Friday, January 9, 2009

How To Find True Inexpensive Gifts For The People On Your Gift List

Writen by Gregg Hall

Gift giving is a way to show you care. During the holidays people become more aware of those in need around them. The urge to give gifts is natural but it doesn't have to break your budget.

There are many in need throughout the entire year although most people only think of giving to them at Christmas. There are many ways to give without spending a lot of money.

One of the best and most inexpensive gifts is your time. Helping deliver meals to shut ins, feeding the homeless, or even babysitting your neighbor's child are all examples. Many food pantries and shelters are overwhelmed with people at this time of year and would always welcome an extra set of hands. Anything from clothes to blankets to food is sometimes needed to be delivered to those in need.

Another inexpensive present to give is kindness. It may be a meal to an elderly neighbor or a helping hand to that tired looking mom in the grocery store. Kindness is often overlooked as the best gift worth giving. The best part is the fast return, better than any money market account. You will feel the joy instantly.

Using the skills you already have is a great way to give a present. If you can build offer to help fix something for someone. If you sew, make a warm sweater for the person you see living on the street. If you cook take a fresh cooked meal to someone in need like the person you watch buying only bread and potatoes from the store every week because they can't afford anything else. If you can read go to a school and volunteer your time, read to the kids who can't read. If you can listen, sit by the elderly woman on the bus who has no one to talk to. If you can write then write to a soldier in Iraq, then write to his wife and children in the US spending the holidays alone.

The holidays are also a good time to remember those serve others the rest of the year. Try giving a card to your doorman, garbage man, policeman even the minister. You can make a card using stamps or writing in calligraphy. Many people deserve a thank you card such as gas station attendant or the waitress who brought your food, even the bagger at the grocery store. A thank you note or letter will brighten their holiday.

There are many gifts that a person can give that don't cost anything. The only thing they cost is your time, energy, compassion and heart. During the holiday season you can give an inexpensive present that is worth more than all the money you have. Look around and then get busy!

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Birthday Balloons Delivered at

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