Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moving In Your New Home

Writen by Jonathon Hardcastle

Now that the paperwork belongs to the past and the movers have left leaving you alone to admire your new property, it is time to sit down and list all those things you will have to do before being able to relax on your couch or back yard and admire your new possession.

- First of all, install new locks. Since you probably have no idea who has a copy of your current keys, it is best not to take any chances. Consider making an extra set of keys and giving the copy to your parents or best friend.

- Of course, purchase a fire extinguisher for the kitchen and one for the garage and keep them handy. Check and replace if necessary, all the batteries in the smoke detectors.

- If the house needs any preventive maintenance do it as early as possible. It will be really frustrating having to deal with contractors or paint while all your possessions are located inside the house.

- Check to see that all possible damage, like wet wood conditions or walls' deterioration.

- Clean the gutters and downspouts and check that drain water is directed away from the house.

- Service all heating equipment and check the chimney of the fireplace for possible damage.

- Install carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors in key locations.

- All medicines, poisons, or other dangerous elements have to be kept in child proof cabinets and cupboards.

- Create an emergency kit and storage in close to the exit.

- Keep flashlights, batteries, matches and candles in a special child proof drawer in an easy to reach place.

- Consider recording all the important house data and keep the papers related to your house in a safe or a drawer that locks. Also save all receipts of money spent for permanent improvements, repairs and any damage you had to fix. These can later be used for tax deduction purposes.

- In case you wish to renovate a part or even all of your house, you should better check with your neighborhoods local authorities first.

- After you are settled in, introduce yourself to your neighbors and offer them a "hello" gift. Usually people are shy to bang on your door and introduce themselves, so it is better if you break first the ice by introducing yourself. One of the main reasons people enjoy living where they live is that they know and bond with their neighbors.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Real Estate, Business, and Finance

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