Sunday, November 9, 2008

Family Trips Fun Or Disaster

Writen by L C Peterson

Family trips have long been a theme of bad movies, TV shows, and family horror stories. Such trips can be remembered with fondness; under the right circumstances. Planning your first family trip? Here are some ideas for making the trip one to remember with a smile.


Any family trip requires planning. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? Who is going? How much do you plan to spend? How long will you be there? You don't have to plan every minute but some guidelines are wise. Working parents often need to start ahead of time to match time off.


Preparation refers to the physical steps you take for the trip; such as packing. Do you have a family member with special medical needs? Pack the needed medicine. Are you traveling to an area where the weather changes frequently? Be sure pack appropriate clothes. Other preparation steps to consider are car maintenance and road construction projects. Do you have an emergency car kit? Check for any highway construction. Need a visa? Passport? Map?


Every trip should allow for surprises. You do not want a trip where every minute is planned. Don't plan a trip in such a way you cannot take advantage of events, places, or activities you did not know about ahead of time.

Plenty of rest

One of the biggest problems when traveling with kids is not allowing for rest. Not only rest for the kids, but for parents also. Don't try to do too much in one day.

Popular activities

When planning for your trip be sure to allow each member a chance to enjoy the vacation. Consider your destination options. Allow each member of the family to select an activity. This will allow each family member to enjoy the vacation.

Planning help

If you're traveling somewhere you've never visited before, organizations and companies exist to help you. The local Chamber of Commerce is a good place to start. Many chambers have their own web sites. Many states also sponsor visitor centers in major tourist areas to assist travelers. These centers exist to help potential tourists find lodging and local activities to see.


If this is the first time your family travels, consider a short "practice" trip. This can expose possible problems you can prevent. The practice trip can also allow the children to get excited about the trip and understand what is expected of them. If you have traveled before, you understand how your family reacts to trips. Consider the lessons learned in planning the new trip.

Remember, vacations together are meant to be an enjoyable time, not a scheduling contest. A little planning goes a long way.

Author info: L. C. Peterson is a freelance writer and web marketing consultant. The writer's website can be found at Learn how to publish your work at

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