Monday, December 22, 2008

Chemicalfree Sleep

Writen by Jennifer Jordan

For those of us who get the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night, we will spend a whole third of our lives on top of our mattress. Because this is such a significant amount of time, the last thing we want to be is sleeping with chemicals; most of us would rather sleep with the fishes. But, the truth is many of us may be sleeping on mattresses containing chemicals and not even realize it.

Chemicals, by textbook definition, are explained as being something made of or generated from substances produced by reactions involving atomic or molecular changes. In the dictionary of modern day life, chemicals have become synonymous with disease, particularly cancer, and therefore many of us do not want to be sleeping with them, not even if they buy us dinner first.

Mattresses don't strike most people as something stuffed with chemicals; a black cloud doesn't surround them like it does smoke stacks or a semi-truck. They seem, to the average sleeper, perfectly harmless. But, because manufacturers of consumer products have found that they can save money by cutting production costs and replacing natural materials with materials that are petroleum based or made of synthetic chemicals, mattresses are becoming cheaper, but possibly at a more expensive cost.

Health wise, chemicals are not viewed as a good thing. Whether they are ingested, or inhaled, they can be dangerous; the human body would benefit from a "Do Not Enter" sign placed around its perimeter. For these reasons, many people are turning to more natural ways to sleep.

A Natural Latex Mattress, as the name insinuates, provides not only a natural way of sleeping, but undeniable comfort. Conforming to the body, disallowing for the build up of pressure points, and providing natural back support, the Natural Latex Mattress provides both short term and long term benefits.

Unique to other mattresses, the benefits of the Natural Latex Mattress are all given on an organic, synthetic-free basis. This makes the mattress highly recommended for all those who want to remove all unnatural materials from their bed.

With solid comfort, and natural ingredients, the Natural Latex Mattress allows both the body and the mind to rest more comfortably.

Jennifer Jordan is a senior editor for When she isn't sleeping on a FoamSource mattress, she concentrates on living as comfortably as possible.

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