Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Reminiscing Childhood

Writen by Vishii Rita Krocha

Years have swiftly passed me by even before i knew where i stand now. Its funny how as a child we couldn't wait to grow up, be on our own feet and face the harsh world, not realising the wonders of being small. If i want to rem'ber now, there wasn't a time i was drown by fears, depression, anger or just anything thats the image of being bad. I can't think of a moment when as a child, i couldn't go to sleep because i was too worried or so hurt by someone or something that just did not go as i wanted it to. Today, i look back on it and think just how stupid it is to have that feeling of wanting to grow fast.

Hopscotch and short races, skipping and doing the small things that our time had to offer us. Those simple joys i can compare to none of the joys i had known. Computers were almost non-existent. None of my age group did think that these screens would rule our worlds one day. I knew not what that box with so much in it was all about. Nor did i bother. Today you rarely find kids playing on the streets, running about and indulging themselves in toy cars and barbies. They are more into computer games. Mine as in my own thinking was one of the best as just today's kids would think theirs are non comparable. True, we have come to an age where everything's going hi-tech. Maybe we should walk the distance according to the changing times.

Yet being a child isn't anything different whether of generations that are no more or those kids of today. Childhood's probably the only one stage in life that has not a single tinge of fear. No lies, no grudges, no malice, just everything of pure innocence.

As a child, i did not see the cruelties of the world. I knew not of the killings and that there too many things that have corrupted our world. Who in all their innocence would think that life has a lot to offer us, not that of those life's beauties alone but also those thorns that prick us and hurt us more than we can think.

Perhaps, we all should grow up.Even if we don't want to, we are bound to someday crossing our childhood. And then there would be a lot of the world opened for us to see. There would be trying things. Some we would never understand because its a complicated world. Maybe being childish isn't a very nice behaviour unless you are a small child,but we can be childlike, have their minds and never let anything ruin our days, our moods, but always with a cheering heart live, live like there's nothing that can shatter us.

There are many mem'ries i have left behind. Perhaps, i didn't live my childhood to the full because i wanted to grow up too soon. But one thing i know is that there never has been a greater feeling as of that when i was small. Lets grow up because time will certainly take our age away slowly and eventually but we can always be a child at heart. I know our lives would be much purer.

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