Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last Minute Birthday Gifts

Writen by Kum Martin

It can be impossible to remember the birth dates of everyone you know. In fact, if you know a lot of people, you may feel stressed about having to get so many gifts. It can be difficult to remember important birthdays and even more difficult to get a gift on time for each birthday. You may even find yourself in need of a last-minute birthday gift. Use these ideas to help you get through those times when you need a birthday present fast!


Flowers are always an easy thing to pick up on the way to a birthday party or even at lunch during work hours. They are simple to bring back to the office without being noticed. One reason to use flower gifts is when you forget about a birthday. By calling a florist and having the flowers delivered, you can make up for shopping time. For instance, if you get to the office and notice you forgot your favorite co-worker's birthday, you can make a quick call and have flowers delivered. The best part is that you can do this without leaving the office. She will never even know you forgot!


Taking someone to dinner can be a great last-minute birthday gift. If you forget to purchase a gift, you can always take them to dinner. This can be great for people you work with or even your friends. Tell them that instead of getting them a gift they would soon forget, you want to take them to a nice restaurant to celebrate. They will love it!


If you have forgotten your spouse's birthday, the only way to make up for it is to pick up a quick piece of jewelry. You can choose a nice watch, a necklace, or a bracelet in no time and look like you planned the whole thing. Jewelry always brings a smile to the faces of those you love.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Spring Cleaning The Gender Factor

Writen by Elaine Currie

Do you like to gamble? Gambling has never much appealed to me but I would be prepared to bet that I can determine your gender simply by asking you two questions. You must give an honest answer immediately, without conferring with any third party, and only your first answer will count. These are the questions:

1. Is your house dusty?

2. When are you going to start your Spring cleaning?

If you answered "don't know" to the first question and had no answer to the second, you are almost certainly male. (If you are male, you should not read any further here, it won't interest you.) A man will not know, without having to check, whether his house is dusty, the thought would just never occur to him. A woman will answer either "yes" or "no" and, if the answer is affirmative, she will have a plan for imminent dust removal.

As to the second question, any answer giving an exact or provisional date (even one that starts: "I'm not sure but…") will indicate that the reply has been made by a female. Silence resulting from amusement or bemusement will indicate a male presence. If you are a man reading this, you will be muttering "how would it matter?". See, I told you not to read on.

It is a fact that men don't see Spring cleaning in the same way as women. Dust is completely invisible to men until it is drawn to their attention and even then, they cannot recognise it as the enemy.

The importance of the Spring Cleaning ritual is not understood by men. The most common male response to a request for assistance with Spring cleaning is: "What, now?". Women must be careful not to fall into the trap of answering: "No, let's leave it until Autumn" men will not detect the hint of sarcasm and will go fishing or continue watching TV with a clear conscience.

Even after agreeing to participate in the Spring cleaning, men have a tendency to wander away before the job is anywhere near finished. This does not indicate any unwillingness to help, it's just that men have no way of knowing when the task is complete. The problem is that Spring cleaning inevitably involves tidying things away. Extensive experiments show that it is impossible to teach a man that "untidy" and leaving things lying around because he might want to use them again are the same thing. Women - don't fall into the trap of suggesting your husband should get rid of all the cupboards and just leave everything lying around conveniently for future use: he'll think you are serious.

If a man promises to contribute to the Spring cleaning by dusting shelves while his wife scours the kitchen cupboards, she will not be impressed if she returns to find the dust undisturbed and her husband happily engrossed in a book. If she asks a perfectly reasonable question like: "Do you have any intention of helping with the Spring cleaning or are you saving the dust until it's three feet thick?" he will be genuinely baffled as to why she should be so put out.

There is no way I'd admit this to men, but I do sort of see their point. The thing is, although I'm sure female standards in the war against dust are right and should be upheld, who is more relaxed and happy? Is it really so important that dust be removed practically before it has settled? Quentin Crisp assures us in his autobiography that, after the first four years, the dust doesn't get any worse. I often wonder about this but I know, deep down, I wouldn't last beyond four days if I attempted to reproduce this experiment. I'm sure my husband could do it, if I let him!

If a woman did no house cleaning for weeks and then asked her husband: "Do you notice anything different?" His reaction would be the stammering panic which is inevitably inspired by this question while he desperately tries to figure out if she has had her hair restyled, is wearing a new outfit or has undergone cosmetic surgery since he last really looked at her. Give him a million guesses and not one will involve the vacuum cleaner.

My belief is that these differences in attitude are due to nature and nothing to do with training - women are born with a dust detection gene that men lack. This gene has not yet been identified by the scientists but I suspect it will turn out to be closely associated with the gene that enables women to spot a chipped manicure or last season's lip colour instantly. Perhaps we have this gene in place of the ability to read maps gene.

Copyright 2006 Elaine Currie

Elaine Currie has a Work At Home Directory Full of Ideas, Programme Reviews, Articles, Tips and Free Resources for everyone who wants to work at home.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Roommate Advertisements 5 Essential Ingredients For Creating The Perfect Ad

Writen by Enid Steiner

Does your roommate advertisement jump out of the page and catch your reader's attention? If you feel your advertisement doesn't capture the imagination of potential roommates, these tips can help you. The key is to design an advertisement that's a balance between letting people know what kind of roommate is right for you while showing potential roommates why you would be their perfect roommate.

You can attract the right people by including 5 key ingredients in your advertisement. These ingredients let you write a free flowing concise advertisement where the reader can decide straight away if it's a good idea to contact you. Together with a positive tone, your advertisement will stand out and be remembered even after your potential roommate has read many advertisements.

The length of your advertisement also plays a vital role in finding the right roommate. You will need to decide how much space you wish to dedicate to each ingredient without your advertisement becoming too brief or long-winded. The easiest ways to find the right length is by trial and error or asking for a second opinion.

So, what are the 5 key ingredients to include in your advertisement? Let's take a look and find out more about each one.

1. Rent and Bond/Security Deposit

Clearly stating the rent per week, any additional expenses and if a bond/security deposit needs to be paid lets people decide if they can afford to live with you as a roommate. Ideally, your advertisement should mention if the rent already includes expenses or whether they're extra.

2. Residence and Location

In your advertisement you should mention the suburb/town and the type of dwelling you are living in. For readers to get a better picture you should include a brief description of amenities such as the number of bedrooms. You may also wish to list benefits such as cable TV, internet connection or scenic views.

3. Roommates

You should mention the number of roommates that live in your household. It lets potential roommates know how many people they would be living with and whether it's suitable for them. This screens out any people who would like to live in a smaller or larger household.

4. Roommate Ingredients

Your advertisement should state the top 2-3 traits you are looking for in a roommate, for example, an outgoing female who is a non-smoker. Listing these traits can act as a screening process and indicates to potential roommates what kind of roommate is right for you.

5. Local Amenities

It's important to list local amenities such as local shops, Cafes or transport. This will attract people to your advertisement, as these benefits are often a determining factor when looking for a roommate. A good example are students who may wish to live near public transport and close to College.

These ingredients let you create an informative advertisement where potential roommates can learn about your household while finding out which kind of roommate is right for you. Just remember, by simply adding each essential ingredient to your roommate advertisement, you too, can capture the eye of your perfect roommate.

Good Luck and Happy Roommate Hunting!

Enid Steiner is a Director of, an Australian online roommate service. lets people find their perfect roommate and provides helpful share accommodation tips, hints and advice.

Deet Works Best To Protect Against Mosquitoes

Writen by Lance Winslow

Most people know that DEET works best for protecting against Mosquitoes and it is a scientific proven fact that it is at least 30% more effective than even lemon eucalypts oil. Some say that DEET is bad for you because it is a neurotoxin and they say that it is simply unwise to smear a neurotoxin on your skin.

It is for this reason they say that DEET is therefore problematic and serves no one. Many have a problem with this from a medical standpoint, perhaps a moral one, I have not decided, because it is similar to the issues with DDT. And if DEET prevents one from getting West Nile Virus, well then it sure makes sense from that perspective.

Do you risk brain problems for health risks of Mosquitoes? You see the brain in my opinion is the most important part of humans. This is why evolution has incased it into a skull for protection. Then you see the problem here? That is simply fundamentally unwise. DEET should not be smeared on the skin, it cannot be used in any components taken internationally, we know this and the skin also absorbs such things.

Unfortunately DEET is the only thing that really works to prevent Mosquito bites and although there are other products out there that do inhibit Mosquito bites DEET seems to work best. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kid Birthday Party Invitations 12 Things You Must Include

Writen by Mike Dougherty

Why do you send birthday party invitations?

Do YOUR invitations get people to your party?

If you're like most people, when you send out invitations for your child's upcoming birthday party, you worry (at least a little) that no one will show up.

And if no one shows up for your child's special day, your child's heart will be broken. And that's not a fun way to spend your birthday.

