Sunday, May 11, 2008

Eating Well On A Budget

Writen by Barb Keck

Eating properly for health on a limited budget is always a challenge. One of the biggest money gobbling culprits is ready made processed and packaged foods and too many trips for fast food. Although they're quick neither of these ways are cost effective. When it comes to shopping on a shoestring and planning great tasting menus at home you'll be surprised how well you can eat following these simple guidelines.

10 healthy ways to keep food costs within budget…

1. Make three meals a week without meat and watch your food bill drop. You won't even notice the meat is missing when you experiment and combo flavorful foods for meals. It's easier than you think. Include other forms of protein to complete your required nutrition.

2. Cook regular rice it only takes 10 minutes longer than Minute Rice (which actually takes 5 minutes) and it's half the cost. This works for many other products as well.

3. Left over rice, corn or other vegetables? Add it to tomato soup or any other favorite soup the next day.

4. Cook (boil, bake or microwave) enough potatoes to fry or prepare in any other favorite potato dish for your next meal

5. Shop from the outside aisles – this is where most of the non-processed foods are. The inner aisles of grocery stores are all packaged and cost more

6. When your favorite vegetables come in season, buy lots. Peppers are easy to freeze – no blanching required, just cut in slices, bag them and freeze them. Prices can be 1/3 of what the out of season vegetable costs.

7. To avoid throwing out food you haven't used make a plan for the week that includes the foods in your fridge that need to be used before spoiling. This also takes the guess work out of what to have for dinner or lunch every day.

8. Cut your juice down with water. Most juices are heavy with sugar or glucose. Using this idea can make a can of juice last twice as long and cut your sugar intake as well.

9. Plan your weekly menus with tasty meals from your favourite recipes that use inexpensive ingredients. You will be amazed at how this plan helps avoid fast food meals.

10. And of course never shop when you're hungry!

Following these 10 ideas will make a big difference to your food bill at the end of each month. Remember there are many meals you can add to your meal plans that won't take much longer than quick cooking foods which cost more.

Barb Keck, has inspired others to do and be what they strive for and live life as pain free as possible for years. Her own long road of "recovery" became the "discovery of life". Through reinventing her life to create a new one her writings today help others to be resourceful and face life's challenges finding new ways to be. Want to find answers to daily dilemas? Visit

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