Monday, June 2, 2008

The Business Approach To Giving

Writen by Terri Wells

Have you given today?

If so what have you given?

Your time?

Your Money?

Your Possessions?

Your hair?

Let me commend you for your generosity.

I do, however, have another format of giving for I'd like you too think over.

You are in the checkout line of your local grocery store, you see a person struggling at the bottom of their purse or pocket for money to pay for food, toiletry, and baby items. Not finding the funds to complete the transaction the person instructs the cashier to put back one or more of the necessities?

Which do you do?

1.) Ignore and pretend to not hear or see what was happening?

2.) Politely say to the person or cashier that you would like to pay for all or some of the items the customer was not able to?

If you are a person of means I would hope that you would choose option 2.

This is most often one of the hardest forms of giving. We as humans would rather give to an organization which is setup to help those in need.

Having studied these organizations I have come to realize that it can be quite difficult for the poor to receive from these places. I've watched as they have turned away the hungry and clothes less, even recalling one incident in particular. A single mom with 3 small children was informed that she had to fill out an application to SEE IF SHE CAN TAKE FOOD HOME. Needless to say, I was appalled!

It was at that point that I lost faith in the food and clothing shelter and pantries of America.

I also began to calculate; the workers there are NOT all volunteers and most are paid to help the poor (nothing wrong with that), but I questioned HOW much were they being paid. Where was THAT money coming from. Where else but from the money donated to them by people.

I was enlightened! Instead of giving to an organization where those in need will only receive between 60 to 70% (that is after they've begged for it). I would have a better investment by giving to the person in the checkout line at 100%! A Better Business Choice!

By Terri Wells 2005

Terri Wells is a Free Lance Writer. She writes for websites to promote their sites and EZines using Free-Print Articles.

To have an Article written for your site or EZINE write to:


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