Why do we send invitations?

This may seem like a silly question, but it isn't. We really have to understand the goal if we ever hope to accomplish the goal.

And the goal of a birthday party invitation is?

To get everyone that's invited to your party!

Sounds simple enough. But who are we inviting? Well for your child's birthday, you're inviting their friends. And their friends are children.

And how do you invite those children? By sending a birthday invitation to them by way of their parents.

So how do you get the parents of the children you've invited to make sure their children go to your party?

The secret to success is the information in your invitations.

You'd be surprised how often people make simple mistakes on their invitation by forgetting to include all the information parents need.

Make it EASY for them to RSVP and have their children at your party.

Kid Birthday Party Invitations - Your number one priority

  • Get your invitations out early
  • In this fast-paced world of ours, where family and kid's activities have everyone (including you) going in 6 different directions at once, you HAVE to give folks time to put this important event on their calendars.

    What Information You Must Include

  • Tell them it's a birthday party
  • The invitation headline should tell them it's a kid birthday party invitation.

  • Give them your child's FIRST and LAST NAME
  • If you just use your child's first name, they may have another friend with the same name, so make it easy for them by using your child's first and last name.

  • Mention how old your child will be
  • This is very helpful for anyone that wants to get your child a birthday gift.

  • Give the DAY and DATE of your party
  • Make it easy for the other parents to check their own calendars.

  • Is your party before, during or after lunch?

  • This is very important for a number of reasons. By stating what time your party ends, you will avoid being stuck with a house full of kids bouncing off your walls, waiting for a parent to pick them up (and rescue you).

  • Party Location
  • Where is your party going to be? At your home, a local park, restaurant, fire department, ball park or? And remember to include the street address, name of the street and apartment number. You should also include a simple map. If it's a location other than your home, include a contact phone number or your cell phone number.

  • What type of party is it?
  • Are having a theme party? What is your theme? Are your guests encouraged to wear theme related costumes?

  • Are you serving a meal, snacks, or just cake and ice cream?
  • Parents need to know if their child should have lunch before going to the party. Parents with children who are diabetic will need to let you know if they're child can have treats or not.

  • An RSVP phone number and when they must RSVP
  • If you really want parents to RSVP, you need to give them a deadline. State that they must RSVP by a certain date. If you're party is going to be in a restaurant, let them know, so they will understand that you have to give the restaurant the expected number of guests. Make sure you include an RSVP phone number.

    Kid Birthday Party Invitations - Success!

    And finally, about one week before your child's birthday party, pick up the phone and call each parent, ask them if they received the invitation and ask them if their child will be attending the party. This kind of "gentle reminder" will be appreciated and will help insure the best turn out for your child's party.

    If you're like most people, when you send out invitations for your child's upcoming birthday party, you worry (at least a little) that no one will show up. But if you take just a little time to follow these simple guidelines, your kid birthday party invitations will be successful.

    Have fun

    Mike Dougherty "Grandpa Mike" has years worth of experience putting together successful birthday parties for his children and grandchildren. To learn more from Mike about successful kid birthday party invitations, visit

    Dyin From Vacation

    Writen by Gary E. Anderson

    From the book Spider's Night on the Boom

    My parents visited from Oregon this summer, and we saw more of Iowa than we'd seen in all the years since our own arrival. It was a perfect excuse to visit places we'd been meaning to see, but somehow had never gotten to. But the pace began to take a toll on my kids and yesterday my son began to complain. In my "philosophical father" voice, I said, "Just relax and enjoy yourself. We're on vacation."

    "I can't," he lamented, "I'm DYING from vacation!"

    I instantly flashed back to my own childhood, and I understood exactly what he was saying. There are times when every kid feels like he's dying from vacation. For me, those times usually began about three days after school was out for the summer.

    I joyfully kicked off my shoes after I'd leaped off the school bus for the final time. Except for church and an occasional trip to town, those shoes and I would remain strangers the rest of the summer.

    During the first two days of vacation, I could feel the chains of structure and obligation begin to melt away. Summer stretched out before me like an endless promise. But on the third day, the novelty began to wear off. (This was long before kids went to an endless series of camps, played little league soccer, summer basketball, baseball, volleyball and gymnastics. You stayed home and lived by your wits until back-to-school time finally rolled back around.)

    But the endless hours of boredom took their toll. By the time school started again, I'd aged 40 years. Even so, there were a few things about back-to-school that almost made my abnormal aging seem worthwhile. One was the arrival of the new clothes we'd ordered from a mail order catalog. When those packages arrived, it was like a 95-degrees-outside, shorts-and-bare-feet Christmas. But it had its downside, too. Sometimes, the shirt that had looked so cool in the catalog made me look like a giant tree frog, eyes peeping out from a hole in a stump. Since no other part of my body as visible, sometimes it looked like my new shirt was walking around by itself. In fact, several older ladies in our neighborhood nearly had heart attacks when they caught a glimpse of my disembodied shirt floating across the cemetery next to our farm, taking a shortcut to the store.

    I knew those baggy clothes were bound to be a detriment to my image. (This was long before kids wore tents to school in the name of fashion.) My mom's favorite line was, "You'll grow into them," and I have to admit, she was right. Several of those shirts fit me pretty well today.

    But the worst thing was the stifling heat of my new shoes. The salesman had made no mention of the fact that those shoes came with a built-in furnace; much less one stuck on the "middle-of-winter" setting all year round. Steam rose from my feet, and I fully expected my socks to catch fire at any moment. I could only hope my mom had anticipated that possibility and ordered fireproof socks. (Luckily, moms are pretty good at stuff like that, which probably explains why you so rarely see kids' feet burst into flames.)

    It seemed to me that shoes were unnecessary, since no one could see my feet anyway, what with my new shirt dragging in the dust around me. On the first day of school, I stood at the end of our driveway, trying not to be blown into Illinois by a having a gust of wind blow underneath my tent-shirt.

    Then something strange happened. Even though I'd soon be seeing kids I'd been missing all summer, suddenly I remembered a thousand things I should have done during that endless summer! But now it was too late. There I was, a 40-year-old fourth grader in a tent-shirt, waiting for a bus, examining a wasted life ... it all seemed so sad.

    So I knew exactly what my son was going through. Sometimes it does feel like we're dying from vacation. But sometimes, it's nice to just sit back and enjoy the ride—before the school bus comes. That makes perfect sense to an adult, of course. But try explaining it to a fourth grader, who's in the process of dying from vacation even as you speak.

    © 2004. Gary E. Anderson. All rights reserved.

    About The Author

    Gary Anderson is a freelance writer, editor, ghostwriter, and manuscript analyst, living on a small Iowa farm. He's published more than 500 articles and four books. He's also ghosted a dozen books, edited more than 30 full-length manuscripts, produced seven newsletters, and has done more than 800 manuscript reviews for various publishers around the nation. If you need writing or editing help, visit Gary's website at

    Saturday, December 27, 2008

    What To Pay When You Cant Pay Everything

    Writen by Terry Rigg

    With ever increasing consumer debt more of us are finding ourselves robbing Peter to pay Paul each month.

    We go through our bills and find that the money just won't stretch far enough to cover all of the bills and expenses. It's hard to decide who you should pay when you have one bill that is stamped with "Final Notice" and you are behind on several of your other bills.

    If you don't pay the credit cards you know that you are going to start getting those harassing phone calls. If you don't pay the house payment you are looking at foreclosure. If you don't pay the utilities they will shut them off. How do you decide?

    When you get to this point it's time to get down to basic survival and work from there.

    I have actually talked to people that stated their credit cards were up to date but their mortgage was two months behind. This is one of the biggest mistakes we can make when we don't have the money to pay everything.

    Another mistake I see on a regular basis is that some people pay their bills at the expense of their food budget.

    If you have the money to pay some of your bills you have to start with groceries first and necessary health items. You can try to save as much as possible on your food but that money has to be set aside before anything else.

    The next bill you must pay is your mortgage or rent. While credit cards companies will drag out their collection process, mortgage companies and landlords will start the process of foreclosure or eviction within just a couple of months.

    Your next priority is your utilities. In many cases utility companies will turn off your utilities if the bill isn't paid within a few days of receiving the bill.

    Once you are sure you have enough to eat and a roof over your head you can start thinking about your other bills. The secured loans, like your car payment, should come before your unsecured loans, like your credit cards.

    The reason for this is simple. Creditors that have secured property will sue or repossess much quicker than the credit card companies.

    If you find yourself in this situation it is a sign that you need to do something drastic and fast. By not paying all of your bills each month they are going to add up quickly and you are going to accumulate a lot of late fees.

    The best place to start is to find out exactly where you stand and what is causing the problem. This is as simple as listing your income on one side of a piece of paper and your bills on the other. Total each and subtract your bills from your income.

