Sunday, November 30, 2008

House Fuel Costs Rise By 20

Writen by Aled Evans

Once again the ordinary person has to absorb the shocking rise in domestic fuel prices, be it oil or gas.

Given the long British Winter and mediocre summers, when quite often we have to turn on the heating, this comes as a devestating blow to all concerned, but especially the old and those on low income.

It is common knowledge by now that Britain is one of the countries with the highest cost of living in the World.It would be fascinating to know the cost of living in some other desirable countries.

Of course the biggest enemy by far for the British consumer is the exorbitant taxes, which we have to pay on a wide range of goods and services.We are all aware of the fact that we have to pay 80% tax on petrol.Just imagine every time you fill up at your service station, for every £10 worth of petrol, the good old chancellor Gordon Brown helps himself to £8, so that he can spent it on all sorts of wonderful ideas!Quite often on the news we hear of the oil companies being accused of increasing the price of oil.Just think for a moment,without tax the price of oil is relatively cheap.The oil company only wants about 80p for a gallon of petrol.What is the tax on fuel in the U.S.A?

It has been quite often said that the U.S consumer would not tolerate the level of taxation on fuel in the U.K.

However not many people realise that the government have devised a countless number of ways to take away as much of your hard earned money as possible in very subtle ways.It is a staggering thought to think that in all if you added up all the taxes which you encounter in your day to day living, for each £100 you earn, you are only allowed to keep a feeble £40!

So what can you do to prevent the chancellor getting his dirty paws on your hard earned money?

These are some suggestions which might help you:

-Firstly make sure your house is well insulated and you might be able to get support for this expense from your local council office.In the long term you will save a great deal of money. -When you buy your next car take into consideration the economy figures.Even petrol cars today are fairly economical or if you really want high economy, diesel cars will return 60 miles per gallon.The only thing to remember is that diesel cars generally cost more in the first place, so you need to work out your sums as to how much mileage you do each year and will buying the more expensive diesel car be worth it in the long run. -Alternatively you could buy magnetic devices called thermaflow and motoflow which help to save you money on household heating and your car fuel costs.The motoflow can easily be attached to your car's fuel pipe.According to Government figures derived from tests, savings of up to 20% can be acheived. This means that a gallon of petrol would in a sense have cost you only £3.20 instead of close to £4.

This is possibly the most effective way to retaliate against the greedy chancellor's dirty tactics.

This article was provided by Aled Evans an official Ecoflow distributor. Send me an email if you would like further information on the thermoflow and motoflow magnetic products. email:

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