeth down to the gums and developing hives (again) just so that I can find something that will allow me to be here with her. I just can't let myself enjoy the fact that I AM HERE with her!

Ug. When am I going to get it?

I am a mother who is committed to staying home with my child. I am also committed to finding ways to supplement our income from home; ideally I'd like to do this through writing, as this is my passion. I am often sarcastic, cynical and raw in my writing. I am always honest.

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