    Your next step is to develop a budget. You can find a free and simple budget by visiting The Complete Budget and Bill Organizer at

    Whether you use my budget system or another it is very important that you start one as soon as possible. For those of you that believe a budget is to restrictive, just the opposite is true. The only way you can get what you want and know you can afford it is to have a budget in place.

    It is important that you pay all of your bills on time each month. When you don't have the money to pay everything it is vital to your survival that you pay the most important bills first.

    Terry Rigg is the author of Living Within Your Means - The Easy Way and editor of the Budget Stretcher web site. Join the thousands of subscribers to The FREE Budget Stretcher Newsletter and get great articles, tips, downloads and a lot of Budget Help by visiting his home page at

    Mattress Cleaner Tips

    Writen by Dean Cecere

    A suitable mattress cleaner should definitely be used for those unfortunate accidents. We do not recommend simply letting the mattress dry and forget it ever happened. Your mattress may be dry, but the odour will still linger, and the stains will surely set. Young children, pets and even adults have been having accidents in bed, and that's not about to stop any time soon. Whether it's urine, vomit or you just happen to spill something while having breakfst in bed, you should have a good quality mattress cleaner at hand. The question is what to use, and what actually works to remove those awful stains and odours.

    There are a few solutions out there that can be of assistance, and a variety of products that can be used as mattress cleaner that will do the trick. A few mattress cleaning products include Natures Miracle, Bane-Clene which is great for allergies, and a well recommended mattress cleaner used by the hotel industry called ProKlean seems to work very well. If you do not have any of these, there is still hope as there are a few other products that are very effective and can play the part of a mattress cleaner. A good quality upholstery shampoo usually does the job, and you can get them just about anywhere. The sooner you treat the affected surface, the easier it will be to remove the odour and stain, so if you happen to have upholstery shampoo in your home, try that.

    Nothing is worse than having recently spent a large sum of money on a good quality pillowtop mattress, and then finding out that your dog has just urinated on it. You always have the option to call a professional mattress cleaner, but sometimes the situation can be a little embarrassing, not to mention fairly costly. It's always better just to do our own dirty work when we can. A mattress cleaner is not only useful for accidents, we also sweat alot when we sleep, and over time, your mattress just doesn't smell as fresh as you would like. To regain that smell, there is also a practical solution. It's a good idea to first vacuum the mattress surface on both sides before you go ahead and use your preferred mattress cleaner product. This will rid your mattress of dust and mites. Furthermore, changing the sheets as often as possible will usually help keep that fresh scent and feel, longer before you feel the need to pull out the mattress cleaner once again.

    Dean Cecere is a successful author and contributor of resourceful interior decorating articles.

    For all of your bedding needs, please take a minute to visit the leading resource guide in beds, mattresses and bedding accessories at

    Please feel free to use this article. Keeping the above link active is greatly appreciated.

    Friday, December 26, 2008

    The Gentle Touch

    Writen by HPriya Sivan

    She woke up that morning feeling fresh and good. Everything was cool till noon when her husband came home for lunch and told her that he had lent money to his best friend, a sum that she could never even imagine. Her grievance was that he could have discussed it with her before he gave the money. He left for office in a huff. She could not stand it.

    She was sitting on the sofa, her eyes closed and moist. Her 4 year old son came home from school. Knowing something was amiss, he came and sat besides her silently. Then touched her head and made her lie down on his little lap. She felt so secure... then he tapped lightly on her forehead as if to convey everything will be alright... He placed her head on the sofa... and came back with a blanket and a pillow. He kept a pillow under her head, and covered her with the blanket... His very action brought more tears to her eyes. The gentle touch... the act of love... spoke better than words.

    He came home... she was feeling better... yet the scar remained. He sat beside her. No words spoken. She got up to make coffee for him. He caught hold of her hand gently with a light pressure. "I am sorry" He whispered and placed a light kiss on her forehead....

    A girl waiting at the airport to meet her lover who was coming over from another country after four years... He recognises her from far, she could observe the gleaming face. He comes towards her and stretches his hand. He then holds her hand and gives a light pressure. Then they walk towards the car. The gentle touch has conveyed all his love for her. She is happy.

    A gentle touch, a light kiss... do actions speak better than words?

    HPriya Sivan

    Thursday, December 25, 2008

    Are You Mrs Johnson Of Johnson Amp Johnson

    Writen by Michele Winslow

    Cleaning your home today has been made extremely easy.

    Just go to your local store, buy a package of cleansing cloth products to help dust or give your furniture, mirrors or windows a high shine.

    The problem is where do you dispose of these all-purpose cleansing cloths?

    An elderly neighbor of mine was dumping hers down the toilet then could not understand why her drains were clogged. She thought only disposable diapers were not to be flushed.

    What happen to the day when we used old clothes to clean and dust…. when dirty, we wash & reused these cloths until rags really became rags and could no longer be used?

    · Cloth diapers were later used for dusting and cleaning,

    · Old newspapers were use to clean windows and mirrors or rolled up, and used to help light the stove or fireplace.

    · Hems were let down, lace or ribbon added to hide the old seam line

    · Old clothing was also torn up and made into quilts the whole family for generations could enjoy In those days, very little went to waste.

    With the advent of the spray can and flora-carbons, which were later discovered to be dangerous to our atmosphere, just about everyone began to use the convenience of modern cleaning products.

    Today, companies claim to have products, which will

    · Clean your windows so well that birds will not realize they are there,

    · Laundry detergents which will get your cloths sunshine bright (what happened to the old fashioned clothesline?) with outdoor freshness

    · Our dishes will be squeaky clean

    · Bathrooms will be germ free

    · And, our home will smell so fresh no one will want to leave.

    We had hardwood floors, with area rugs, which we took out to clean at least twice a year. We cleaned our windows every spring if not more often, and we cleaned our kitchens after every meal and bathroom every day.

    After World War II, we wanted everything to be more convenient, we were moving into the "Space Age." Factories, which manufactured war equipment, now began to mass-produced appliances, making their price affordable for everyone.

    Returning service men and women used their GI Bill to buy single-family homes or went to college. Many of these men and women had grown up in the great depression of the 1930's and wanted their families to have every modern convenience to make their life easier.

    · Women could put their food in an oven, set the temperature and timer then walk away.

    · They no longer had to put their clothes through the ringer on the washing machine.

    · They now had portable radios in every room in the house

    · Television become more affordable

    · Just about every home had a telephone

    We were in the latter part of the 20th Century, rapidly moving into the modern space age.

    Today, we have become so dependent upon modern products, especially people thirty and under, that if for some reason these products were no longer available, many would not know how to clean their house or apartment.

    In our youth, we think we know everything and the things our parents or grandparents tell us is out of date. We don't want to know how to do things the "Old Fashioned", "Prehistoric", "Stone age", way.

    We complain today of too many chemicals in the atmosphere, yet with the advent of modern cleaning solutions, we ourselves are helping, sometimes causing, the problem.

    So, what happened to open windows and cleansing as you go? And, as an extra bonus you got great exercise doing these daily chores.

    With many of our modern conveniences, we no longer get the exercise we once did, and have we also become more wasteful?

    · Instead of buying cloth diapers and reusing them, we purchase disposable and throw them away,

    · We purchase paper towels, which often tear as soon as we use them, then throw them away,

    · We dry our clothes in dryers, throw in a sheet of fabric softener, use once or twice, then throw them away

    · Purchase sheets to put on our damp mops which, once again, we use once or twice, then throw them away

    · We no longer go to the Green Grocer to buy our vegetables & fruit or the Meat Market to have our meats cut the way we want, the Fish Market for fresh fish or have our daily products delivered fresh to our doorsteps.

    Now, we buy everything in the "Super" market, where it is wrapped in foam, paper or plastic, which we then throw away.

    And, what about all those plastic containers, which may take years to break down, which we throw away? We now have invented another industry, re-cycling, to take care of this problem, but does it?

    At the Super/Mega market, we think we are actually choosing the products we want. But in reality, we are choosing those products, which the purchasing departments think we want.

    So, Mrs. Johnson, when you purchase your next cleansing product, is it one you want or one, which "Big Business" thinks you should have?

    For Big Business' are really the ones who decides for you which product you will use.

    With their high priced commercials on every channel, radio station and/or public transportation, we have become brainwashed into buying and using their product.

    For, as we all know, their products will

    · Clean your floors better

    · Make your clothes, furniture and home smell better

    · Your meal preparations easier

    · Your bathroom germ free

    · Etc, etc, etc.

    By purchasing all of these products, you have become a distant cousin of the Johnson family, without the benefits and amenities of the monetary benefits.

    Copywrite 2006 Michele Winslow

    Funerals Masonic Service

    Writen by Michael Russell

    In this article we're going to discuss a certain kind of funeral called the Masonic Service, which is a special funeral service for men only who are a member of the Masonic Fraternity in good standing at the time of their death.

