Saturday, January 31, 2009

Glow Sticks A Great Addition To Any Party

Writen by Gail Leino

Mostly seen on holidays like The Fourth Of July and Halloween, glow sticks can actually be a fun addition to any party. They are a very versatile item that can be used for almost anything. Here are some ideas for using glow sticks at your next get together:

1. As decorations – glow sticks are easy to hang from the ceiling, stick to walls or to make into signs. Since they come in such a wide variety of colors, they will fit with any color scheme.

2. As illumination – glow sticks are great for those nighttime parties. All it takes is a little snap and you have a glow to see by. Children can use them at sleepovers as night lights, teens can use them at night time football games, and adults can use them at any night time event, like a concert.

3. As centerpieces – glow sticks look great in the middle of tables. You can use them at your next outdoor party to brighten up where your guests will be eating.

4. Just for fun – this is the best use for glow sticks. Kids enjoy using them as they would a sparkler: to draw pictures in the air, to wave around, and to light their way. They last a long time and can give a great amount of enjoyment to a young child, whether celebrating a holiday or just because.

Glow sticks are perfectly safe and once they are activated, they stay lit for hours. There are several companies that sell glow sticks in bulk, so you can provide one for everyone attending your party. In addition to glow sticks, there are other products available for celebrations, too. Look for glow bracelets, necklaces, leis, and many more at your local party shop or online retailer.

Give the gift of light – give a glow stick.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Glow Sticks, party planning tips, menus, free printable games to help complete your event.

Koi Varieties Gosanke

Writen by Mas Ars

Koi Varieties : Gosanke

Koi are descendants of the common carp, Cyprinus Carpio. There are many varieties of Koi. The most popular koi varieties called Gosanke. Gosanke has three varieties, ie Kohaku, Taisho Sanshoku and Showa Sanshoku.

Kohaku is white koi with red pattern (called "hi") or red pattern on white ground. Kohaku has different pattern so its has many name. Nidan is Kohaku with two step pattern, Sandan is three step pattern, Yondan is four step pattern, Inazuma is lighting strike pattern. Taisho Sanshoku is koi with black stepping pattern on kohaku pattern. It is called Taisho Sanshoku because the variety was created in the Taisho era in Japan. It's also called Taisho Sanke or Sanke. A good Sanke will have a good Kohaku Hi pattern and the black pattern must not on the head and not touching the Hi.

Showa Sanshoku is a black koi with red and white pattern. This variety created in the era of Showa in Japan. It's also called Showa Sanshoku or Showa. Different of Sanke and Showa are : showa have black on their head, but Sanke don't has black on their head. Showa is black koi with red and white pattern, Sanke is white koi with red and black pattern.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Confessions Of A Retread Wife

Writen by Barbara Eastom Bates

My name is Barbara and I am a proud Marine Corps wife. I am the granddaughter of a Korean War Veteran and the daughter of a military brat. Long before meeting my Marine Corps husband I had gypsy feet from my childhood spent with a father who, after growing up in the Navy, could never remain in one place too long. I coveted the stories of my father's youth, growing up on military bases and seeing the world.

Perhaps then it was no surprise to anyone when some years later, I was again charmed by the stories of adventure and ideals of patriotism another man in uniform brought into my life. But despite my initial fascination with the military, when a marriage license and a Budget Truck found me halfway across the country as a new bride of Uncle Sam, I was less than charmed. Oh, my husband still looked just as handsome in his high and tight and Dress Blues, and I was still feeling blissful about being a newlywed, however it did not take long until I decided the Marine Corps and I were just not going to get along.

It was the little things at first. Having grown up in the country on acres of land, it was a surprise to me that families in base housing were herded together in duplexes, triplexes and worse. You could hear the neighbor's television set and their toilet flush! I also soon found my identity was not really Barbara anymore, but the dependent of LCpl Bates. So, dutifully as all military wives do, I memorized my husband's social security number and carried my identification card religiously.

I thought surely my husband was joking when he first explained he would have to routinely stand 24-hour duties away from home. "All night long?!" I asked incredulously. And as if all that were not enough, then came deployments. About a year and a half into our marriage, my husband and I became the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy. A boy, I thought, who needed two parents around to raise him. The Marine Corps however, assured me I could do just fine on my own by sending my husband off on deployments. "Not fair!" I protested. "Can't they see I need him here?" But the Marine Corps needed him more, and off he went.

So it went for almost four years of my life: duty, deployments and the inevitable sick child and mechanical malfunctions that always accompanied them. When my husband's end of active service date approached and talks turned toward the idea of reenlistment, I did not give it a second thought. The Marine Corps was no place to raise a family. It was time to go home.

So, once again, we loaded up our (this time much larger) Budget Truck and headed back to Civilian Town, USA. But, after pulling off the interstate exit to our hometown, instead of the exuberance expected, my husband and I both felt strangely empty.

In the days and weeks that would follow, I reasoned with myself we had simply been so excited about our move back home that the reality of it was destined to pale in comparison.

We rented a house in the country with a big yard and no neighbors nearby. Instead of enjoying the newfound peace and quiet, I woke up in the mornings missing the sound of the children whose delighted screams always echoed from the playground behind our base housing duplex. I missed the comforting sounds of another family living next door, who could always be counted on to lend a cup of milk or good cheer. Shopping trips were no longer to the commissary or the exchange, and the checkout girl at the local Food Lion did not care a thing about seeing my identification card.

My husband and I went to work in civilian jobs and tried to get on with life, but no matter what we did, something just did not feel right. We constantly talked about all our friends and past adventures, and how all the men in our hometown needed haircuts. It did not take long to realize that, although we had taken ourselves out of the Marine Corps, the Marine Corps was not easily going to be taken out of us.

In becoming civilians again, we finally understood what it meant to be military. What we had thought of as only a job ran much deeper. It had become our life. The endless deployments and duty assignments, the nights spent apart, the well worn and unpapered walls of base housing, these were our calling.

As a young military family, we had seen these things as sacrifices to be made. But they were not sacrifices. As a civilian family, we went to work each day wondering if the jobs we were devoting so much of our time to even mattered in the grand scheme of things. In the Marine Corps, we knew we were a part of something that mattered not only to us, but also to the entire world. Instead of a sacrifice, it was an honor to know we set the standard for others by living the core values set forth by our republic long ago in its infancy: honesty, courage, respect, loyalty, dependability and a sense of devotion to God, community and family. As members of the military family, we made a difference; the lives touched by our own, immeasurable. Civilian life just could not compare to that. With a new understanding and sense of humility for our place in life, my husband and I finally knew for certain where we belonged. Shortly thereafter, he reenlisted and we found our way home to the Corps, back to deployments and duty and the utmost sense of pride we had ever found.

Though our time as civilians was short, the lessons it taught were unforgettable. We do not live the military life; it lives in us. It grows in the heart day by day as we share our lives together as military families. It happens as we shop at the commissaries and exchanges, and iron uniforms, sew patches and shine boots. It is a shared sense of pride that bonds us together as family, a family where each and every service member is one of our own, and all of us matter.

As for me, I took the long way around, but I can now say without a doubt, I am a Marine Corps wife, and I am proud. Now would someone please tell my neighbors to turn down their television set?

About The Author

Barbara Eastom Bates is the author of the upcoming release, "Basic Training for Brides-to-Be," and the editor-in-chief of Operation Military Spouse, Email:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Angry And Sometimes Grumpy Children Of The 1950s

Writen by Sue And Chuck DeFiore

A bunch of us in our late 40's and early 50's got together the other night, and after the evening was over I started thinking that many of us born in the 1950's are in a crisis stage. People can't understand why we are so angry and grumpy sometimes. This article discusses some of the issues we have with society today and might enlighten others (the younger set) as to why we seem so disillusioned, and out of sorts at times.

The consensus of the group was "is this all there is." We've been working since our teens. A car costs more today than what our parents bought a house for.  We work and work and still don't have enough.  Food costs have risen astronomically, along with utility costs, insurance costs, and housing costs.

We started laughing at one point and said we sound like our grandparents. However, it is a very sad commentary that what took place for our grandparents over numerous decades, has only taken 20 to 30 years to occur for us.  The real scary thing is that salaries for many jobs have not changed over that twenty year period, while our expenses have skyrocketed, and increased one hundred fold.

We all became nostalgic when we talked about the things we used to do to relax. How so many of those things are gone, or we can't afford to do them any longer. Our kids tell us we don't have a clue about school, sex, music, or what's going on in the world. Again, the laughter abounded with the music issues, but became very serious when we talked about the scary things kids do today, that we wouldn't even have thought of when we were growing up. Killing teachers, and other students never entered our minds. We had respect for our teachers and those in charge.

The next thing we ranted about was our health. For some of us, the ravages of time have taken place... eyesight problems, arthritis problems, blood pressure problems, "the barnacles of life".  The discussion we had on the cost of health care was a lively and volatile one to say the least.  Many of us who have had major illness problems also went ballistic with regards to the social security system, the disability system and Medicare system. The majority of us have worked since our teenage years.  We were incredulous when it took over a year to get money from the social security system, especially when we see people playing the system who don't deserve it.

