Monday, December 29, 2008

Roommate Advertisements 5 Essential Ingredients For Creating The Perfect Ad

Writen by Enid Steiner

Does your roommate advertisement jump out of the page and catch your reader's attention? If you feel your advertisement doesn't capture the imagination of potential roommates, these tips can help you. The key is to design an advertisement that's a balance between letting people know what kind of roommate is right for you while showing potential roommates why you would be their perfect roommate.

You can attract the right people by including 5 key ingredients in your advertisement. These ingredients let you write a free flowing concise advertisement where the reader can decide straight away if it's a good idea to contact you. Together with a positive tone, your advertisement will stand out and be remembered even after your potential roommate has read many advertisements.

The length of your advertisement also plays a vital role in finding the right roommate. You will need to decide how much space you wish to dedicate to each ingredient without your advertisement becoming too brief or long-winded. The easiest ways to find the right length is by trial and error or asking for a second opinion.

So, what are the 5 key ingredients to include in your advertisement? Let's take a look and find out more about each one.

1. Rent and Bond/Security Deposit

Clearly stating the rent per week, any additional expenses and if a bond/security deposit needs to be paid lets people decide if they can afford to live with you as a roommate. Ideally, your advertisement should mention if the rent already includes expenses or whether they're extra.

2. Residence and Location

In your advertisement you should mention the suburb/town and the type of dwelling you are living in. For readers to get a better picture you should include a brief description of amenities such as the number of bedrooms. You may also wish to list benefits such as cable TV, internet connection or scenic views.

3. Roommates

You should mention the number of roommates that live in your household. It lets potential roommates know how many people they would be living with and whether it's suitable for them. This screens out any people who would like to live in a smaller or larger household.

4. Roommate Ingredients

Your advertisement should state the top 2-3 traits you are looking for in a roommate, for example, an outgoing female who is a non-smoker. Listing these traits can act as a screening process and indicates to potential roommates what kind of roommate is right for you.

5. Local Amenities

It's important to list local amenities such as local shops, Cafes or transport. This will attract people to your advertisement, as these benefits are often a determining factor when looking for a roommate. A good example are students who may wish to live near public transport and close to College.

These ingredients let you create an informative advertisement where potential roommates can learn about your household while finding out which kind of roommate is right for you. Just remember, by simply adding each essential ingredient to your roommate advertisement, you too, can capture the eye of your perfect roommate.

Good Luck and Happy Roommate Hunting!

Enid Steiner is a Director of, an Australian online roommate service. lets people find their perfect roommate and provides helpful share accommodation tips, hints and advice.

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