Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Winter Storm Warning Prepare Now To Keep From Becoming A Statistic

Writen by Donald Lawson

Each year thousands of people are caught off guard by Winter storms. Again this year many more thousands will spend days and possibly even weeks without power due to the aftermath of a Winter storm. Following these few easy steps and preparing before a storm hits will help you and your family come through these storms alive and well.

Stock Up On Necessities

You should have several cases of drinking water on hand. This is water that should be stashed away in case of emergencies, not the drinking water you drink day in day out.

You should have other items on hand like canned food, flashlights, battery operated radio,batteries, etc.

Winterize You Home

If you didn't get out and caulk you windows and doors, now is a good time. Sealing up those minute air leaks can lead to big energy savings. If the power goes out, you'll be fighting hard to keep every bit of heat you can inside your home.

Wrap your pipes in insulation or a heat tape. If you haven't done this in a while, check the insulation and make sure it's still in good shape. Many people who live in homes with crawlspaces are surprised to find that rodents have chewed off all their pipe insulation. The same goes if your pipes are in the attic.

Keep rain gutters cleaned. You don't want snow thawing and filling them up and then freezing again after sundown. This will allow snow to build up onto your roof. Then, when it thaws, the water will back up under your shingles. You might even want to look into gutter warmers.

Consider Having An Alternative Heat Source

A simple wood burning stove installed in your home, or garage even, may be the difference between riding out a Winter storm in style or wondering if you're going to make it out of it. Firewood is fairly cheap and you don't have to worry about it not working if the power goes out.

Pellet burning fireplaces are becoming popular in Northern States. These may be just right for a fireplace that is rarely used or kept around for emegencies.

Kerosene heaters are very popular. Make sure you have ample amount of kerosene safely stored outside the home. Follow all safety instructions and have working carbon monoxide and smoke detectors in your home.

Beware of Overexerting Yourself

How many people do we hear about dying from heat attacks while they shoveled snow? Many.

Winter can put added stress on your body. Take it easy, drink plenty of water - yes - water. Dress in layers and if you start to sweat heavily, slow down and take a few layers off. Cool down slowly!

With a little bit of preparedness you and your family can make it through any Winter storm. It's how you prepare for such emergencies that counts.

Donald Lawson is the tool guru at You can find more information about Winter preparedness along with Winter safety tips and advice at Winter Safety Tips

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