    Every religion has its own way of honoring the dead. And while the Masons are not a religion per say, they do believe in a supreme being and do have their own type of funeral service.

    To be eligible for a Masonic funeral service a person has to be a man for starters. Women are not allowed to become Masons but they do have their own organization and their own funeral service. This will be the subject of another article. Not only must a Mason be a man but they must also be a member in good standing, meaning that they have to have been paying their dues on a regular basis and must not have been brought up on any Masonic charges. There is also an age requirement that a man has to be at least 21 years of age to become a mason. Boys under that age, even if their fathers are masons are not entitled to a Masonic funeral.

    So just how is a Masonic funeral different from other funerals? To answer that, we need to discuss some of the similarities. For starters, Masonic funeral services are held in some kind of funeral parlor or temple. The same preparations are made as far as getting the body ready such as embalming. One difference in the preparation is that the deceased has his white lambskin apron placed over the body in the casket during the service, not before. If the body is not viewable for whatever reason, be it that the site would be a bit gruesome or if there is no body at all, then the apron would be placed over the casket or urn.

    The service itself begins with a prayer, usually the 23rd psalm. Unlike services performed by ministers, which are prepared in advance and unique to a degree for each service, the Masonic service is a standard ritual. In other words, the service is the same for each Mason who passes away. There is no deviation in the service except for the part of the service itself where the Mason's name and date of birth and death are given.

    The ritual itself is about 20 minutes long and is done from memory. Masons spend many months learning this service which consists of over ten pages of dialogue which has to be read word for word. The ritual team consists of the person reciting the ritual, a chaplain and a marshall. Any other masons from that particular lodge also participate in the service as observers and marchers.

    At the end of the service the family and friends go up to the casket to pay their final respects. A Masonic service is a great honor to a man who is a mason where the one belief is that from Earth we came and to Earth we must shortly return.

    Michael Russell
    Your Independent guide to Funerals

    Wednesday, December 24, 2008

    Top Five Reasons And Ways To Take Care Of Your Elders Parents Grandparents

    Writen by Danielle Hollister

    There will almost absolutely come a day when your parents and/grandparents will need YOU. When this time comes, they will probably not admit that they need YOU or ANYONE, but in reality, they will definitely need SOMEONE.

    It's actually quite similar to the days when you were a tiny baby and you needed them to: survive every day; have help going to the bathroom; be fed a good meal; take a real bath; get dressed appropriately; etc...

    You may not remember those days with convincing clarity, but you do know that they existed regardless of what you actually recall.

    Your parents/grandparents, (the people who raised you, fed you, took care of you, gave you shelter, gave you love and support...), will someday grow older and NEED you.

    Are you ready? Do you have a clue what this involves?
    Bottom line (if you choose to distance yourself from this natural occurence) is that you have to find the best nursing home/assisted living facility in your area that is suitable for your parent(s)/grandparent(s)...

    I have more advice on how to choose the BEST home outside of your home for your parents/grandparents later...

    However, if you are at all like me, and you choose to become your parents/grandparents' caretaker, the story is entirely different...

    You will need a number of material things, as well as a diverse range of emotions, an undisputed grasp on reality (if that's possible), the ability to put someone (other than your child/children) totally before yourself...

    1) Remember that THEY MADE YOU who you are today...

    They took care of your every basic need for at least five to ten years... They changed your diaper, gave you a bath, rocked you to sleep at night, ran to your crib in the middle of the night if you were crying... and MUCH MORE - Think about it...

    2) Consider the fact that they probably did WITHOUT luxuries

    like vacations, new furniture, the latest clothing styles, the best vehicles, etc... so that they COULD GIVE YOU THE BEST there was to give...

    3) Do not forget that without them, you would not be here.

    They CHOSE to have you, to BRING YOU into this world... What can be a more significant sign of love than that?

    4) Think about how different and probably HARD life was for them compared to how they made life for you...

    It's natural for a parent to want and/or try to give their child/children more or better than what they had growing up... but DO you REALLY appreciate and/or acknowledge this?

    5) Your parents/grandparents unarguably made sacrifices in their lives, so that you could have a better life...

    Don't you think you should do the same?

    How can you give them back what they gave to you?

    If you choose to put them in a nursing home/assisted living facility, make it your business to FIND the BEST one there is in your area. Make sure you VISIT your parents/grandparents REGULARLY (atleast once or twice a week...)

    Get involved at the facility that you chose for them, VOLUNTEER your time and/or donate extra supplies etc...

    If you decide to keep your parents/grandparents at home with you, make sure you accommodate their basic needs (ie. wheelchair ramp, hospital bed, assisted in-home nursing care, proper diet, adequate exercise, etc...)

    Remember that they're hurting a lot more than you are and a lot more than they'll probably ever tell you. They made a tremendous effort to make your life relatively easy when you were growing up, the least they deserve is to have a life that is comparably comfortable as they live out their golden years.

    And for the small percentage of people who read this article and think "My parents/grandparents did not do anything for me growing up..." or "They made my life miserable..." or "They could have done a lot more for me when I was a kid..." etc...

    Consider this, you made it to where you are today without their "unconditional love and support" that I described, so although you may not feel that you "owe" them anything...

    Maybe you should be a bigger person and reach out to help them in any way you can, in ways that you feel they did not help you... Maybe you will get to know them in a different way, on a different level... and perhaps you will even come to understand why they made the choices they made when you were a child...

    If you don't try to reach out to them now, you may never have the chance again.

    Once they're gone, you will never be able to get answers to any of your lingering questions...

    Resource Box - © Danielle Hollister (2004) is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at -

    Tuesday, December 23, 2008

    Bet You Didnt Know That Theres Such A Thing As A Cool Quiz

    Writen by Brian Fong

    Q. Can you help me come up with a cool quiz?

    A. I am known as the King of Cool in the realm of the Quiz master. This question is right up my alley!

    The term cool quiz means different things to different people. As you might imagine, the subject of the quiz has to be something that is appropriate for the age group that will be taking the quiz. What constitutes a cool quiz for one group might be a snoozer for a different group.

    For example. Put together a Harry Potter quiz for a group of 8-year-olds and you've probably got yourself a cool quiz. Compose a "Which American Idol winner is your soul mate" quiz for a group of teens and you're likely to have come up with another cool quiz.

    Married people might call "What home style is right for you" a cool quiz, and dog lovers would probably flip over something that tests their breed trivia skills.

    So, as you can see, cool is a moving target. The underlying requirements of a cool quiz is that it addresses a topic that is "cool" to the targeted group, and that it uses those answers to make the person who takes the quiz look cool for knowing the answers, or at least attempting to take the quiz.

    Once you get a reputation for having developed a cool quiz the word spreads. At some point it becomes cool just to take the quiz and people will do it just so others will think that they are cool.

    There are lots of examples of this phenomenon among users of AOL. When one person spots a cool quiz, they pass it on to their AOL friends, who pass it on to more AOL friends, who pass it on, and on, and on. Eventually the quiz breaks out of the AOL family and gets passed around to people all over the Internet. You really know that you've encountered a cool quiz when you can find it mentioned in Google.

    Don't try too hard to develop a cool quiz though. Cool isn't something that can be manufactured. It either is cool or it isn't. If you don't end up with a cool quiz, don't despair. Just sit down and write another one. Do some research and find out what people think is cool these days and then put your quiz together. When you finally make a cool quiz, you'll know it.

    Brian Fong run the popular quiz site
    Quiz Faq - Your solutions for the quiz. ----------------------------------------------------------------

    Monday, December 22, 2008

    Chemicalfree Sleep

    Writen by Jennifer Jordan

    For those of us who get the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night, we will spend a whole third of our lives on top of our mattress. Because this is such a significant amount of time, the last thing we want to be is sleeping with chemicals; most of us would rather sleep with the fishes. But, the truth is many of us may be sleeping on mattresses containing chemicals and not even realize it.

    Chemicals, by textbook definition, are explained as being something made of or generated from substances produced by reactions involving atomic or molecular changes. In the dictionary of modern day life, chemicals have become synonymous with disease, particularly cancer, and therefore many of us do not want to be sleeping with them, not even if they buy us dinner first.

    Mattresses don't strike most people as something stuffed with chemicals; a black cloud doesn't surround them like it does smoke stacks or a semi-truck. They seem, to the average sleeper, perfectly harmless. But, because manufacturers of consumer products have found that they can save money by cutting production costs and replacing natural materials with materials that are petroleum based or made of synthetic chemicals, mattresses are becoming cheaper, but possibly at a more expensive cost.

    Health wise, chemicals are not viewed as a good thing. Whether they are ingested, or inhaled, they can be dangerous; the human body would benefit from a "Do Not Enter" sign placed around its perimeter. For these reasons, many people are turning to more natural ways to sleep.