All of us are still working. The majority of our group are either self-employed or independent contractors. Many of us run home-based businesses. While we are still disheartened with the rise in costs, at least our work environment is a happy one, and one we feel in control of. For those in our group still working in corporate America, that's just an additional concern and stress for them. Is their job safe? Will they be downsized? Laid off? We went back and forth on the work issue and found that while running your own business is a risk, we have a lot more control over our destiny than if we worked for someone else, and hence, a lot less stress. Plus we can't fire ourselves.

We all wondered where it will end. So many of us thought we would be retired by now, or at least contemplating it within the next ten to fifteen years. However, with all the medical advances and hundred-fold costs of so many things, that is not an option. Retirement is no longer something people do automatically between 55 and 65. Today, the retirement age is in the 70's.

For many of us, the thought of another twenty or more years of working is a depressing one, in addition to making us very angry and grumpy to say the least.

Hopefully this article will provide some insight to those who wonder why the over 40 generation is so angry and grumpy at times.

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2002

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our "how to" Home Business Solutions Digest, it's like having your own personal coach:

Obfuscation Rules The World

Writen by Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD

Obfuscation—to cloud over; obscure; make dark; or unclear; to muddle; confuse; bewilder. [Webster's New World Dictionary, 1982, P 980]

Studies, surveys and research are the epitome of obfuscation. It is ironic then that little is done on a local or national level unless a study, survey or research project has been done. Before a traffic light can be installed in certain intersections there needs to be a study done to document the number of car crashes, and number of lives lost. However, if the number of car crashes or lives lost doesn't meet a 'predetermined' number—Sorry, No can do!

Hm-m-m, one life or one person's car isn't important enough to consider that based on the nature of the car crash there is a problem that needs to be remedied by installing a traffic light? The nature of the car crash is not sufficient to spend the money to save other lives or cars according to officials in any town or municipality. If the number of car crashes meet the predetermined number, Voila! a light is put in. How the number of car crashes necessary to warrant a traffic light is determined is a well guarded secret.

Why, am I talking about this mundane topic? The topic is a simple example of what we, as managers of our society, have decided is acceptable criteria for addressing or solving any societal issue. For any societal issue to be addressed, a study needs to be done, statistics submitted and criteria for addressing the issue developed. Herein lies the dilemma, who decides what the criteria needs to be on any given issue? And who decides the best method to gather data which is unbiased and/or accurate? You guessed it researchers, submitting data to politicians, government officials (elected or appointed), and people who have a vested interest in the issue. Insidiously, the vested interest might not be to benefit the afflicted.

The intended topic of this article is—violence, rape, spousal abuse, physical or sexual child abuse. Violence, rape, spousal abuse, physical or sexual child abuse is society's worst scourge. Why? Because we have created and sanctioned the same obfuscation system which rules traffic light installation. Contrary to a car crash at an intersection, these scourges impacts everybody's life for many years, rather than only the few who have a car crash at a particular intersection. It is tragic we use the same methods to determine whether we need to address these societal issues.

-62% of females are sexually abused by age 18. Finkelhor, David and J. Dziuba-Leatherman. "Victimization of Children." American Psychologist Vol. 49:3 (1992): 173-183.

-31% of males are sexually abused by age 18. Ibid.

-More than 60 million adult survivors of incest and sexual child abuse live in America. *Note these are only reported cases. It is believed as great as 50% of sexual child abuse is unreported. Forward, 1993

-99% of sexual abuse survivors know their perpetrators

—80% are abused by family members, 19% are abuse by other trusted adults. CCPA, 1992

-Of 50 male sexual abuse survivors, many were as young as 8 years old. FBI Uniform Crime Report, 1991.

-96% of female rape survivors were younger than 12 years old and knew their attackers. U.S. Department of Justice, 1992.

-A study of 10,000 female children under age 18 raped in 1992, reports that 3,800 girls were under 12 years old. U.S. Justice Department, study conducted in 11 states and the District of Columbia, June 1994.

-Of teenage, unwed mothers, 60-67% were incest survivors. Los Angeles Times survey, 1993

-96% of teenage prostitutes were sexually molested in childhood. CCPA, 1992. *Almost 80% had become prostitutes before age 18. Ibid. *60% of prostitutes were 16 or under; many were younger than 13. Ibid.

-Over 80% of the mothers of incest survivors were also sexually abused.

-57% of sexual child abuse and incest perpetrators are survivors of sexual child abuse. Goldstein-Harte Study 1973: Carter, et al. -A perpetrator abuses an average of 117 children. National Institute of Mental Health, 1988.

-extensive evidence substantiates the fact that sexual child abuse has taken place for centuries. D. Corwin (1990) cites that in London many believed that sexual "congress" with a child would cure venereal disease. Of capital rape prosecutions between 1730 and 1790, 35 percent of the cases involved victims younger than 10 years old.

-1896 in The Aetiology of Hysteria, Freud discusses his "Seduction Theory" acknowledging the sexual abuse and incest of children.

In the U.S. in 2000 over 3 million child abuse and neglect reports were filed and one million were confirmed. There are 3,000 children abused each day and four of them will die. Forty percent of these children were under the age of six. The age group with the highest abuse rate is 0-3 years. Nationally the highest form of abuse is neglect followed by physical abuse. In March of 2001 when President Bush declared April National Child Abuse Prevention Month he stated the cost of child abuse and neglect in the U.S. was $258 million dollars a day. This includes the price of intervention, the treatment of children who have been emotionally, physically or sexually abused as well as the indirect costs of the long term consequences both for the child and our society. Prevent Child Abuse America.

In 2000, there were 261,000 victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault. [2000 National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics.] Of these 261,000, 114,000 were victims of sexual assault, 55,000 were victims of attempted rape, and 92,000 were victims of completed rape. [2000 NCVS.]

Because of the methodology of the National Crime Victimization Survey, these figures do not include victims 12 or younger. While there are no reliable annual surveys of sexual assaults on children, the Justice Department has estimated that one of six victims are under age 12. [Child Rape Victims, 1992]

"Have you heard about crime declining? It's true (as best we can tell). While figures for any single year are considered somewhat unreliable because they are based on a small sample size, the more-reliable long term trend looks good. Since1993, rape/sexual assault has fallen 52%." Here are more figures for recent years.[2000 NCVS.]

Dr. Frank Putnam of the National Institute of Mental Health and Dr. Martin Teicher of Harvard Medical School studied 170 girls, 6-15 years old--half had experienced corporal punishment, half had not--for seven years. The girls who experienced corporal punishment had symptoms such as:

-abnormally high stress hormones, which can kill neurons in brain areas crucial for thinking and memory

-high levels of an antibody that weaken the immune system

Teicher completed a series of brain studies on 402 children and adults, many of whom had corporal punishment. His findings revealed that corporal punishment creates:

-arrested growth of the left hemisphere of the brain which can hamper development of language and logic -growth of the right hemisphere of the brain (the site for emotions) at an abnormally early age.

The AMA ignores these studies. Why does the AMA ignore these studies? The answer lies within the obfuscation theory and other noted researchers work, such as: Judith Herman, M.D.

Judith Herman, M.D. author, Father-Daughter Incest undeniably confirms obfuscation abounds with regard to protecting woman and children from society's worst scourge: "As in the case of other crimes against women and children, for too long the power of the justice system has protected the men who victimized them… As long as the justice system remains a male preserve, it can hardly be expected to reform itself… The initiative for those reforms that have already been carried out has come almost entirely from women: from the rape counselor, the child advocate, and the small minority of women who work within the system—we look forward to a time when women, who are so frequently the victims and rarely [research reveals women are more frequently the offender than previously reported] the offenders, adjudicate the majority of domestic and sexual crimes."

Statistics and studies notwithstanding, physical and sexual abuse and incest against female victims is so common it can be considered an epidemic.

Claire R. Reeves, President/Founder of MASA (Mothers Against Sexual Abuse) says, it best in her foreward to—If I'd Only Known…Sexual Abuse in or out of the Family: A Guide to Prevention, Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, in her statement:

"If a disease affected our children in these enormous numbers we would declare a national emergency. Monies for research to find a cure would be made available immediately. Sadly, this is not a platform that you will find popular with politicians or a topic of conversation at a social gathering. Americans have always taken the stance that what happens in the family is a 'family matter.' Family values are the platform of many elected officials without looking at the real issue, 'What constitutes a family?'"

