Monday, June 16, 2008

Angels Named Michael

Writen by Michael Webbametto

Michael is a very famous name. Think about it. How many famous Michael's can you think of?

The first one I think of is the Archangel Michael. I'm no Biblical scholar, but I do remember that one. And isn't there something about "Michael rowed the boat ashore?" Alleluia! Most of us learned that tune in Sunday school years and years ago. So Michael is a famous name in the Bible.

Michelangelo is actually the same name. It's just a little longer. You probably noticed that there are two parts to it. It means "Michael Angel." His paintings were certainly angelic, and his sculptures were, too. He's the one who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and carved David out of a stone. People from all over the world travel to see his famous artworks.

Lately, we've heard a lot about a Michael who's both famous and infamous. Michael Jackson? Now there's a story. Are you old enough to remember the Jackson 5? Or the cartoon of them that came later? The boy was talented that's for sure. His trials were headline news for a long time a while back, but that's all over now. I hope everyone involved can find some peace. Maybe angels are watching over them.

In sports, there's Michael Jordan. Basketball, right? There are a lot of famous actors named Michael. Michael Douglas is one of my favorites. I thought he was so romantic in those movies back when. Do you remember, "Romancing the Stone?" Wasn't there a John Travolta movie where he played an angel? Was his name Michael?

In the not-so-famous realms, we have all known someone named Michael. I can probably think of someone named Michael from nearly every class in school from first grade on up. And there have been times in my life when there were so many Michaels, that we called them by their last names so we didn't get confused. I can think of 5 or 6 Michaels that I know right now!

Famous or not, Michael is a good name. Some of them are angels.

Michael Webbametto always found himself surrounded by others with the same first name. Finally, he decided to create a website in honor of all Michael s. Find out more about people with the name Michael at Fun With Michael

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