    A Natural Latex Mattress, as the name insinuates, provides not only a natural way of sleeping, but undeniable comfort. Conforming to the body, disallowing for the build up of pressure points, and providing natural back support, the Natural Latex Mattress provides both short term and long term benefits.

    Unique to other mattresses, the benefits of the Natural Latex Mattress are all given on an organic, synthetic-free basis. This makes the mattress highly recommended for all those who want to remove all unnatural materials from their bed.

    With solid comfort, and natural ingredients, the Natural Latex Mattress allows both the body and the mind to rest more comfortably.

    Jennifer Jordan is a senior editor for When she isn't sleeping on a FoamSource mattress, she concentrates on living as comfortably as possible.

    Sunday, December 21, 2008

    Bullying Whats A Bully How To Know If A Child Is Being Bullied Spotting A Bully

    Writen by Richard Paul

    What is a Bully?

    A Bully is someone who teases, hits, pushes or threatens another. If for example, you are with your friends and start making fun of someone in the group you are being a bully. You maybe thinking, "Peking Duck it's all in fun!" True, but you are having fun at the expense of someone else's feelings? Any teasing or hateful words can lead to long lasting hurtful memories.

    When I was a cute little duckling there was this one big brown duckling that was bigger than me but not fully-grown. He would swim around in our pond showing off and being mean to all the other ducklings. Even though he was mean to them most of time the little ducklings would still follow him around as if he was some great leader. For some reason they thought it was sweet to hang out with an older duckling.

    One day the other ducklings and I were playing tag and the big brown duck swam near us laughing and calling me names. He was making fun of my glasses, my hat and my Chinese accent. Soon the other ducks stopped playing tag with me and began to tease too. Even my best friend Orlando Jim started to quack up with all the rest of them.

    The big brown duck swam over to me with all the other ducklings following him. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "I don't like the way you quack!" then he turned to the other ducks and screamed, "Peking Duck squeals like a piggy when he quacks!" Then he opened his mouth real wide and let out a big squeal. He told all the other ducks to squeal and they did. Soon they were all swimming in a circle around me squealing and laughing. I was embarrassed and hurt. Tears were running down my beak. I dunked my whole body under the water to escape. I swam home as fast as I could. Most of the way home they followed me squealing and laughing. When I arrived home, I wiped the tears from my eyes. My mother asked me what was wrong but I never told her. I kept it to myself.

    The next day my best friend Orlando Jim came over to play. He couldn't understand why I was so upset. I asked him why he had to make fun of me? Why he didn't tell the other ducks how wrong it was to tease another? He bowed his head and whispered, "We were just goofing around." I asked him how he would feel if I made fun of him? He replied, "I would be mad at you." "And that is how I feel right now," I explained "MAD!"

    The point is, if you tease and make fun of another person you are going to hurt their feelings and make them mad. If you are with your friends and one person is bullying another, don't support the bully; support the person being picked on. Be a wise quack and say, "hey stop it!" or better yet find an adult to help you end a very bad situation.

    Remember, if you join in on the teasing and hurtful word you become a bully too.

    How to Know if a Student is Being Bullied

    If you notice a behavior change, you may want to talk to the child to see if there is anything wrong. For example, if a child is normally out-going and willing to participate one day and then all of a sudden they're quiet and afraid to raise their hand. Or, a calm child becomes loud and obnoxious. If this happens, you may want to talk to the child to see if someone is bullying them. Unfortunately when you ask the student if there is a problem he/she may not give you a truthful answer so it is very important that you recognize warning signs.

    Here are a list of warning signs:

  • Child is sick from school more than usual
  • Child stops wanting to participate in classroom activities
  • Child's school work becomes sloppy
  • Child's grades unexplainably drop
  • Child starts coming to school with torn clothing
  • Child is afraid to board the bus or walk home from school
  • Child is afraid to go out on the playgorund
  • Child wants to go home for lunch

  • By keeping a watchful eye you can help to prevent serious emotional and physical damage.

    How Do You Spot A Bully?

    Unlike the movies and television shows that dress the bullies up in leather jackets, greased hair, and tattoos with a mean look on their face, real life bullies many not resemble any of these characters. The truth is a bully can be tall, large, small, smart, average, muscular, thin, not so smart, not so muscular, small, young old. The one thing that all bullies have in common is that they like to be the boss or the leader. You can tell they are bullies when they are trying to drain the self-esteem of others so they can make themselves look and feel better.

    Here is a list of things to look for in your classroom, in the hallway, on the playground or at home:

    If one child is pushing another child
    If one child is making fun of the way another child looks
    If one child is always talking negatively about another student or students
    If there are conversations going on between children leaving one or more out of the group
    If you see students on the playground grouping together in a circle
    If a student reacts violently toward you or another student
    If you see that students seem to be intimidated by another student
    If you see a repeated and consistent negative action towards another student
    There is an imbalance of power between an alleged bully and the targeted student
    Remember that all students, staff and parents have the power to put an end to a conflicting situation before it escalates in a negative physical or emotional situation.

    Michigan educational/motivational speaker and author Richard Paul and his Duck Sense programs mission is to present creative, entertaining and fun school shows and youth conference keynote speeches/teen workshops that promote self-esteem, acceptance, reduce conflict and help put an end to school violence.

    His school assemblies, youth workshops, motivational educational books and CD's have one common thread which is to build character, stop the bullying, understand and respect diversity and offer up success skills to help end teasing and promote anti-violence in schools.

    From his many articles, to his sought after fun, character advancement, motivational audio CD "Duck Sense" and his straightforward "Tackling Conflict Head On", chapter in a new nationally recognized book entitled "The Better Bottom Line", Richard shares the success tools and techniques to help promote a safer, friendlier, happier, productive environment.

    Find out more about Richard Paul at Find out more about bullying at

    Saturday, December 20, 2008

    What You Need To Know About Gifts

    Writen by Thomas Morva

    People basically are affectionate and love to give perfect gifts to the people who are important to them. However, some people, especially those who do not love to go shopping, find it hard to buy gifts for loved ones and friends during special occasions. So here are some ideas that can help you decide on that special gift for your loved one for that special occasion.

    If you are planning to buy a birthday gift, first you should think about the personality and the interests of the person to whom you will give it. Your gift should depend on what he or she would appreciate based on personal interests. It can be favorite designer jeans, toys or books for kids, jewelry like earrings or bracelets for women, and cologne or ties for men. Or if you have the skills to make homemade gifts such as scented candles or sketches, you can do so because the recipient will appreciate the extra effort.

    An anniversary is an occasion usually celebrated by couples to mark the passage of a year in their relationship. There are lots of anniversaries that can be celebrated, but the most common are wedding anniversaries. During an anniversary, you can give your partner something that he or she has been eyeing for some time. This can be a household item, sports equipment, a beautiful dress or elegant suit, or sparkling jewelry. Or if you want to be a little sentimental, you can give him or her something that reminds you of your past, such as picture frame with your picture during your first date.

    Aside from birthdays and anniversaries, Christmas is an occasion that is also celebrated annually. Without gifts, Christmas would not be complete because this is the time of giving and sharing. Christmas gifts are not hard to find, since during the holiday seasons, there are lots of options for you. Clothes, toys, and any other special items are widely available. You just have to pick something that suits the person whom you will give it to.

    Gifts need not be expensive. Whatever the occasion is, what matters most is how you remembered the person and not the amount you spent for the gift you gave.

    Gifts provides detailed information on Gifts, Christmas Gifts, Baby Gifts, Anniversary Gifts and more. Gifts is affiliated with Birthday Gift Ideas.

    Friday, December 19, 2008

    Home Care And Supported Living For Children And Families

    Writen by Roger Huxtable

    The importance of home care and supported living for families which have a special needs child cannot be underestimated.

    Home care and supported living services include periodic respite for care givers and on-going assistance to families looking after a special needs child; be it to take the pressure off parents or to develop the disabled child's independence.

    Home care and supported living enables children with mental and physical disabilities to live with their families in their own homes. Home care and supported living also benefit the child's primary carers. For instance, the adult or adults who have primary responsibility for looking after the child may need a break from care-giving. Home care and supported living includes occasional respite services to enable the carers to do this.

    Home care and supported living for children and families can take on many crucial aspects:

    Home Care and Supported Living Gives the Main Carers a Break

    Home care and supported living can involve respite care. This means that outside carers will come into the home of the child with special needs and care for him or her so that the parents or guardians can take a break from their everyday care duties.

    Home Care and Supported Living Takes the Pressure off Parents

    Home care and supported living is not always about looking after the child with special needs. It can also involve outside carers coming in to look after the other children in the family or simply carrying out household chores. This takes the pressure of the parents so that they can more easily look after the child with special needs.