In summary, we can not afford to continue to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Voltaire said, "We are not only responsible for what we do, but also, for that what we don't do." Sartre stated, "Those who ignore the past are condemned to repeat it." We have been ignoring information regarding the aftereffects from violence since the beginning of time. To continue to ignore these aftereffects is being part of the problem and the purveyor of obfuscation. It is never too late to change what isn't workingg.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, author: If I'd Only Known… Sexual Abuse in or out of the Family: A Guide to Prevention specializes in sexual abuse, incest and physical abuse survivor preventin and recovery. She is a Board Member of the International Association of Regression Research and Therapies, Inc.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Birthday Games

Writen by Sean Carter

The games in a Birthday party should be funny, energetic and classic. The party go-ers must go rocking with the playoffs. Games keep the guests entertained and make the day a non stop fun-filled bonanza. It should match the taste of the guests as well as the Birthday person and should be full of humor. A Birthday Game makes a Birthday party special and unique. Some of the famous Birthday party games are, Guess the Price, Pass the Parcel and Musical Statues.

Guess the Price is a very simple and interesting game; here the host picks up a gift item according to the age group of the guests and then asks him to tell the price. If he reaches near to the actual cost then he gets the gift.

Pass the Parcel is a very fanciful game. A gift item wrapped in several layers of paper is passed from one to another. Each time the parcel reaches someone, he has to open a layer and the last one to open it gets the gift.

Musical Statues is a very dynamic game often played in a kids Birthday party. Some music will be played and the kid has to dance on it till the music stops. He'll have to stand in his dancing position and if he moves he'll be out.

Mummy wrap is also an exciting game. Here, the kids will be divided into two groups and to each group will be given a person along with a roll of toilet papers. They have to wrap the person who will become the mummy with the toilet papers and the team who will finish it first will be the winner.

Games like Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Dress up the Birthday Balloon, Birthday Bears, Find the Differences, Balloon Pop up are some of the most hilarious games adored by kids on their Birthdays. Old is gold, and so some well known games are still trendy in some Birthday parties. Hot potato is one such game where all the kids will sit on a circle and they would be handed a potato. One kid will become the leader and he'll turn his head with eyes closed. Rest of the kids will pass on the potato from one to another at the fastest speed till the leader utters 'hot potato' and the person holding the potato at that moment will have to leave the game. Harry Potter games have also gained a high status in Birthday Parties especially among kids.

Birthday Games should be very lively and attention-grabbing and it should be organized in such a way that the Birthday boy or the Birthday girl memorizes it forever. Birthday games should always go with the theme of the party and most importantly should be of the kid's choice.

Sean Carter writes on Birthday, Birthday Games , Family, Relationships ,Women Issues, Love and Friendship. He also writes on holidays and celebrations around the world. He is a writer with special interest in ecard industry. He writes for

Moving Home A Guide

Writen by Amber McNaught

Moving house can be a very stressful time for both yourself and your family. It's a massive upheaval that if not arranged properly could cause you no end of hassles. This guide consists of a series of hints and tips that should help ensure your next move is as hassle-free as possible.

If you do decide to use a removal company then please be sure to check the contract to confirm exactly what their price includes. You should also make sure you are covered during your move by your home insurance. Finding a reliable removal company can also be a difficult task, try contacting the British Association of Removers (W: T: 01923 699480).

Packing Tips

· Try to keep a record of what is in each box and label them accordingly. A simple numbering system should suffice.

· Don't Overfill. It's important to realise that boxes need to be transported, the last things anyone wants is for an overfilled box to break under the strain.

· It's important that boxes are not under filled as well, this is to avoid them being crushed when heavier boxes are placed on top.

· Start packing two to three weeks in advance with items that you won't immediately need.

· Suitcases are a great way of storing clothing etc.

On The Day

On the day, pack one box with a kettle, tea bags, coffee, milk and snacks. Matches, kitchen roll, can-opener, sharp knife, cutlery, plates, screwdriver, candles, toilet rolls and light bulbs are also a good idea. Keep this box with you, along with important documents, telephone numbers you may need, cash and valuables and of course the keys to your new home!

It's also important to remember to turn of the water, gas meter, boiler and all electric and gas appliances. Make sure you also take final meter readings.

Admin Matters

It's also important that you keep people informed of your move. You can arrange re-direction of all your post via Royal Mail. Prices start at just £6.55 for one month. You can pick up the Moving Home Redirection form by calling into your nearest Post Office. It can also be downloaded from the royal mail website (W: ).

We've also included a table below of companies and individuals who could be notified about your move.

Credit Card Providers
Satellite TV
Car Insurers
TV Licensing
TV Rental
Electricity Company
Insurance Broker
Telephone Provider
Gas Company
Dentist Friends & Family
Inland Revenue
Pension Companies

We hope that the above topics cover the most important areas and that you will use our suggestions as a starting point for your next move.

Call the Butler is an innovative new lifestyle management company operating in and around Central Scotland. Too much too do and not enough time to do it? Why not Call the Butler?

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wait For The Butter And Miss The Bread

Writen by John Dir

The core values of people who grow up in larger families are influenced by factors that often go unnoticed by society. When my wife offers bread or rolls for dinner, she cannot understand why I do not take time to put something like butter on it. This situation goes right to the core of the illustration. When we were growing up as a family, dinner time was a very strategic moment in daily history. Without discussion, each child at the table knew what plan to execute, and each one performed the same ritual at every meal.

As we all gathered around the table, there would invariably be certain foods that were highly desirable, and others that we knew we would have to fill the rest of our plates with, once the good stuff was gone. The interlude which preceded the blessing of our meal was the perfect time to mentally prepare ourselves for the first target we intended to grab. Each of us pictured the angle of attack, the speed of the snatch, the physical distance from our seating location, and the potential contingency plans in the event of a competitor reaching for the same item. In addition to these factors, there was also the influence of who would be chosen to speak the blessing, and how long the interval would be until the "Amen" set the contest into motion.

On a few ill planned occasions, somebody would try to obtain an unfair advantage by hovering one hand over a particularly delectable item, thinking the safety of bowed heads and closed eyes would protect them from scrutiny. However, there were too many of us willing to peek and cry foul to allow such tactics to go unnoticed. A slapped hand might throw off the coordination needed for a perfect execution, so on most occasions, we learned to keep our hands ready, but out of sight. For those who tried playing mind games by strategically creating an inordinate pause before the "Amen," we learned quickly that this was only cause for creating a virtual "Amen," which did nothing to delay the start. As our parents attempted to instill appropriate table manners, they learned how quickly a child can get a piece of food and take a bite out of it, before the niceties of passing dishes around the table can begin.

As we all grew more skilled in the protocol of family dinners, the basic understanding became clear that one might be able to get hold of one or two choice food items before order overcame the chaos. One certainty was that if a participant waited for the butter, they might miss out on the bread. Chicken dinners became a sore spot for the family at one point in time. Chickens only have two beast portions, and with four people who preferred breast meat, the conflict over the lucky grab created a problem until my mother resolved the issue by buying all breasts instead of whole chickens for dinner.

These early lessons prepared a pattern for life that still carries over in some aspects today. Though our manners and protocols at meals have greatly improved as adults, there are still the subliminal impulses that tell me that if I wait for the butter, I might miss out on the bread. In smaller families with plenty of food to spare, such things are not part of the fiber that shapes their approach to life.

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Monday, January 26, 2009

30 Kids Party Favors For Pennies

Writen by Patricia Jensen

Party favors needn't be costly, just a simple remembrance of the good time guests had at your child's party. Each of these party favors cost under $1 per guest, some only pennies apiece.

Shop dollar stores and discount outlets to stock up on these clever party favorites. Use individually or mix and match, using your party theme as a guide.

*Craft stick picture frames (decorated by party guests) with a polaroid of the party child with each guest

*Small plastic toy, stickers, stringed beads, coins, etc. inside an inflated balloon

*Glow necklaces and bracelets

*Small pack of crayons with coloring book

*Book matching the party theme


*Bubble liquid

*Sidewalk chalk


*Beach ball




*Hair ornaments

*Watercolor paint set

*Address book

*Tiny Notebook

*Plastic Tiara


*Pez Dispensers

*Seed packets to plant

*Unused fast food toys

*Fast food coupons worth $1

*Homemade modeling clay and a cookie cutter

Make and Take Kid Party Favor Ideas:

Kids love to make crafts and these double as party favors when kids get to take them home...

*Personalized and decorated foam sun visor

*Handpainted and decorated sunglasses

*Personalized and decorated bookmark

*Handmade potpourri sachet

*Handmade refrigerator magnet

*Handpainted suncatcher

*Handmade beaded jewelry

*Homemade soap

Party favors should not be so expensive as to rival the gifts given to your child at his or her party! Keep it small, simple, memorable, and easy on your pocketbook.

Copyright 2004 Kids Party Paradise All Rights Reserved

Patricia B. Jensen is a mother of three and kids party enthusiast. She is the webmaster and owner of - a complete resource for kids party ideas including invitations, cakes, decorations, games, costumes, favors, and food.

