Thursday, January 15, 2009

Creative Tips And Ideas For Hosting A Baby Shower

Writen by Rose L

The addition of a new baby into the life of one of your close friends or family member is indeed a time to celebrate. One of the best ways that you can show that you care is by helping the mother to be get ready for her new arrival by hosting a baby shower.

More than just a way to shower the expecting mother with more baby bottles than she could possibly use, adorable baby clothes, and a year's supply of diapers, the baby shower is also a great way to show emotional support and female solidarity during a time that is full of ups and downs. And the baby shower also presents the perfect opportunity for the whole gang to get together and have a ridiculously good time.

So, if you have been bestowed the honor of hosting a baby shower for someone who is close to you, you no doubt want to organize an event that will be truly appreciated and worthy of your guest of honor. While there are many wrong and right ways to throw a baby shower, you can ensure a successful one by following and using some of the tips and ideas in this article. Choosing a theme

Choosing a theme for the baby shower is perhaps the easiest way that you can make your baby shower stand out from the numerous other showers that women attend in their lifetimes. A theme also presents the perfect opportunity to tailor the shower to suit your guest of honor's unique personality and needs.

A baby shower theme can range from something very simple like choosing blue or pink decorations to coincide with the baby's sex or to very elaborate such as hosting a day of pampering for the mother to be. What you choose will be largely decided by how much time you have to dedicate to organizing the shower and what type of theme would be most appreciated by your guest of honor. Here are just a couple of ideas to help you choose your baby shower theme:

Deep freeze.
I thought this was a novel and great way to help out the expecting couple who already has everything they need for their new arrival. In this themed baby shower, guests bring a frozen dish or meal that can be heated up and consumed during the early, hectic days after the new baby arrives. If you've ever had children, you can just imagine what a great help this would be to exhausted new parents.

Books for the baby shower.
You can take this theme as far as you want to. From having guests bring books to add to the new arrival's library to carrying the theme into the decorations and refreshments, the limits of your imagination and creativity are the only limits you will encounter with this theme.

Choosing the right baby shower games
Baby shower games can be a great way to break the ice and add some fun and entertainment to your baby shower. When selecting the games to include in your shower, be sure to keep your theme in mind and the sensibilities of your guest of honor.

Here are a few ideas:
Baby Quiz. Ask the grandparents to write down what the parents were like as babies. Have them include vital statistics such as time of birth, height, weight, first tooth, first smile, age when toilet trained, and early indications of personality. Based on that information, make up a quiz about the future parents to hand out to guests. The person with the most correct answers wins a prize.

Guess the Girth.
Check with the guest of honor in advance on this one. Some women may find it a bit too personal, but if she's not shy, it can be a lot of fun. All you need is a ball or two of string. Ask guests to cut a length of string that they think will stretch around the future mom's belly. After everyone has had a turn, the mother-to-be measures and cuts a string that fits her belly. Compare her string to all the guests' pieces of string. The person who was closest wins.

As you can see from just these few ideas, baby showers do not have to be ordinary and boring. If you have been asked to host a baby shower, incorporate some of these and your own ideas to create a baby shower that will not be forgotten any time soon.

By Rose Lenk
For more babyshower information visit

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