    Home Care and Supported Living Develops the Special Needs Child

    Home care and supported living also helps to develop the child with special needs. For instance, outside carers can come into the child's home and encourage and help him or her to carry out tasks him or herself.

    Choosing the Right Home Care Services

    A child with special needs affects each family differently. Some children are able to live relatively independently whilst others might need constant care and attention. Therefore it is essential for parents of special needs children to choose home care services carefully to ensure that their specific requirements are met.

    Thursday, December 18, 2008

    Safety Tips For Common Power Tools

    Writen by Debbie Johnston

    When using power tools, safety is the most important thing to consider. Using power tools correctly and safely will ensure the safety of you and anyone else around you. Different power tools gave different procedures to make sure that they are operating safely.

    The router is a great tool for shaping wood quickly and cleanly. However, there are several things to keep in mind when using a router. Test out the router on a piece of scrap metal to make sure that it is of the proper depth. If the router is too deep or not deep enough, you will ruin the wood, and potentially harm yourself. Be sure to keep the bit away from the wood when you first start the router. When the router comes up to speed, firmly grip the handle and move the bit slowly and carefully into the object you are working on.

    Reciprocating saws are used for cutting all kinds of materials, renovating and dismantling structures, and opening up walls. Naturally, this heavy-duty tool should be used with precaution. Holding the reciprocating saw with both hands when using it is a must. It is very powerful and has the ability to pull very hard on the user. The blades for this type of saw range from 6 inches to 12 inches. The blades can break, so have extras, and be careful with the blades when you are finished with the saw because the blades heat up tremendously while being used.

    The power miter saw is also called a chop saw. It is used to make crisp, quick, and accurate cuts. It is often used on carpentry or picture framing. While in use, this saw should be raised off of the ground (this can be done with two-by-fours). It should be raised because the chips of wood that fall out of the machine can pile up and clog it if it is not elevated. Check the blade guard of the saw, and be sure to be cutting on a sturdy surface.

    Finally, there are some general safety tips that can be applied to all power tools. Always wear goggles. This tip cannot be stressed enough. Eye injuries are very common when working with power tools, so always protect your eyes. Read all instructions thoroughly. All power tools have their little quirks. Read the instructions and learn the proper way to use the power tool. Follow warning labels. This may seem like a simple safety tip, but many people ignore warnings (for example: they stand on the very top of the ladder, and fall over). Finally, be very careful and eliminate distractions whenever possible. Following these few tips should help you be safer when using any kind of power tool.

    Debbie Johnston recommends Makita power tools from

    How Can Fathers Win Custody Of Their Children

    Writen by Aaron McCoy

    Why do women win custody in Family Court? Why are men "allowed" to see their kids every other weekend and required to pay child support? The reason behind this is simple - women take the time and effort to learn how the system works. Many fathers have lost custody of their children just because they didn't take the time to find out the rules of the Family Law system. A man can be his own worst enemy during a custody battle. His failure to learn what he can do to win his case will result in defeat. I guarantee that your ex has already found out what she needs to do to take your children away from you, and increase child support payments yea.

    There are plenty of Lawyers out there who will promise fathers the world and not deliver. The truth is, when you are in the divorce process or going back to court for custody issues, your lawyer does almost nothing for you! Before you even see a judge or the inside of a court room, most states require that you see a court appointed mediator. In mediation, your lawyer cannot even come with you. 99% of the time the judge accepts the mediators recommendation. Lawyers know this, and they want you to settle out of court. These guys want to make their money without doing anything. You can waste years of your life, not to mention thousands of dollars battling the legal system, just to lose.

    But there is a different way to fight the system. You, as a father, can fight for custody without hiring a lawyer, without wasting thousands of dollars each year. Fathers just need to know the RIGHT information to help them with their legal problems.

    I have found a wonderfull online program that gives fathers AMAZING strategies to help them in custody battles. When I review this book, I was simply astounded that more fathers have not taken this approach. The strategies that "Family Law Secrets Revealed" teaches can help almost every father fighting for custody.

    I strongly suggest that you take a look at this eBook Consider that the average lawyer requires at least a $3,000 retainer fee just to get your case started and file the initial paperwork - spending $29.00 on this eBook could turn out to save you thousands of dollars in attorney fees! Most fathers who use these strategies save money and end up getting what they wanted all along.

    So go do what you know you need to do. Don't give up on your children, dont ever stop fighting.

    Wednesday, December 17, 2008

    Your High School Class Reunion 15 Ways To Make It Awesome

    Writen by Rix Quinn

    A high school reunion can be loads of fun! I know, because I go to them all the time...and many aren't even my class! Heck, I've probably been to as many reunions as a name badge salesman.

    It doesn't matter if you graduated from a tiny school or a giant suburban one. There were 1000 students in my senior class. (I don't remember how long the graduation ceremony lasted, but I think I packed refreshments.)

    The key to a successful reunion, folks tell me, is "building a community." That is, every person invited needs to feel they are part of a special group. But how do you do that?

    Here's how our class developed three huge reunions. I hope these ideas will work for you, too:

    1. BEGIN LOCALLY -- Those still living in the same town as your high school form the ideal "reunion committee." If you live close to your school, how many of your fellow grads still live within your zip code?

    2. INITIAL GATHERING -- Call the local folks you know first, then ask them to call classmates THEY know. Schedule an informal lunch or dinner at an inexpensive, easy-to-find local restaurant.

    3. INCLUDE EVERYBODY -- The larger the planning committee, the better! At the initial event, ask everyone to bring mailing and/or e-mail addresses for all classmates with whom they're still in contact.

    4. CLASS ARCHIVIST -- Appoint one member -- preferably one with solid computer skills -- to develop a database (or spreadsheet) that lists important details of each class member (name, address, city/state/zip, home phone, business phone, cell phone, fax, and...MOST IMPORTANT, E-MAIL.

    5. SET A DATE -- Preferably about a year away! Then, send that date (and location, if possible) to local newspapers, radio stations, and your old high school.

    6. ASK FOR DONATIONS -- This is really hard to do...but it's tough to grow a reunion without SEED MONEY. Those early dollars can help you (a)buy postage for mailings, (b)fund a classmate to set up a solid e-mail database, (c)book a location, (d)fund long distance charges to call folks who are out of town.

    7. BUILD THAT DATABASE -- An old school phone directory is a good place to start. Call parents, brothers and sisters of classmates. Talk to people who graduated the year before and after you.

    8. E-MAIL -- The BEST way we found to both gather NEW addresses and information is FREQUENT e-mails to classmates. Another idea: Create an "Each one, reach one" campaign by asking every one on your database to find at least ONE other class member.

    9. CAN I HELP? -- One of the best ways to generate classmate replies and reservations is to send frequent, SHORT e-mails to classmates. For lots of writing ideas, you might buy a copy of my little book "Words That Stick." It's available at:

    10. PROFESSIONAL PLANNERS -- Need help planning your renuion, and a way to create e-mail messages that make classmates want to attend? For details, e-mail me at

    RIX QUINN writes the weekly syndicated humor feature "Poor Rix's Almanac" for DBR Media. His book on short writing -- "Words That Stick" -- is available from your local bookstore or

    The Origins Of Halloween

    Writen by Ivy Mills

    So where did we get this controversial holiday from anyway? The word "Halloween" actually has deep roots within the Catholic church. It's sort of a corrupted version of "All Hallow's Eve" or "All Saints Night" which was a festival held in honour of saints on November 1st. The ancient Celts celebrated Samhain (pronounced "sow-en"), their version of new year's eve on October 31st. Through thousands of years of dilution, the two got mixed up.

    Halloween was brought to America with Irish immigrants the 1840's. The Celtic people believed that certain turning points in time were magickal. It is still a well known saying that midnight is the "witching hour". The turning of the year was considered particularly potent and the "veil between the worlds" was at it's thinnest. This was considered a wonderful time to commune with the dead or tell your fortune.

    Because Samhain was considered an "untime", the people believed that chaos reigned and would engage in outlandish behaviour and sport unusually high spirits. On this night, people would imitate fairies or "spooks" and run from house to house begging for treats.

    They would carry a turnip carved with a small face to hold a flame for light on their path. If the homeowner denied them, they would assail him with pranks and practical jokes. Here is probably the cause for "trick or treat".

    The Celts would extinguish their home fires and make a journey to the centre of Ireland where a Druidic fire was lit by rubbing two pieces of wood together, later being blessed by the Druids. People would take a torch lit from this sacred fire and return home lighting their hearths once more. This was likely symbolic of the new year.

    Samhain was the last of the harvest festivals and anything left in the fields after this day was considered "fairy food", unfit for human consumption. One of the favourite activities of the evening was divining one's future.

    Bobbing for apples was originally a form of marriage divination - who ever bit into an apple first, would be the first to marry in the new year. Another apple divination was to peel an apple - the longer the peel, the longer your life would last. And most cheerful of all was when each person would place a stone in the hearth ashes before going to bed - if your stone had been disturbed upon waking, you were destined to die within the year.