For all the latest party news, read her Kids Party Blog.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thoughtful Gift Ideas For Senior Citizens

Writen by Natalie Aranda

Kids are easily pleased by almost any gifts as the whole world is new to them. Senior citizens may have experienced and owned everything they wanted in their life. That's what makes a challenge when it comes to choose gifts for your grandmothers or grandfathers.

No matter what time of year it is, personalized yet unique gifts will sure impress them if you listen to they say and look at what they do. Far too often people tend to buy senior citizens items that they'd never want. Consequently, you should first make a list of what type of hobbies they like. Do they enjoy golfing or spending time playing games with their friends? If this is the case, you could purchase a unique game for their Christmas gift. Researching vintage entertainment or new board games on EBay would be a different approach. This way you could give them something one of a kind. Christmas gift ideas may be tricky to come up with, but they should also incorporate how much you are thinking about them. Since you do want them to enjoy what you purchase, you could get them a gift certificate to a spa or a day at a romantic inn. These gifts are wonderful and inspiring items, regardless of what holiday it is. Chances are they will thank you for months, because the majority of gift givers do not think so deeply.

If you are having trouble coming up with birthday gift ideas, you should always remember to avoid joke presents! When we all get older, we cringe at the thought of age being mentioned. Although some senior citizens embrace who they are, some people would rather not make a big deal of their age. Therefore, you should avoid the birthday gift ideas that involve age jokes. You never know when you are going to offend someone. After all, the last thing you want to do is remind them of their life insurance settlements or the life settlement issues they may have to worry about.

If you are trying to find a better birthday idea, you should explore the idea of scrapbooks. By creating a book filled with photos, memories, and comments, it will bring your grandparents to tears. They embrace nostalgia and would love to have a keepsake that they can look through for years. As a result, these special birthday gift ideas are an extraordinary way to say you love them and are happy to be part of their lives.

Senior citizens may seem like they are impossible to buy for, but all they want are unique gifts like everyone else. No matter whom you are buying presents for, the gift ideas need to be out of the ordinary. Discouraged and don't have a lot of money to spend? Even by taking time to create a memory book or photo album, it would bring a smile to their face. From birthday gift ideas to Christmas gift ideas, anything is possible as long as you put your heart into it. If you are looking for a quick fix and a simple present to buy, sadly you will be like everyone else.

Natalie Aranda writes on home and family. If you are having trouble coming up with birthday gift ideas, you should always remember to avoid joke presents! When we all get older, we cringe at the thought of age being mentioned. Although some senior citizens embrace who they are, some people would rather not make a big deal of their age. Therefore, you should avoid the birthday gift ideas that involve age jokes. You never know when you are going to offend someone. After all, the last thing you want to do is remind them of their life insurance settlements or the life settlement issues they may have to worry about.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How A Powered Wheelchair Can Enhance The Living Condition Of The Handicapped And Elderly

Writen by Balaji B

Wheelchairs are a boon to not only the handicapped but also for the elderly people. There are various types of wheelchairs. Some are manually operated and the others are electrically operated. Some wheelchairs are operated with the help of sensor devices. Here is a little information about the enhancement of living condition of the elderly and handicapper people with the help of the wheelchair fitted with sensors.

As mentioned earlier the wheelchairs are of immense help to the handicapped people, elderly people and others who could not walk due to various medical ailments. Those people need to move on their own. Confining themselves within four walls will harm them physically and mentally. Wheelchairs are nothing but chair on wheels. The chairs will have four wheels. The rear wheels will be larger than the front wheels. The chairs will be provided with sensors for safety, ultramodern navigation modules and steering that is omni directional.

The introduction of powered wheelchair is of biggest help for the severely disabled persons. They can move to different places without the help of others and even without exerting themselves much as in the case of manual wheelchairs. Conventional wheelchairs are very difficult to operate for the people who have limited psycho -mental capacity. There are two reasons for this. The first one is their mental and physical inability to operate the wheelchair.

The other reason is the complicated household environments such as small bathrooms located in one corner of the house with narrow passage. Controlling the wheelchair will be hard for those who have restricted psycho-mental capacity. In order to help severely affected people through research the technicians have come out with newer model. These models are provided with sensor instruments. These sensor instruments fitted in the wheelchair prevent the collision of the machine with any object be it is wall or other furniture items.

Hence the occupant need not worry about the collision and the subsequent injury while maneuvering the machine through the narrow passage. There is more freedom of operation. Some of the wheelchairs are provided with facilities like playback [moving on the prescribed or recorded direction and path] and back -tracing [facility to reverse the recent application]

The occupant of the wheelchair should be taught very well about the functioning of the wheelchair. It is better to make the occupant to go through the operating booklet thoroughly. Incase on any doubt about the particular function, it has to be clarified by the technician then and there. The basic function of the wheelchair must be made to known to the occupant otherwise we may need to design or order specific wheelchair for the occupant, I mean for the disabled person.

Few models of the wheelchairs are fitted with IR or ultrasonic sensors. The prime function of this sensor is to prevent dashing, thus providing safe movement. Some other wheelchairs are provided with sensors that help in movement directed by the environment. These sensors help in moving the wheelchair along the wall or through the door or for docking the wheelchair at station. Few other models were provided with special control devices such as play-back and back-tracing as mentioned earlier.

As the wheelchair is fitted with more advance equipments the movement the wheelchair by the occupant becomes very easy and the occupants are less burdened. At the same time as the functionality of the machine becomes more the safety becomes very important which should never be compromised.

Though the powered wheelchairs move automatically with the press of button, the speed and the direction must be decided by the occupant. Hence the occupant must be given proper training before letting him to operate the machine on his own. For some time it is better to ask the occupant to operate the machine inside the house. Once he is confident of himself, he can be allowed to use the wheelchair wherever he wants.

Though there are difficulty in understanding and operating the powered wheelchair, there is no doubt that these powered machines enhance the standard of living of the handicapped and the elderly people once they are familiar with the machine and its operation. The occupant will be confidant of himself, the dependency of the occupant on the other person for his movement will be less. The freedom of the occupant is ensured with the sensor controlled wheel chairs.

Visit battery power motorized wheelchairs for more information on how modern censor-controlled wheelchairs functions and benefits. Also, visit wheelchair guide to learn about various types of wheelchairs, their features and benefits.

Patio Umbrellas

Writen by Daniel Roshard

Umbrellas for Patio - Shoppers Guide

Patio umbrellas are an ideal way to keep the sun away when enjoying the outdoors. A patio umbrella will also compliment any outdoor setting. Patio umbrellas are like large versions of average umbrellas and come in many different shapes, sizes, colors and fabrics. There are many different types of patio umbrellas available and all of them have many benefits.

Different types of umbrellas

*Offset patio umbrellas. These umbrellas are designed to create more space under the umbrella. They have their pole off to the side of the umbrella instead of in the middle. This is an ideal alternative if your outdoor table setting doesn't have an umbrella hole in the middle of it. Or you wish to maximize space under the umbrella, another useful thing that an offset umbrella can offer is shade when using just seating without a table, as they are freestanding.

*Market patio umbrellas. These umbrellas are ideal for outdoor setting tables that have a ready-made hole in them for an umbrella. Market umbrellas are lightweight and easy to handle. They come in many different fabrics and sizes. There are also freestanding umbrellas available.

*Patio umbrella gazebo's. This type of umbrella is much like a market umbrella although it has a cotton netting around it that makes it ideal to keep bugs and insects out of the way when outside. Most of the netting is machine washable and the umbrella can fold down easily.

What to look for in a market umbrella

Although there are many different types of patio umbrellas available, there are some very important options available to be considered when choosing a patio umbrella. Some of these are practical as well as enhancing:
*Sturdy design,
*Freestanding options
*Strong pole
*Stainless Steel or Aluminum base
*Nylon hubs instead of plastic for durability
*Easy to fold away and store
*Not too heavy
*Easy to open and close
*Positional tilting
*Non-fade quality material or fabric that is durable
*A reasonable warranty

Depending on the price range that you have in mind and the intended purpose of your umbrella, some or all of these features are ideal when making a choice.

Where to buy a patio umbrellas

There are many online stores with very good reputations that will offer cheap or free postage to ship market umbrellas. They also offer customers very reasonable prices. Check the types of payment options that are available, how long delivery will take and whether they offer insurance to replace damaged items. When choosing an online store, it is advisable to buy from stores that have a very good reputation with satisfied customers. If the item you have chosen sounds too cheap or too good to be true, then it may be.

Other places to purchase patio umbrellas are at patio furniture stores. Most of the stores have catalogues that allow you can browse through the different types of umbrellas available. An ideal time to buy a patio umbrella is when there are sales going on. That way you aren't sacrificing quality for a cheaper price tag.

Daniel Roshard is an interior designer fascinated by outdoor architecture, currently studying gardens and outdoor design. Read Daniel's tips and advice articles on Patio At

Friday, January 23, 2009

Surfs Up Its A Beach Party

Writen by Gail Leino

Some of the best beach parties can happen in the Midwest, with temperatures below freezing. Sounds crazy? It is, but it is a memorable and fun way to celebrate a birthday, retirement or special occasion. Beach parties can happen in the summer too, near a pool or a lake in any region.

