Sunday, December 7, 2008

Why Be A Volunteer Whats In It For Me

Writen by Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem

What is in it for me, to volunteer my time and energy?

Volunteering allows me to be part of a group of respected, well meaning people who serve others. In my volunteer work, I find like minded people who share my vision to be part of a happier well functioning community. Personal relationships don't work, people work at having good relationships. Giving is part of making relationships work.

When I started volunteering, I was intimidated at the wealth of skills and abilities among the volunteers. I met many hard working people doing meaningful work. I also found appreciation for my skills. There was a great sense of conviviality, lots of laughs and stories galore. When I thought I couldn't manage the work load, I found amazing support from other volunteers. I came to realize it was partly my independence and as an eldest daughter my characteristic of taking on too much and not wanting to ask for help.

Every part of life asks us to make an investment in time and often money. Where we invest determines how our life evolves. My investment in volunteering, has included:

• by being on a board,
• attending and presenting at meetings and conferences,
• driving and shopping with and for others,
• reading, writing and distributing literature,
• stuffing envelopes,
• making phone calls,
• canvassing,
• managing fund raising events,
• selling at fundraisers,
• listening to the frustration of others and offering support and advice,
• and more.

What do I get from volunteering depends on what I give. Being a volunteer has enriched my life by bringing satisfaction when goals are reached, introducing me to new and interesting people, giving me opportunities to learn new skills and helping me have a sense of being a part of the solution to the problems in life. I cannot imagine my life without the wonderful experiences I have had as a volunteer.

Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem M.Ed., is a registered marriage and family therapist in private practice in Burlington ON Canada and author of books on personal growth through travel. For more information

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