    According to Irish folklore, there was a prankster named Jack who tricked the Christian devil into climbing a tree. Jack then carved a cross into the wood trapping the devil. Jack made a deal that if the devil never tempted him again, he would be freed.

    After Jack died, he was not allowed into heaven because of his "evil" ways. When he turned to hell, the devil would not allow him in because of the trick Jack played. The devil did, however, give him a single ember to light his way in between the worlds.

    For fear of it burning out, Jack placed the ember inside of a turnip. Thus, we have the Jack O'Lantern. Irish immigrants switched from turnips to pumpkins when they arrived because in America, they were more plentiful.

    Halloween is considered a wonderful time to finish old projects, start new projects and contemplate life. The activities of the season include research or study, and crafts for the coming of Yule. I don't know about you, but I miss trick-or-treating!

    Ivy Mills has been researching chemical sensitivity and natural alternatives for over five years and has brought her knowledge to the marketplace in her company, Valhalla Essences. Her personal experiences have fed a passion to help others with the same problem. Ivy welcomes others to share their stories and experiences on her blog, Peaceful Power.

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    Gun Defense Questions And Answers Why Have A Gun In The First Place

    Writen by Mr Jody Hudson

    I have been called, e-mailed and stopped on the street, questioned in my office, at a couple of places where I shop, and at the post office. I do radio ads for Steele's Gun Shop and I'm known to be familiar with firearms to some degree. I have been asked about what kind of gun or ammo to purchase for home defense and about concealed carry of guns and knives. Some of these questions were from people who have never owned guns before and some from those who "hate" guns and even hate gun owners as well to some degree.

    One of my friends has interest in a business near the World Trade Center site. One close friend was the one who first reported the plane that hit the Pentagon, about three windows from his office window. Another friend of mine lives on Long Island and works in the building industry and at a huge lumber store there; so she is in constant contact with workers and contractors connected to the New York City area. Several of my friends are military, National Guard, and police. I am no authority, in my mind, nor compared to some that I know, but I am very open in my communications on anything. So, I am asked about a lot of things. I have been around guns, gun shops, police, military, and worked as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer, as a Security Policeman in the U. S. Coast Guard, and as a Security and Public Relations person at FEMA for a while in disaster preparedness and as an on-site disaster center worker.

    I do have some opinions and some are quite strong. They are based on knowledge and experience and information from those who know better than I. So here is some data in the form of;

    Frequently Asked Questions and My Answers.


    For the same reasons we have smoke detectors, first aid kits, fire extinguishers; life, health, dental and home insurance. Because planning, preparation and investment in proper tools and devices -- give us more control over ourselves and our destiny and well being in any arena. And, having better control of our lives and future is a native concern and need for most of us.

    I think, and most of us think, that any life worth living is worth defending. We have dedicated 40, 50, 60, or 100 hours a week to providing for our families so that they may live life without major interruptions or inconveniences and death or injury at the hand of a "Bad Person". Disaster is certainly not part of our plan for optimum survival for us and our family.

    Because people are neither natively brave nor courageous and because people are natively more comfortable, less fearful, having something to hand for self and family defense; having a weapon to hand or a method of defense and protection is an internal instinct that is intrinsic and native. That can include decisions to lock the doors, live in safer areas and staying alert to news and current events. Even those who hate guns and want all of them gone, always seem to have a kitchen knife, a baseball bat or a sword (Ha) to defend themselves with. The Bad Person, BP laughs as such implements in the hands of someone not used to fighting for their lives and it is in fact laughable if you've ever seen a street thug fight or attack someone.

    Those who decry guns are the first to call 911 and beg someone, a policeman, with a gun to come and defend them - the police can not and WILL NOT ARRIVE IN TIME. In fact the police are not even expected to arrive to defend you. They are expected only, by law, to come and mark chalk lines around your dead body and that of your family - and to write up the reports, take pictures of the blood splattered walls and floor, and file them away along with a report on what they find at the scene of your murder. Check it out; even the Supreme Court of the United States had made a written decision to that extent.


    None. A non shooter should not have any gun. Having a gun without taking the time and effort to learn how to USE it correctly and safely hit what is aimed at is not only silly but it's dangerous. Here, I agree with the anti-gun people. THEY shouldn't have a gun because they wouldn't use the gun and would likely shoot someone for nothing, or miss and hit someone else. Non-Shooters should not own guns, period. Anti-gunners are more likely to become murderers or accidental killers with a gun than without. It is a cinch that if they don't trust others with a gun, they certainly are not worthy of trust with one themselves, and that's certain.


    First of all, don't buy a gun if you are not going to become proficient with it and that takes some time, repetition and training. My first suggestion is the .38 caliber/.357 caliber revolvers. These are inexpensive and easy to find new or used. The .357 revolver and can be used with low power .38 caliber ammunition for practice and for defense the same gun will allow the use of extremely powerful .357 ammunition. They are made to hold 5 or 6 cartridges and that should be fine for home defense. They are quite accurate and fairly easy to learn. They have no "safety" lever so under tension and in the terror of having to use one for self defense, there is no safety to remember about changing to the fire position from the safe position. Many, many people have died as a result of trying to defend themselves with a gun that was still on safe when they needed to fire it to stop someone from killing them. The Bad Person won't wait for you to remember the safety. I'm not in favor of safeties at all. Every person in the home that has access to the gun MUST be trained in safe handling. No safety switch, lock or chain will make a gun safe in the hands of an idiot or an unsafe gun handler - same thing.

    A revolver is the gun that cowboys used. The cylinder holds six shots, and revolves as it's shot, hence it's called a six shooter or revolver, and after each shot the cylinder revolves to put another cartridge in back of the barrel ready to fire when the trigger is pulled to slam the hammer down and fire the bullet out the barrel to what is aimed or pointed at.

    Once a person has fired several revolvers or several handguns, many of them choose a pistol. A pistol is a semi-automatic handgun that does not have a cylinder but has a magazine to hold several cartridges instead. It is called a semi-automatic because it moves a new cartridge in place to befired each time the trigger is pulled, just like a revolver. Some pistols hold 15 or 20 shots or rounds as we call it. Modern pistols are only allowed to have 10 rounds in America as a result of some idiotic laws passed by people who should not be allowed to have guns themselves. I prefer pistols to revolvers myself but advise revolvers for first timers to learn on.

    By the way, an "automatic" is a gun that fires all of the shots, in machine gun rapid fire fashion with ONE pull of the trigger. Few people own and even fewer can effectively use an automatic weapon. They are better for noise than for hitting something. The real best choice for home defense is a shotgun. But most people want a pistol as it's easier to have next to the bed and to get ready. The shotgun however is easier to aim under stress and is more likely to stop an attacker faster. Shotguns come in many configurations and sizes. They come in several cartridge sizes too. The two most common sizes are 12 gauge and 20 gauge, there are many other sizes but for home defense we'll stick to the more common 12 or 20. Ordinarily the shotgun is less expensive, easier to use, and better for defense than a pistol by far.

    Many people think that shotguns have shot that spreads, to send out a wall of lead, and that you can't miss with a shotgun. That is BULL.. The longest distance most of us will be able to shoot in defense, inside our homes, is about 20 feet. At that distance the size of the circle of shot from a shotgun is about two and a half inches in diameter or less. It's easy to miss with a shotgun, but not as easy as it is to miss with a pistol. Some people want to get all sorts of specialty ammo for a shotgun to use in home defense. That is not needed. The cheapest "bird shot" is the best for home defense and the least likely to go through wall after wall after wall through your house and into the sleeping rooms of the rest of your family and the neighbors up and down the street.

    By the way, most pistol ammo will go through three or four walls, perhaps more, before it stops if you miss the person you are shooting at in self defense. Where are the kids? Think about it before you get a gun. In fact thinking is far superior to shooting, regarding self defense. In modern homes, made of foam insulation, wall board and vinyl siding; a pistol bullet can easily penetrate both sides of five or six homes before stopping.

    Guns are expensive and good guns are very expensive. There are some ways to beat the system however. There are lots of used guns on the market, especially police guns, because everyone, especially the police, want to have the coolest and most awesome and most new gun that is being advertised. So they trade in the old guns and often the older guns are the better guns although less cool. Silly aren't they? There are lots of good used pistols, revolvers and shotguns in the gun shops of America and many of them are superior to the new stuff in reliability and accuracy. Go figure! J Or you can purchase a new gun.