A beach party needs radical invitations, man! You can follow a surfer theme and use surfboard shapes or any beach theme motif from the party supply store. Other supplies like paper products for food and decorations can match your beach party motif.

Decorating can be fun. Buy plastic beach balls and blow them up to toss around your party, whether it's inside or out. Buy an old fishing net and hang from the corner of one room. Fill it with sea creatures and marine life, or use it to put in pictures of the guest of honor. If your party is outside, truck in some sand for beach volleyball.

Use the sand and have a sandcastle competition. Give away personalized party favors to all the winners. Besides volleyball, other sand activities can be horseshoes, Frisbee and football. If there are kids at the party, bury a treasure and create a map for them to follow. Depending on their ages you can make it difficult or easy to find. Use a treasure chest and bury candy or plastic trinkets for them.

If your beach party is inside in the winter, have guests bring their swimsuits and change into them. Turn your thermostat really hot to get them in the mood. Heat and swimsuits will make everyone in a better mood and look forward to spring and summer.

Serve finger food and anything with a beach theme. Make surfer sandwiches or tidal wave macaroni salad. Use regular dishes but jazz them up with a title.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has Beach Party Supplies, ideas, pinatas, games, costumes, decorations, and activities.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mattress Brands Comparison The Real Mccoy

Writen by Mike Lowe

Getting a great night sleep is very important for everyone and mattress brand comparison makes a great deal of difference. When a person is tired from lack of sleep, they do not function at top capacity, which not only affects their personal life but also work.

Mattress brand comparison can certainly make the difference between being exhausted and feeling refreshed and wonderful. When it is time to upgrade or replace it, mattress brand comparison is very important so you purchase a mattress that meets all your requirements. Because we spend approximately a third of our life in bed, a mattress that soothes aching muscles and joints and is great for your posture is certainly well worth looking into.

When completing a mattress brands comparison, some are more expensive than others but remember that a mattress will last for many years so the cost spread over ten years, twenty years, or more is very insignificant.

Always try the mattresses out right at the store to see how comfortable they are for you. Try lying in your normal sleeping positions and sitting. Comfort, durability and support are very important. There are many different types of mattresses such as air mattresses, innerspring and foam.

There are buyers guides that are available to help people make an educated and smart choice. These guides allow mattress brands comparisons, price comparison and models as well as listing the disadvantages as well as advantages. They also discuss the construction.

There are four mattress types and they are:

Pocket sprung – These come in several fillings and stitching, usually these are firm

Foam mattress – memory foam mattresses conforms to the body and is excellent for people with allergies

Orthopedic mattress – Great for people with medical problems as they have adjustable support

Open sprung – Differ from pocket sprung, soft to firm

Be sure to not only complete mattress brands comparisons but also to actually lie down on them to test them out.

Sleep tight and sleep right with mattress brands comparison information at our site!

Starting A New Life Abroad

Writen by Rhiannon Williamson

For some people starting a new life abroad is their ultimate dream come true, for others it's a daunting but necessary lifestyle change brought about by a career move or a relationship requirement for example.

Whichever category you happen to fall into one thing is for certain, starting a new life overseas is an incredibly exciting opportunity but one that requires courage and commitment – this article shows you how to find that courage and commitment to enable you to get the very most out of your brand new life.

1) Spousal Support

There are significant stresses and strains placed on a relationship during a move overseas. Chances are at least one in the partnership will be embarking on a new job, taking on different responsibilities and meeting new people…the other spouse may well have to take on the burden of getting accommodation sorted out, dealing with the necessary bureaucracy and getting the family unit into a routine alone. Both parties will be experiencing challenges and will need the full support and understanding of their partner, therefore you should take time out of your very busy lives to discuss your day, to share experiences and to give each other the critical moral support to keep plodding away at building the new life.

2) Coping With Change

Before you move abroad try and understand how you cope with change – if you adapt easily, make friends quickly, are not addicted to your routine then chances are you'll find moving overseas a breeze! If on the other hand you're shy, hate making the first move or need to know where everything is and which tasks you have to fulfill tomorrow you will need to prepare yourself mentally for your move. Don't try and take on too many tasks in one day – where you might be able to achieve 15 different chores in one day currently, the slow pace of life in your new host country or even just the language barrier may well slow you down. See each achievement as worthy of celebration and don't push yourself to settle in too quickly. Take each day at a time and at the end of the day look over even the smallest things you've achieved that day and give yourself a pat on the back!

3) Making New Friends

When you move abroad you may well be leaving behind a strong network of family and friends on whom you know you can rely. This support network is often something we take for granted but as soon as you relocate you'll find you miss it a great deal. While it is essential you keep in touch with everyone back home with phone calls, emails and letters, it is also critical that you get out there and build a new network. The sooner you can get in a situation where you're meeting new people the sooner you'll be in a position to make friends and the sooner you'll have people there who can support you, offer advice and even show you around the best bits of your new host country. So, take a deep breathe and go out to expat events or popular bars and start networking!

4) Finding Familiarity

Your new house will feel like a home when you are 100% familiar with it, your local surroundings and the people who live nearby. And while it is hard to speed up the familiarizing process too much, you can make an effort to ensure it is progressing as fast as it can! Find local shops, hairdressers, dentists, doctors, schools, pubs and restaurants straight away. Drive round, walk round and learn where all the amenities, facilities and services are in the local area. Get to know your way around easily, and then slowly but surely everything will seem so familiar to you that when you return to your house after work or a day away you'll feel like you're returning home - then you will feel 100% happy and secure in your new environment.

5) Getting Stuck In

The sooner you make that first trip in the car alone the sooner you'll know your way around. The sooner you approach that group of strangers at the party the sooner you'll make friends. The sooner you get the bureaucracy in motion the sooner you'll be a legal resident. The sooner you look for work the sooner you'll have financial security. You've made the decision to live abroad – so don't put your new life on hold once you make the move – get out there, get stuck in and start living and loving your new life.

Rhiannon Williamson is a freelance writer whose many articles about living abroad and international property have appeared in publications around the world. Visit this link to read her latest articles about buying property in North Cyprus

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So Who Are You Going To Tell He Would Sneer An Olympia Wa Crime Victims Account Part Two

Writen by Russ Miles

Her only motive has been, and is, to protect her children from physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual damage continually inflicted upon them since her divorce, ten years ago. For the first six years thereafter, Grace had a life, custody of her minor children, and made some "Left-hand-turns" - as some divorcés do.

Since Grace could not abide by, sanction, nor submit to the depravity that she witnessed - things she was expected to ignore - she had removed herself from an abusive situation through lawful means. The means to extract payment for divorcing him - and exercising his control over Grace's life and destiny ~ those employed by her ex-husband, have been anything but lawful. By exercising his condoned power within the corrupt Washington State capital, secrete powers infrastructure (which supersedes Child Protective Services, the foster care system, and cover's up their flagrant and frequent abuses), the ex-husband and those responsible have inflected irreparable damages -to not only Grace and her children but -to countless others who suffer similar unfortunate plight.

We fast forward to four years ago. When it became clear to her ex-husband, the meth~addicted, state protected man, Grace was not "Going to come to her senses, and come back," he turned up the heat. Multiple energies of evil were dispatched against her.

Grace was given arsenic in her food over several months. Grace's house was robbed, her automobiles messed with. She was kidnapped, always tailed, intentionally traumatized, never safe. On one occasion, her would be "Walk in the woods" assassin became frustrated, throwing the intended murder weapon, revolver onto the parking lot - next to the woods - where she was supposed to disappear. Police reports document her difficulties. She has the copies of doctored reporting records discounting the validity of her ordeal and witnesses to testify contradictory to the distorted investigating officer's account thereof.

Grace also has copies -and originals- of letters from state agencies to her ex-husband suggesting that he be more careful after which her 8-year-old unsupervised, son was found to be smoking marijuana with her ex-husband himself - and on another occasion - when her son was struck by a fast moving car. Included in one cryptic warning letter - on official state stationary - is the dire warning, "We wouldn't want anything to happen to your son, would we?" Certainly, such words are indicating anything goes for the powerful in Olympia.

In her case, Grace has expanded her area of "Divinely~Ordained" responsibility to include all of the damaged and dead victims, often mothers of children estranged from them by powerful State law enforcement personal, battered wives that can't talk, the terrorized who can't tell. Her heart aches for each one for she understands. As Grace's ex-husband smugly asked, "So, who are you going to tell?" He would sneer. "Who would ever believe you?"

Well, reader, I believe her. If you become involved, you will too. Grace has been unable to obtain her divorce decreed duplex, keep custody of her children, been defrauded of her good name and made to appear crazy. She is not. Only "Affected" by the innumerable atrocities she has faithfully endured. In her effort to maintain congeniality and have access to her children, Grace even has "Forgiven" those directly responsible for attempting to murder her, having her raped, and locking her up" - if that is possible. Yet, she will never say, "Wrong is right."

