Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Adolescents And Alcohol

Writen by Katrina Wester

Are you raising a teenage grandchild? Has she questioned why she can't drink while you do? Do you have an appropriate response for her other than saying, "It's the law"? Do you worry that peer pressure might one day overcome your usually sensible teen grandchild? If so, here are some facts to arm yourself with the next time you get into a discussion about drinking.


Although a teen might feel "old" enough to drink alcohol, the truth is that their bodies are still developing and alcohol has a greater impact on their physical and mental well-being than it does on an adult.

* Children who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin after age 21.

* Alcohol affects your brain; it can lead to a loss of coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses, and even blackouts.

* Alcohol can damage every organ in your body.

* Alcohol depresses your central nervous system thereby lowering your inhibitions. By doing so, it affects your self-control that can lead to risky behavior including unprotected sex.

* Excessive amounts of alcohol can lead to coma or even death.

* It is illegal to buy or possess alcohol if you are under 21.

* One drink can make you fail a Breathalyzer test. In some states that means you can lose your driver's license.

* Mixing drugs and alcohol can be deadly.

* Alcohol is fattening.

* Even if you did drugs as a teen, you might not be able to recognize the signs of drug use today. Many of the drugs are different.


How, as a grandparent, can you tell if your grandchild has a drinking problem? Here are some of the warning signs. Is your grandchild:

* Acting run-down, depressed or suicidal

* Having problems at school or with the law

* Stealing money

* Switching friends


* Moderate your own intake of alcohol.

* Talk to your child about alcohol and its consequences.

* Set the rules and then enforce them.

* Set a curfew and make it known that it's non-negotiable.

* Talk to your grandchild about peer pressure and work with her to stand up when the pressure gets tough.

* Remind your grandchild often that you will always pick her up from a party "no questions asked" if she is concerned about the designated driver or about driving herself.

* If you are worried about your grandchild using drugs, you are not alone, but just bear in mind that alcohol kills 6 times the number of people killed by every illegal drug combined. The numbers are staggering: ten million Americans are addicted to alcohol and it's the #1 drug problem of today's youth. Don't let your grandchild be a part of the statistics talk to them early and often about the dangers of alcohol.

* Even if you aren't raising your grandchild, these tips could help save your grandchild from problems with alcohol. Consider sharing this with their parents.


The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) The Facts for Families©
M.A.D.D. (Mother's Against Drunk Driving)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Alcohol and Drug Information)

Katrina Hayday Wester is the Founder/CEO of Grandparents Magazine the FREE, fun, Online Magazine for grandparents, grandchildren and anyone who loves them!

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