    No matter what you get, make certain that you learn how to use the gun correctly and get some training from someone who really knows guns and safe handling. Most men think they are genetically endowed with gun smarts and they are not. In fact most men who are first time or infrequent users of guns are far more stupid and far more dangerous than women and no more likely to hit what they aim for either. As a matter of fact, women are usually better shots than men at

    first, according to my experience. I have taught several hundred people how to shoot for the first time and have helped a few dozen others shoot better. By the way I'm not a professional firearms instructor, just a willing friend and neighbor who has shot a lot and owned a lot of guns over a lot of years.

    IF you do get a gun, and I'm not at all certain that you should; keep your defensive firearm handy but secure and practice, practice, practice. Practice often enough to be dangerous to the Bad Persons and often enough to NOT be dangerous to yourself and your family. At a minimum that will be weekly for a few months and then monthly for several months and then at least every two or three months thereafter. Even those who hunted all the time 30 or 40 years ago but not much in the last 10 years, are not to be trusted to be safe and accurate with a firearm now.


    The silly news shows, the major media evening news is fond of showing off all sorts of buzz saw bullets and bullets that will penetrate bullet proof vests and all manner of other nonsense. Almost anything on the evening news about guns, ammo, self defense, etc. is a lie or at best BULL. Now, regarding ammunition; you don't need a lot of ammo for self defense. In a defensive situation if you need more than ten or twenty shots, you are likely going to die anyway as there are either too many people for you to defend against or you are too bad a shot to defend yourself. However, under the stress of self defense, it is not unusual for police to miss every single shot from a 15 shot

    pistol when shooting at a Bad Person that is only 15 or 20 feet away. In shoot outs where trained police are shooting at BPs who also have guns, it is not unusual for several hundred shots to be fired for each person that is killed. Think about it. They need to practice a LOT more don't they. Luckily BPs don't practice much, if any, either. What you need lots of ammo for is practice.

    How about all these wonderful and special self defense bullets? There are bullets that cost $6 each or more that are supposed to work better and faster for self defense. The real truth is that it doesn't matter a HOOT how expensive the bullet is, if you miss a vital spot in the attacker. What you need is practice, practice, practice, so that you can certainly hit what you are aiming at and STOP an attacker. REAL experts say: It is better to shoot the attacker 6 times quickly and accurately when you need to stop the attack than it is to hit them with one super-duper-Cowabunga-pooper bullet. So practice. It is bullet placement that will save the life of you and your family; bullet placement that STOPS the Bad Person fast enough to stop that BP from hurting you or a loved one.


    Some folks are concerned about potential social turmoil, rogue bands of harmful burglars, perhaps dangerous riots, and there is a certainty that, for the first time, this war is happening here and there are no safe zones, at least no certain safe zones. As members of a community, we seek to support our community with personal and community commitment -- a price others are and have been willing to pay. Now it MAY be our turn. I'm not saying this is correct or right or even necessary; I'm just saying that is what some people feel and think.

    Owning a weapon is a personal decision. Some people have swords, canes, baseball bats, pepper spray, potato mashers and even hornet spray or a water pistol full of vinegar for self defense. Years ago almost all women carried a few long hat pins for defense and almost all men carried a stout umbrella or a walking stick. In many countries, even today, it is considered sensible to carry a dagger, a dirk, or even a pistol (such as in Israel) or a rifle all the time for self defense. I don't take a position either way for whether or not YOU have a weapon or decide to defend yourself against those who would rob or harm you and those near you.

    I do take one position however. I think that those who say guns are bad and no one should have a gun and no one should protect themselves with a gun should have signs on their clothing, their cars and around their homes and businesses. That sign should say "I do not believe in guns or other weapons, and I do not have any weapons, and I will not defend myself, and I do not believe in anyone protecting themselves against an assailant." If you are really against self defense and against guns - prove it and post the signs!

    Otherwise, for those of intelligence; Take care, prepare, practice and be safe.

    By Copyright 2001

    Moving Home A Stressful Time

    Writen by Joseph Kenny

    Moving home involves a lot of work. There are also a lot of financial considerations that people generally are not used to. Engaging a solicitor, arranging the mortgage, paying for bridging finance if it is necessary, seeking the best selling price for your home, and the best buying price for the home you are moving into, all of these are very large and important transactions that cost a lot of money and may also cause you a lot of stress.

    Add to this the stress of actually moving house. There may be some emotional attachment to the home you are leaving and you may find this very difficult. Then you have all the practicalities of dealing with utility companies, having mail redirected, cancelling your services and informing friends and business of the move.


    And this has not even begun to consider the hassle of packing up your belongings, arranging for a removal company, and transit insurance if you think you need it, and unpacking everything at the other end. It is really no wonder that so many people consider moving house such a major and traumatic experience.

    However, if you take a step back, the situation is really not that bleak. Most people end up moving home for very positive reasons. These will include getting a new job, or moving to a bigger property. Therefore, as well as all the stress there is also a lot of joy and excitement involved.

    Get Sorted

    You can also use the move as a chance to clear out your possessions. Look through everything before you start packing and decide what things you do not want to take with you to your new address. If there are a lot of clothes you can pack them up and give them to a charity shop. You should think about getting boxes and old newspapers gathered up. Boxes will be available from local shops and you can save your newspapers for wrapping breakables.

    If you are moving everything yourself, you can rent a van to help you out. Make sure it is a suitable size. If the van is too small you'll find yourself doing multiple trips, and if it is too large you may not be able to park, or even drive it. You should be comfortable with driving the van so give it a try before loading it up to make sure. The alternative is always to hire a professional removal company.

    Joseph Kenny is the webmaster of the loan information sites and also At the Personal Loan Store you can find some of the latest secured loans explained in detail.

    Monday, December 15, 2008

    So Happy Together An Anniversary Party

    Writen by Gail Leino

    An Anniversary doesn't have to be a big or even number to warrant a celebration. A party should be held after every year you are happily married! An anniversary party can follow many themes and be held in a home, restaurant or hall.

    Send out invitations well in advance of your gathering. They can be in wedding bell shapes, lovebirds, hearts or with whatever theme you have going on. A party supply store will have oodles of themes to choose from, including a safari, a 60's theme or a classic car party. Paper products to match the motif include thanks you cards, party favor bags, plates, napkins and tablecloths. Plastic silverware in any color is available for easy clean up and disposal.

    Other anniversary party needs would be balloons, flowers and streamers. If you are having a large open house style gathering, use centerpieces of flowers which compliment the theme. A palm tree for safari's, a convertible plastic car for the classic and a pair of fuzzy dice for the 60's work well in the center of the table. Your budget is the only limiting factor in decorating.

    Games are often difficult to play at an open house or anniversary party, but you can have other entertainment. Play the wedding video in the background or on a laptop computer. Have pictures posted or set out the wedding photo album for everyone to peruse and reminisce.

    Party favors can be given out in the form of a picture with a thank you, a fun theme oriented figure or just table mints. Use your imagination to top every previous year's celebration. Take lots of pictures to continually add to a scrapbook just meant for the anniversary party. Have fun and watch everyone grow old and gray together over the years!

    Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has Anniversary Party Supplies, ideas, pinatas, games, costumes, decorations, and activities.

    Sunday, December 14, 2008

    When You Need A Cheap Weekend Break Look Online For The Best Deals

    Writen by Dominic Ferrara

    Many online travel sites offer several cheap weekend breaks to those looking for a getaway. For the very adventurous traveler they can spend several weekends a year visiting a new and different place. It's an affordable way to take a trip.

    The reason that cheap weekend breaks are so popular is their value. Most airlines strive to fill every available seat on their flights. By offering discounted seats at the last minute they are ensuring that the seat won't remain empty. This translates to them making some revenue on that otherwise vacant spot.

    Hotels see the value in cheap weekend breaks as well. Empty rooms mean lost money to every hotel. If they can offer the room to someone willing to pay a reduced rate because it's short notice, they will gladly do that. You can often find rooms at many four star hotels at inexpensive rates when you are searching for cheap weekend breaks.

    Although many cheap weekend breaks are only offered near the end of the week, with some research you might be able to plan in advance.

    You are obviously not likely to find cheap weekend breaks during holiday weekends. Many people travel during these times and airfare and hotel accommodations are often offered at peak rates. However there are certain time periods during the year when cheap weekend breaks are readily available.

    These are during the off season months for travel which normally include the latter part of winter, spring and the fall. Obviously it would be difficult to find cheap weekend breaks over Memorial Day, Easter weekend or Labor Day. Families plan months in advance to take a trip during these times to avoid missed school days for their children. Airfare and hotel prices generally are at the high level of the spectrum and if you are flexible you'll want to find a weekend where the cost is much lower for the same trip.

    Regularly checking prices of airlines and hotels is the best way to keep informed of when cheap weekend breaks are available. If you notice a reasonably priced getaway on a weekend when you've got free time it's a great idea to take the plunge and invest in some fun time away from home.

    For more information on the best Travel Deals Online try visiting Ultimate Travel Deals Video located at where you will find valuable information on cheap tickets and other information..