Repeated attempts to secure competent legal council - in Olympia / Thurston County, Washington jurisdiction - have been unsuccessful. None of the attorneys contacted have been willing to take on the entrenched system to which they have sworn allegiance or sold out. This despite some significant sums of money and properties involved could conceivably materialize. Perhaps, their own careers of the Olympia lawyers contacted ~and personal survival issues - are at stake?

On one venture to recover some court file documents - last year, in Olympia - Grace and I were greeted by a startled policeman when we exited a restaurant. Her hair color changed, yet her Spirit unmistakable, the officer's first astonished words upon approach were, "Are you still alive?"

On that trip, my own car was sabotaged, while parked in front of our motel room door. It required extensive / expensive repairs to the engine before we could leave Olympia. How could we prove it? To whom could we turn? "So,who are you going to tell?" What proof do we have, other than the Styrofoam lid from the joke diner - left at the door overnight - with "Your Last Super!" scrawled on its lid? It is like the second illuminating line, nonsense announcement that any jokester could have made: "You can't Love!"

Yes, I believe her. I believe despite impossible odds, Grace is the best mother her fortunate children could ever have had. From long distance telephone, she has maintained almost daily contact with her six children, solving problems, when necessary even soliciting the helps of "Handcuffed" state agency workers to intercede with authorities on their behalves. Her ongoing, fearless efforts have affected much positive influence in their lives.

In a unbridled attempt to survive by fleeing Olympia ~ in April 2003 ~ Grace arrived to help me (a disabled victim of Multiple Sclerosis and sometimes author/poet) relocate from my home I had to sell ~ and in response to her appeal to be heard, coupled with the need to secure sanctuary. Deposited with a mountain of suitcases and garment bags in my living room, Grace could hardly speak. Much of what she said sounded confused, unintelligible. Although I wrote fiction, this woman's sordid story - at first listen - was way too bazaar for me. Little wonder a retired Federal agent had assured Grace, "You have the most twisted Olympia file that I've seen in this town for twenty years."

As with an uncapped volcano, underlying turmoil tremors preceded her various eruptions. Once removed from emanate danger, Grace began to recover quickly. Her time clock had locked during a traumatic event. She quit believing her twelve-year-old son was yet eight-years-old. Grace could once again keep track of what day and year it now was. Without toxic stress, Grace is no longer a muddle. With the eyes of a sparrow, a heart of a lioness , she sees people clearly and perceives their motives. Not easily deceived, she cuts through the crap.

While assisting me in all aspects of my disability, Grace regained her physical and mental health. Exercising uncanny wisdom, she has helped me to identify, recognize, and overcome many of my personal shortfalls. Most importantly, she has made me aware that I do have physical limitations, a realiry I was reluctant to accept. Our symbiotic, platonic relationship has evolved to one of mutual respect, appreciation of strengths, and accountability for weakness.

Personally, I feel that with proper representation, Grace has at least cause to charge the State of Washington, City of Olympia, Thurston County, Child Protective Services, her ex-husband, his PHD psychologist – Guardian Ad linen mother, and her collogue in collusion judge friend with criminal offenses for which she should be compensated. Although irreparable damage has already been inflicted to her children, Grace should be made able to obtain the counseling services for however long she deems necessary - to restore their belief in authority - and become contributing citizens within a sane, if now foreign to them, society.

We feel that going public - with her support documentation - might afford Grace some protection in the aftermath of the resultant bombshell? Olympia can't keep victim crimes covered up forever. The long-locked, hot lid is now leaking!

Can Grace ever be safe from reprisals ordered by exposed adversaries? Will she ever be able to find peace and security, be economically compensated, be empowered to resume her life - perhaps in another part of the country? We will yet see. An Olympia Crime Victim's Account - Part Three is still unfolding. We have been approached by an entity to collaborate on the movie rights to "Her Abuse Never Happened."

I believe we will…

Russ Miles is author of the novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO. A "Seasoned" Real Estate NAR® Broker, he is "Disabled" by Multiple Sclerosis, FOR SALE BY OWNERS:FSBO ISBN 0-595-28703-4,in trade paperback, is available by phone or Internet:1-800-Authors to order direct! Adobe e-book & hard cover editions also available at at Barnes and Noble and other fine booksellers. For personal referrals to his publisher, reader's~feedback, or comments, reach Russ at (360)694-6756. Or by e-mail [Please label the subject of your e-mail so as not to be confused as SPAM, and to assure proper handling.]

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How To Read A General Price List For A Funeral

Writen by Michael Russell

Death and taxes are the only sure thing in life. This article will help with the death portion. Since a funeral has many intricacies, this will help to explain a funeral home's General Price List (GPL). This list gives details about the goods and services that the funeral home offers, including the price of each.

The Federal Trade Commission has mandated a Funeral Rule that states that funeral homes must give customers a GPL at the beginning of any discussion of arrangements. You should be given a copy to keep. It is most prudent to discuss the GPL in private with your family and close friends. This way you can make an informed decision without the selling tactics of the funeral director.

All GPLs have certain disclosures printed on them. They must state that:

. consumers may select only the goods and services they desire

. embalming is only required by law in certain special cases

. a basic services fee will be added

. for cremation, you can purchase an "alternative container". This option is usually much less expensive.

. A price list for caskets is available

. A price list for vaults is available

GPLs must list the following prices of these items if the funeral home offers these services:

. Embalming charge

. Retrieval of body

. Viewing price

. Funeral or memorial service

. Funeral vehicle rental

Reading the GPL can seem quite daunting to people, especially if they have just experienced a death in the family. Funeral homes use the tactic of listing "packages" on the first few pages and then listing the individual services on the last page. This serves to discourage people from price comparison because it they often get tired prior to reaching the itemized list. To be fair, buying a package deal may offer savings but only if you want all the items.

Direct cremation and immediate burial, the simplest options when it comes to funerals, include body pickup, basic services fee, death certificate filing and transportation to the cemetery or crematory. If you are opting for cremation, be sure to inquire about the crematory fee. Many funeral homes do not include this fee in their price.

If you want a more complex service, you must start with the basic services fee. This is the only fee on the GPL that the customer must pay. This will cover the death certificate filing, obtaining copies of the death certificate for the family, coordination with the cemetery or crematory and filing for insurance, veterans, or Social Security benefits. These are services that are common to most arrangements.

The Funeral Consumers Alliance has reviewed tens of thousands of GPLs over the years. At least 50% do not comply with FTC rules. If you are dealing with a funeral home that has a GPL that is overtly out of compliance, you are dealing with a business that is unethical. I have listed some of the most common violations:

. For immediate burial, charging a higher price if you purchase the casket outside of the funeral home. Not giving you the choice of "disinfecting/basic care of the remains."

. Adding "supervising a funeral service" into the basic services fee

GPLs are not complicated documents but they must be read carefully and thoroughly. Unfortunately, the timing that necessitates the review of the GPL makes it prudent to confer with family and close friends prior to making any decisions about the funeral process. A GPL is a valuable and necessary document and it should be carefully reviewed in order to make smart financial decisions about a funeral service.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Funerals

Quotpushyquot Deaf Kids Mom

Writen by Russ Miles

There are some things that we as persons, born on this planet, have no control over. Our own birth defects are included in that scenario. While there are those who believe that we ourselves choose what obstacles we must face and overcome in this life, prior to our earthly birth, I am not one who buys that. I did not choose to be born deaf.

Be that what it may, I was entered this world with a 70% hearing loss in both ears. It didn't take my Mother long to recognize my hearing deficiency. She had been born a hearing impaired person too. My Mother determined that her child would not hide his deficiency, as she had been allowed to do.

Mom, as a child, had many siblings. Most of her sisters were older than she so hers were hand-me-down clothes. Poor, nearly deaf, she had taken a back seat in classrooms in an effort to not call attention to herself and her perceived inadequacies. Always, when called upon by a teacher, Mother would say, "I don't know…" As she later told me, "The alternative answer would have been even more humiliating, I didn't hear!"

I would never be allowed to make such an unwise determination. Every year, the first day of grammar school, Mother would march me before the teachers and tell them, in no uncertain terms, "This boy can not hear. I want him in a front desk, and I don't want him moved around the room!"

As any otherwise normal kid would, I hated it. I asked her, "Why do you have to make such a big thing about this? I hear alright," I insisted.

"Of course you do," was her reply. "Because, I love you, I want you to hear what your teachers say and not have the articulation problems that I've had learning to form your own words correctly.

I didn't really comprehend, until later, the significance of the second part of Mother's answer. But yeah, I knew that she did love me. Even though I often resented the seating restriction, I was ever to be found occupying a front desk.

