Sunday, February 8, 2009

Helpful Moving Advice

Writen by Lou Ross

The key to moving is trying to do it as efficiently as possible. Here is some advice to make that move just a bit more bearable than you would expect.

Helpful Moving Advice

Moving is a necessary part of everyone's life. Whether you're moving out of your parents' home for the first time, into a house from an apartment, or relocating clear across the country; moving is an experience that can be both stressful and hectic. While you may not relish the idea of having to pack up all of your belongings and transfer them to a new location, moving doesn't have to be a horrible chore. If you take the time, you can streamline your move and make it much easier.

One of the first things to do is to actually make a list of box contents for your move. Keep a sheet of paper or notebook handy while you're packing boxes and containers so you can make a list of what you're putting in each box, and more importantly, where you're putting the box once it's finished. A good way to create this list is by numbering your boxes, instead of simply marking them with the name of the room they're from such as "kitchen" or "bedroom". Then, on your box list, write down the number of the box along with a semi-detailed description of what's in it. For example, instead of writing down that box #2 has dishes in it, write down that it contains coffee mugs and plates – that way, you'll know exactly what box to open when you're looking for a specific item.

Another thing that you should make has to do with things you must accomplish before and after you've moved into your new home. Take the time to write down informational numbers such as those for your local utilities and services, and go through your checklist carefully so you can be sure your new home will have all of the electricity, telephone and other necessities activated before you actually live there. A similar checklist should be made for the home you're moving from; so you can be sure to cancel all of the services that were in place at your former residence. Make sure you remember to forward your mail well ahead of time so it actually shows up before bills are overdue.

There are many other steps you can take to simplify the moving process. Getting organized at the outset may take a bit more time, but you will be happy you took the time once you are in your new place and need to find something.

Lou Ross is with - a directory of moving companies with helpful advice on moving issues.

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