Monday, January 5, 2009

Tin Ceilings Of Old And New

Writen by Arturo Ronzon

The world of fashion works in a funny way. After a certain amount of time passes, the fashion of old becomes the new trend and what was new yesterday starts to become old really fast. Take the tin ceiling for example. Once upon a time, tin ceilings were the rave of the building industry. Tin ceiling panels were put on almost every new construction. They were the thing to have.

Now, after many many years and many many fashion trends, the tin ceiling is making a strong comeback. Tin ceiling and wall panels are starting to make appearances in newly constructed buildings. The old tin ceilings in the old buildings are getting a lot of restoration and some are even being sold as antiques.

Tin is a very soft and malleable metal and does not react to the environment very much. Steel can rust if not protected over the years but tin will remain the same. A buff or two and the shine will be restored. This amazing durability is the main reason why tin ceilings were never taken down and replaced. As such, tin ceilings remained where they were to await the next designer trend where they would be the center of attention again.

Tin styles were popular decades ago because many an elaborate pattern were carved or stamped or both into it. Since tin was so malleable, craftsman of old were able to let loose their creativity and imaginations onto pieces of metal that they could shape to their heart's content.

In today's world with advances in manufacturing technology, tin ceilings and panels can be produced to meet large demands easily. Advanced tooling technology allows a high degree of repeatability so that popular designs can be produced accurately and sold to consumers. Advances in metallurgy adds a new dimension to tin ceilings where other metals such as silver, gold or platinum are bonded with tin to create very artistic looking alloys.

For those who can afford it, the antique tin ceilings and panels will add the beauty of yesteryear to their homes or offices. For everyone else, tin ceiling panels are quite affordable because tin is one the cheapest metals on earth.

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