As a direct result of my "Pushy Mother's intervention," I was not distracted by classroom conversations which were not part of the curriculum. I couldn't get away with anything because the teachers would catch me. And, I learned to properly pronounce most words because I "Heard" them. Mother's vocabulary was excellent, her speech clear, as she had invested many childhood hours in a dictionary, looking up words that she felt she might need with emphasis on pronunciation. In grade school, I was spared that responsibility which I would not have taken upon myself anyway.

It wasn't until high school that I learned to be stupid in my selection of where to sit. I never even considered that perhaps misunderstanding assignments, or not hearing what instructors actually said, had something to do with how hard I had to struggle.

Later, I was witness to what might have happened to me if not for having a "Pushy Mom." A cousin inherited the same type of hearing loss I was born with. His mother didn't bother to be pushy on this issue. He was shuffled along through school and treated like someone with a learning impairment. No wonder, for when he spoke he sounded retarded.

For a while, as an adult, I sold hearing aids. When I checked my cousin's hearing, it was virtually identical to my own. Only then, did I fully comprehend and appreciate the wonderful gift my mother had given me by being "Pushy."

If you have a child that doesn't have excellent hearing, consider becoming a "Pushy Parent," if only on this one issue. It is one thing that you can do for your child ~ on this planet ~ to level the playing field while he or she is too young to appreciate it.

Russ Miles is author of the novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO. A "Seasoned Real Estate NAR® Broker," disabled by Multiple Sclerosis, writes books & articles on varied subjects. Google russ miles FOR SALE BY OWNERS:FSBO ISBN 0-595-28703-4,in trade paperback, is available by phone or Internet:1-800-Authors to order direct! Adobe e-book & hard cover editions also available FSBO at at Barnes and Noble and other fine booksellers. Comments:[Visit]

Monday, January 19, 2009

When Helping Family Hurts You

Writen by Tim Carr

Two months ago I had Pneumonia. I am still recovering from the effects of it. Workouts have been improving daily over the last month. I have been getting my strength back. My health has been improving daily. I have been having a clear vision for my future. The one thing that loomed on the horizon as a potential unknown was my living situation.

I have been living out in the country for almost 14 months now. My flat was about 20 miles from any major city. The cost of gas was eating me alive, but when I slept at night, I was at peace. I felt safe. Moreover, the apartment was clean (I am clean) and it was perfect for my needs. The rent was fairly steep, but it included utilities so it was a fairly reasonable place to live. In most ways, it was perfect for me. So, should I renew and stay another year, or find cheaper environs if possible?

Then I made the fateful mistake of talking to my brother one night about three months ago during which I dared to suggest he get a roommate. You see, we had been gabbing on the phone about this and that when he began to bemoan his financial situation. He had a nice condominium for the last 2-3 years and he just could not afford it on his salary any more. So, I suggested he leave that place and move into the apartment complex I was in. It was close to many things he liked (mountains and folks music scene). What's more, there was an awesome, huge, vacant apartment within the complex that almost defies description. It was a very cool place indeed.

I had several reasons for suggesting this course of action for my brother. First, it would save us both money. We could each spend $600.00 a month and everything was included. There was room to spare and my brother would have a place for all his furniture and books. Seeing as how I had relatively little of these things, it made good sense. Plus, the place had a Jacuzzi, which would have been very therapeutic for us both.

Second, and this is where things get dicey, my brother had destroyed his current place of residence over the last three years. He was overwhelmed by its size and the amount of clutter. He just let it go. In the 2-3 years he had lived there, he simply trashed the joint. He never cleaned it once, and it was filthy, covered in cat vomit (he has a precious cat that we both love, but she has a nervous stomach). He never changed the air filters which led to the air conditioner breaking and I hated going there because if how messy it was. Moreover, it was just bad for my lungs. In light of all of this, it seemed that starting over with a clean slate might be good for my brother.

My suggestion would allow him to start over with a new place. But, as I read what I am typing I begin to see just how stupid and foolish that all sounds. After all, this brother of mine is a grown man who was content with piles of cat vomit all over his apartment. What was I thinking to believe that he would be able to change if he got a fresh new start? He had developed some strong, negative habits at his place and his habits would follow him wherever he went, unless he decided to change.

Then there were the fights. At times my brother and I just fight, fuss and argue. I am told this is what brothers do. Is that really true? Anyway, I thought that in the past few months things had been going well between us and that maybe we could room together. We seemed to be enjoying each others company more and more, however we only spent short periods of time together and maybe that is why we were getting along so swimmingly. More delusion, perhaps? Was I was a fool for thinking this?

In the end, my brother declined my offer. He said the wear and tear on his car, coupled with fuel costs, was just too much for him to handle and that he could not see uprooting himself from his home. So the idea was shelved. Thank God for small miracles too, because I suspect that if we had done this he would have treated this new place just like his old place.

Anyway, a few days passed after that particular conversation. We had the chance to speak again a few days later. During that conversation, he told me he thought I was right and that he did think he needed a roommate but that he wanted me to be the roommate and he wanted me to move into his basement.

Naturally, I had my reservations because of the filth at his place and his personality is so different from mine, but he assured me that he would clean the place and get it in shape so that it would be a healthy environment for me. I thought about it and after a few days and gave him a call. I spoke to him and said that as long as he understood the place needed to be clean I could deal with it. So, the agreement was made and I told my landlord to start looking for another tenant.

Well, that was two months ago. My brother had the whole month of April to get things in order. By the third week of April he had done nothing. His place was not ready. Not by a long-shot. In the meantime however, my landlady had rented my apartment out and I was in panic.

Where was I going to go? My brother had basically done what he has always done: He put things off so much that by the time he started to work on the apartment he realized that he had bitten off more than he could chew. There was no way he was going to have the place ready in time for me to move in. I began to pray that God would make my place available for one more month, and against all odds He did make it available. The people who leased the place backed out at the last minute which meant I could rent it if I wanted.

My brother had begged me for more time and I told him that my place was still available and that I could possibly take it for one more month, which is what I did. All of this came to pass because my brother was not ready. I had my place still. All was fine with my world and we moved forward.

My brother now had the month of May to get the Apartment ready. This was graduation weekend at his place of employment however. He was so busy and so tired at the end of the day that he just didn't have the energy to get the apartment ready. So, he failed to follow through to the extent necessary to allow for a roommate. For all of his forthcoming criticism of me for wanting to back out at the last minute, he has done nothing BUT wait until the last minute all his life. And it not only costs him, it costs those around him.

Two weeks from the end of May my brother had not done much to the basement. I was having second thoughts. I told him so. The fights began to happen any time we spoke. He was not moving fast enough and I needed to get on with my life. I should have just renewed my lease then, but my brother was looking at getting behind on rent and possibly evicted. Besides, there was no way in hell anyone else would put up with his shenanigans and he stood a scant chance of finding a roommate until his house was in order. So I was torn between two loyalties: one to myself and one to family.

I knew my brother needed help, that much is true. But I also knew I didn't feel right about leaving. My brother needed a roommate, but I didn't. Why then should I move in with him? Again I asked him to come live with me. The upstairs 3-BR apartment was no longer available, but my place was and while it was smaller, it could do for a while. He refused again, saying that there was no way he was going to uproot himself from his home and that he was going to hold me to my commitment to move into his place, even though he had failed to follow through on his end: the apartment was still filthy and in even more disarray than before. There was no way my stuff, scant though it was, would fit in the basement he wanted me to rent out. I was looking at storage facilities as a potential cost and I was really unhappy and angry at this point.

So, you now get the picture, don't you? Two months ago, my brother promised me big changes in his place. He wanted me for a roommate, because according to him I represented the least amount of lifestyle change for him, and he promised he would get his place livable for me. Moreover, I didn't want him to get evicted. I wanted to help him. He is my brother after all. In spite of the contentious history he and I have, I felt I could handle the idea of living with him as long as the place was clean.

Now we are down to the wire with one week to go, folks, and it's clear my brother has no place for me to put my things!! Of course, he is feeling the pressure of financial commitments too. I am looking at having to store my belongings in a facility. I no longer want to move in with him at all and my landlady needs to know what I am going to do. She needs a decision, and oh by the way....did I mention that my brother managed to lose his job? Yup. He lost his job exactly one week from the move. His firing/resignation is another story unto itself, but the timing of this information could not have been worse. I had actually called him to tell him there was no way I was moving in with him when he dropped this bomb on me. It floored me. How was I going to back out now? How could I tell my own brother on the day he gets fired that I am backing out on him. So, I let him know that I would be there for him.

Well, at this point we are six days away from the end of the month. My brother is frantic. He is expecting me to move in even though we have had countless fights and even though I had expressed my reservations and lack of desire to move in with him. Because he had lost his job I agreed to go ahead with this transition, even though I suspected I would be miserable as a result. To make things worse, a small girl next door to me had falling in love with me. She adored me and we were great friends. She was just so adorable, and she did not want me to move. I was really in a tight spot. I didn't have the strength to do what I knew I needed to do because if I stayed put, my brother would be devastated. But you know, the Spirit is strong, and it had been telling me what to do all month long.

