Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kid Birthday Party Invitations 12 Things You Must Include

Writen by Mike Dougherty

Why do you send birthday party invitations?

Do YOUR invitations get people to your party?

If you're like most people, when you send out invitations for your child's upcoming birthday party, you worry (at least a little) that no one will show up.

And if no one shows up for your child's special day, your child's heart will be broken. And that's not a fun way to spend your birthday.

Why do we send invitations?

This may seem like a silly question, but it isn't. We really have to understand the goal if we ever hope to accomplish the goal.

And the goal of a birthday party invitation is?

To get everyone that's invited to your party!

Sounds simple enough. But who are we inviting? Well for your child's birthday, you're inviting their friends. And their friends are children.

And how do you invite those children? By sending a birthday invitation to them by way of their parents.

So how do you get the parents of the children you've invited to make sure their children go to your party?

The secret to success is the information in your invitations.

You'd be surprised how often people make simple mistakes on their invitation by forgetting to include all the information parents need.

Make it EASY for them to RSVP and have their children at your party.

Kid Birthday Party Invitations - Your number one priority

  • Get your invitations out early
  • In this fast-paced world of ours, where family and kid's activities have everyone (including you) going in 6 different directions at once, you HAVE to give folks time to put this important event on their calendars.

    What Information You Must Include

  • Tell them it's a birthday party
  • The invitation headline should tell them it's a kid birthday party invitation.

  • Give them your child's FIRST and LAST NAME
  • If you just use your child's first name, they may have another friend with the same name, so make it easy for them by using your child's first and last name.

  • Mention how old your child will be
  • This is very helpful for anyone that wants to get your child a birthday gift.

  • Give the DAY and DATE of your party
  • Make it easy for the other parents to check their own calendars.

  • Is your party before, during or after lunch?

  • This is very important for a number of reasons. By stating what time your party ends, you will avoid being stuck with a house full of kids bouncing off your walls, waiting for a parent to pick them up (and rescue you).

  • Party Location
  • Where is your party going to be? At your home, a local park, restaurant, fire department, ball park or? And remember to include the street address, name of the street and apartment number. You should also include a simple map. If it's a location other than your home, include a contact phone number or your cell phone number.

  • What type of party is it?
  • Are having a theme party? What is your theme? Are your guests encouraged to wear theme related costumes?

  • Are you serving a meal, snacks, or just cake and ice cream?
  • Parents need to know if their child should have lunch before going to the party. Parents with children who are diabetic will need to let you know if they're child can have treats or not.

  • An RSVP phone number and when they must RSVP
  • If you really want parents to RSVP, you need to give them a deadline. State that they must RSVP by a certain date. If you're party is going to be in a restaurant, let them know, so they will understand that you have to give the restaurant the expected number of guests. Make sure you include an RSVP phone number.

    Kid Birthday Party Invitations - Success!

    And finally, about one week before your child's birthday party, pick up the phone and call each parent, ask them if they received the invitation and ask them if their child will be attending the party. This kind of "gentle reminder" will be appreciated and will help insure the best turn out for your child's party.

    If you're like most people, when you send out invitations for your child's upcoming birthday party, you worry (at least a little) that no one will show up. But if you take just a little time to follow these simple guidelines, your kid birthday party invitations will be successful.

    Have fun

    Mike Dougherty "Grandpa Mike" has years worth of experience putting together successful birthday parties for his children and grandchildren. To learn more from Mike about successful kid birthday party invitations, visit

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