Sunday, May 11, 2008

Baking Bread Can Be A Family Affair

Writen by Terry Stokely

In today's "hurry-up-want-it-now" world, making bread, rolls, muffins, or just about anything from scratch is slowly becoming a lost art. It's so very convenient to run to the store and grab a loaf of bread or a package of frozen brown-and-serve rolls. Sure, store bought bread products can be "good" for you. But without realizing it, we are sacrificing an opportunity to spend quality time with our families not to mention the money you can save by baking your own bread.

There was a time when virtually everyone made his or her own bread, but this once common household activity has been lost, and given way to convenience. Baking successful bread recipes from scratch can not only give you a feeling of accomplishment, but it can also be a fun, wholesome activity that the entire family can enjoy! Young children are especially eager to "help you" and you may be surprised at just how well they do!

Children love to help us do things. They seem driven to please their parents, and they have an inborn need to feel useful. I have three children. At twelve, eight, and five years old they are always ready to help me whether I need it or not! ;)

There couldn't be a better activity for family togetherness than baking bread (or a nice pan of cinnamon rolls for that matter.) Baking bread is like being in a play, there is a part for everyone. From the youngest to the oldest in the family, there is a part that everyone can play. Just watch your little one's eyes light up when they tap that teaspoon of salt or baking powder into the mixing bowl!

Children, if you give them a chance, are great helpers in the kitchen! They can't wait to get their little fingers sticky, measure a teaspoon of this or a cup of that, and they are especially good "watchers" when it comes time to pull a pan of rolls or a loaf of bread out of the oven. Their skills at tasting a fresh loaf of bread or a steamy cinnamon roll are unmatched! Smiles are mandatory.

This is quality time: spending the afternoon together with your kids (and your spouse), regardless of the accidents or the mess, never mind the sprinkles of flour on the floor, or the argument over who got to turn on the mixer. The point is that you were there sharing a precious moment with your family. Your reward is a gentle hug on the leg, a sticky kiss, and the words "I love you".

This world of convenience robs us daily of the activities that were once a mainstay. How many precious moments have you lost to convenience?

Terry Stokely is a twenty-five year veteran of the baking industry. After being permenantly laid off in December of 2004, he enjoys spending time with his family and promoting his new ebook Home Baked Goodness with Bread, Rolls and Muffins. The new ebook, which he co-authored with his wife Dawn, can be found at

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