As we approached D-Day, I called my brother. After much prayer I knew what I needed to do, and even though it was difficult I made the decision to let my brother down.

I called him and told him I could not do this move. He told me that if I backed out on him I was a bastard and that with all the shit he had on him he was not about to let me dump more shit on him by pulling out of this arrangement we had. The day before the move was to take place, I called him once more at home. It was 10:30 PM. I begged and pleaded with him. It was the eleventh hour, and I didn't to go through with this. I begged him to let me out of this commitment and he just hung up on me.

So, there it was. I was going to have to do this thing. I could not hurt my brother by leaving him in the lurch like this. I loved him, so how could I do that t o him? But as much as I loved him, I now resented him too. He was in a tough spot. I know this. I know he was scared. But I also perceived that he was being selfish and self-centered about this. I perceived he was unhealthy emotionally. And I was going to force myself to move in with this human being? And why? How emotionally healthy does it make me, that I would leave my peaceful environs, my dreams and visions, just to save a person who has so mismanaged his life that he could not survive without crisis intervention?

The next day I woke up at 3:00 AM and sat on my bed and nearly vomited. I felt like I was about to be executed and I was hours away from learning about the greatest mystery known to man: death. I prayed and prayed. I agonized. I wanted to pick up the phone and call my landlord just to arrange a meeting where I could renew my lease. I wanted to tell my brother to fend for himself. He created his mess, and he is responsible for his life. And yet, I didn't have the strength to do that. I was more concerned about avoiding feelings of guilt and looking like a traitor in my brothers eyes than I was about my own health, success and happiness. Imagine that!

By 9Am I was a mess. I was pacing my apartment like a caged animal, trying to work up the intestinal fortitude to do what was best for me. As a Christian, this seemed counterintuitive. Were we not suppose to be our brothers keeper? Are we not suppose to put the needs of others above our own? Or did I misunderstand the teachings of Christ so much that I was about to make one of the biggest mistakes of my life, and for all of the wrong reasons?

By noon, I had managed to force myself to walk out of the apartment, get in my car and head down the road to my demise. As I drove toward town to get the rental truck, the resentment of my brother rose to a crescendo. I was feeling such loathing for him, or was it for myself for doing what I felt was so wrong to do? I had no reason to be upset with my brother. Not really. It was myself I was upset with. I had a wonderful life that I decided to throw away in order to help someone else who I now resented. And yet I kept driving, like a herd of swine collectively rushing off a cliff to its death, driven by some unseen force.

I spent $220.00 to get the truck and the damn storage facility where all my life would be stored. Especially my weights. My precious weights. And for how long? A day? A month? A year? And all for a brother who up until recently never really had much in common with me. We didn't really even like each other all that much. At least not very often.

Needless to say the day was rough. It was full or regret. Getting the rental truck was weird. I felt so numb, I was so exhausted that I didn't have time for sitting down and counting the cost of my decision. My brother, who had wanted to help me, rode with me out to my place in the rental truck. We barely spoke.

When we got to my place in the country it was 4PM. This little girl in the apartment complex saw me back the truck into my parking space. She was the little one I mentioned earlier who had grown so attached to me. She came running out of her apartment , those little five year old legs barely holding her up, and she just collapsed into my legs, crying so hard. It was so hard for us both. She counted on me to be there for her, and I let her down. I was crushed. My brother stood there watching this unfold and he appeared to be unmoved, though he denies this.

I was hoping my brother would see this anguishing display, walk into my apartment, turn around and say, "Tim, this just isn't right. It feels all wrong. Stay here." Instead, he walked into my apartment, took one look at it and said, "You are not ready. You are not packed. This is going to be hard to do." Of course, this was untrue, I was packed. But that is beside the point. He was getting what he wanted. And I was not.

We loaded the truck and by 6PM what remained in my apartment could be gotten by car. We drove to the storage facility nearby and it was closed! This meant I had to take my brother all the way back to town and then drive the truck ALL the way back out into the country where I would sleep in my apartment overnight for what would be the last time, or so I thought.

The very next morning, I woke up and was so tempted to just unload the truck that we had packed the day before. I wanted so much to do it. But I was to exhausted by then to make the mental leap necessary to change direction. I just went forward with the plan.

I unloaded the truck, took it back to town, got into my car, came back out to my place again and spent one last night in my place. It was so sad to do this and for so many reasons. The bottom line is I was committed, or should have been committed.


I have been at my brothers place three nights and already I want to leave. I have no reason to be here. None that I can see. And yet the $220.00 I spent on the move, the $200.00 I gave to my brother for partial rent and the $160.00 I spent on the Voynage phone system has so damaged my bank balance that I am not sure I could move back to my place even if I wanted to. Yet, that is what I want to do. The question is will I? Should I?

Oh, and one more thing. Over the last five years I have had several friends who stuck by me closer that a brother. One, who is someone I love with all my heart, is a sweet lady in Canada. The best friend I have ever had, really. We have spoken to each other 4-5 times a day for the last five years. She is my soul mate of sorts. She loves me too. Her name is Bunny. I had a phone calling plan that allowed me to speak to her as much as I wanted. That too, is now gone. My brother uses Sprint, not Verizon, and Sprint has no such calling plan. Hence the need for Voynage, if I wanted to stay in touch with Bunzer.

At present, I feel weak, underweight, sick and tired. I am at my brothers place to make HIM feel secure. Yet, if I were back at my place I would still be in a flow of faith and blessing, I would be working out and looking forward to a bright future. Now, that vision and focus has been damaged.

In the end, I love my brother, but just because I love him does not mean if I help him I will be happy. I have learned this lesson the hard way. If I don't help him, I will feel remorse as well. It is a difficult place to be in.

I suppose I could sit down and itemize it. I could look at the pro's and con's of the two situations, but really do I need to do that? The Spirit doesn't look at pro's and con's. It looks at Truth and Peace. That is what the Spirit tried to teach me the other day. I just have to have the courage to do what is right for me.

9 Tips For The Backtoschool Mom Organization Is Everything

Writen by Karen Fusco

Well, just about everything. If you're a mom who's headed back to school, you want to get serious about time management, delegating, well, everything. Here are nine tips to help you get both you and your children back to school easily, confidently and most importantly, quickly!

1. Ditch Perfectionism. The dust on top of the furniture? Protective covering. Smudge on the front door? All your best friends come to the back door anyway. Perfection isn't everything, especially when you have a test to prepare for.

2. Delegate. Even young children—and husbands!—can pitch in. And they should, no matter what Mom's doing. Helping gives children (and Dads) a feeling of competence and confidence which helps their self-esteem (yes, Dads, too).

3. Be Realistic. No one, not even Oprah or Martha Stewart, has it all or can do it all. Don't believe me? Then tell me why Oprah just gave her best friend a million dollars? For all the help she gave Oprah along the way, that's why. Celebrities have staffs who do it all for them, they don't do it themselves—and neither can you, unless you employ a staff of 20 full-time people. Keep expectations of what you can and cannot do in any 24-hour day realistic, and both you and your family will be a lot happier.

4. Flexibility Is Queen Every Day. When you're juggling school, work and family, you have to be flexible and be able to shift priorities quickly. Think of life as one large yoga exercise, and be ready to bend and stretch as needed, when needed.

5. Play Beat The Clock. Setting deadlines is a great way to motivate you to take care of the most important priorities. Create deadlines for your tough chores and assignments (and your children's) and put a portion of your time aside each day to tackle the largest ones. This will keep you from getting crazed the night before your midterm when your son's science project is due the next day.

6. Organize, Organize, Organize. Don't just talk about it, do it. Pack lunches, lay out clothes, bathe, get book bags ready, and set out dishes and non-perishable breakfast items the night before. This will not only save you time in the mornings, but also make them far less stressful overall. Have a place for everything—make sure everyone knows where those places are, and let them go there all by themselves!

7. Know Your Prime Time. Everyone has a time of day or night when they perform some tasks better than others. For example, studying may be easier at night after everyone's gone to bed, and mornings are your best time for household chores. Take time to learn what your prime time is for the truly important tasks you need to accomplish daily—then use it to your advantage.

8. Don't Learn To Say No, Say It! We all know how to say "No", we simply don't do it often enough. Don't let yourself be bullied or guilt-tripped into taking on projects or volunteer work that strips you of valuable time you need to spend elsewhere. You won't be in school forever, and those volunteer organizations will still be around when you're finished and have more time.

9. Reward Yourself. You are marvelous, Mom! Just look at everything you do every day—and on top of it all, you're acing school and making it to your daughter's swim meets and your son's soccer games, and on time! Have that bowl of ice cream (two scoops is fine, really), and give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it!

Copyright 2006 Karen Fusco

Karen Fusco is co-founder of which supports Busy Moms with free gift ideas and helpful tips to meet the challenges of motherhood. SilkBow is the perfect place for the perfect gift. Karen can be reached directly at: