Monday, May 26, 2008

Get Ready For Summer

Writen by Aldene Fredenburg

Ah, summer! Long hot, lazy days, picnics in the sun, afternoons at the beach, barbecues in the backyard.

Bug bites. Sunburn. Poison ivy. Indigestion.

Better get ready - summer's coming, and so are all the little annoyances associated with it. Taking a few precautions and putting together a first aid kit of natural remedies will help you get through the season with a minimum of problems.

Combining light-colored clothing with a strong SPF lotion will help you avoid sunburn. Even with the right clothes and a good lotion, however, you still need to pay attention to the length of time you stay in the sun; SPF lotion only lasts for a certain amount of time. In case you do end up with a sunburn, applying a combination of aloe and lavender oils will soothe your skin and help heal the burn. Calamine lotion is great for poison ivy and poison oak. For insect bites, cuts, scrapes, and splinters, an effective remedy is Quret salve, a popular potion since 1918. And for upset stomach and motion sickness, stock a supply of Ginger Chimes, a chewy candy that's a great assist to digestion.

If you're prepared with a few simple remedies, you and your family should be able to enjoy the summer weather and avoid the hassles commonly associated with the season.

Aldene Fredenburg is a freelance writer living in southwestern New Hampshire. She has written numerous articles for local and regional newspapers and for a number of Internet websites, including Tips and Topics. She expresses her opinions periodically on her blog, She may be reached at

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