Thursday, December 18, 2008

How Can Fathers Win Custody Of Their Children

Writen by Aaron McCoy

Why do women win custody in Family Court? Why are men "allowed" to see their kids every other weekend and required to pay child support? The reason behind this is simple - women take the time and effort to learn how the system works. Many fathers have lost custody of their children just because they didn't take the time to find out the rules of the Family Law system. A man can be his own worst enemy during a custody battle. His failure to learn what he can do to win his case will result in defeat. I guarantee that your ex has already found out what she needs to do to take your children away from you, and increase child support payments yea.

There are plenty of Lawyers out there who will promise fathers the world and not deliver. The truth is, when you are in the divorce process or going back to court for custody issues, your lawyer does almost nothing for you! Before you even see a judge or the inside of a court room, most states require that you see a court appointed mediator. In mediation, your lawyer cannot even come with you. 99% of the time the judge accepts the mediators recommendation. Lawyers know this, and they want you to settle out of court. These guys want to make their money without doing anything. You can waste years of your life, not to mention thousands of dollars battling the legal system, just to lose.

But there is a different way to fight the system. You, as a father, can fight for custody without hiring a lawyer, without wasting thousands of dollars each year. Fathers just need to know the RIGHT information to help them with their legal problems.

I have found a wonderfull online program that gives fathers AMAZING strategies to help them in custody battles. When I review this book, I was simply astounded that more fathers have not taken this approach. The strategies that "Family Law Secrets Revealed" teaches can help almost every father fighting for custody.

I strongly suggest that you take a look at this eBook Consider that the average lawyer requires at least a $3,000 retainer fee just to get your case started and file the initial paperwork - spending $29.00 on this eBook could turn out to save you thousands of dollars in attorney fees! Most fathers who use these strategies save money and end up getting what they wanted all along.

So go do what you know you need to do. Don't give up on your children, dont ever stop fighting.

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