Friday, June 6, 2008

9 Tips To Make Backtoschool Shopping A Snap

Writen by Pat Brill

It barely seems as if the final school bell rang, and already it's time to get the kids ready to head back! With everything else you have on your plate, the idea of back-to-school shopping can be, well, less than thrilling, and just a little overwhelming.

Relax! These nine tips will help you get organized and make back-to-school shopping a breeze.

1. Make A List. Consider what each child needs most and place those items at the top of your shopping list. Prioritizing needs will help you shop early for the necessities, and you can leave the unessential items until later, when you have more time—and money.

2. Create A Budget. Knowing how much you can afford to spend on clothes and electronic items, for example, can cut a great deal of time out of your back-to-school shopping. You'll know exactly which brands and products are within your spending limits – which means you won't waste time listening to that sales pitch for a high-priced computer that you know you can't afford. Be sure your kids know the limits before you head out to prevent future hassles with them over what you will and won't spend for certain items.

3. Use Cash. After you've made your budget, use cash to make your purchases. When you only have a limited amount of money in your pocket, you're not as likely to give in to the desire to splurge on things your children may not really need – or that you can't really afford. This will save you huge headaches down the road when the credit card bills would be rolling in. Instead, you'll be patting yourself on the back for being such a savvy shopper.

4. Plan Your Attack. Knowing when to shop is half the battle. Choose times when your children will be feeling their best. Time your shopping to beat the crowds. With gas prices the way they are, you'll want to map out your strategy ahead of time. Plan your route and hit all the stores you need to in an orderly manner – and save money at the gas pump as well.

5. Shop Alone When Possible. Sticking to a budget and dashing in and out of stores is so much easier when you're by yourself. Plus, you won't have the extra guilt that comes from kids begging for impulse items that you have to say no to. Shopping alone may not always be practical, but do it for as many items as possible. You'll save a lot of wear and tear not just on your wallet but on your nerves too!

6. Click It. Online shopping has to be any busy mom's best friend ever! You can find anything you need online and have it delivered right to your door. That means no filling up the car with kids and gas, driving all over town, and ending up back at home with your nerves frazzled and your credit card smoking. You can shop online while at the office or at home when the kids are napping or have gone to bed for the night—or any other time that's convenient to you, for that matter. Also, shopping online may save you lots of money, as you can easily shop around for the best deals and all from the comfort of your favorite PC.

7. Buy Quality. When it comes to buying things such as backpacks and other school supplies that will be used on a daily basis, you'll want to buy the highest quality you can afford. Remember a bargain isn't a bargain if an item falls apart in a few weeks and has to be replaced. So for items that are going to need to withstand a lot of wear and tear, buy quality. Believe me, you won't regret it.

8. Shop During Tax-Free Weekends. If your state has a tax-free weekend, be sure to take advantage of it. This is especially true when you need to purchase large-ticket items like computers. You'll be amazed at the amount of money you can save by shopping during this time.

9. Delegate. If you're time-starved, send Dad to do the back-to-school shopping. After all, who said shopping has to be just Mom's job? This is a great way to divide and conquer. You take half of the shopping list and let him take the other half. Neither of you will feel overwhelmed by the list of items to be bought, and sharing the shopping responsibility lessens the burdened too. (Actually, this would be a great time for you two to make a date to meet for coffee after the shopping's done and work in a little of that oh-so-important couple time!)

Copyright 2006 Pat Brill

Pat Brill is co-founder of which supports Busy Moms with free gift ideas and helpful tips to meet the challenges of motherhood. SilkBow is the perfect place for the perfect gift. Pat can be reached directly at:

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