Friday, January 9, 2009

Memorialize Your Loved One With A Cremation Urn

Writen by Jim Johnson

It is a fact of life that all of us will lose someone that we care about in death at some point, and although we may not be able to be with them any longer, it's a widely accepted part of the grieving process to memorialize them in a fitting way. There are many ways that this can be done today and the funeral industry has a wide variety of products that can help dignify the occasion.

However, one of the most time-honored and ancient of burial customs is that of cremation. The practice of cremation was the most predominat means of corpse disposal until the advent of Christianity in the Roman Empire. There were several reasons why cremation was popular among ancient cultures, and one was that fire was considered a purifying agent that would release the spirit of the deceased in the proper way and allow for a safe journey to their next life.

Of course, besides the philosophical or religious properties of cremation, the health benefits of the practice was never in doubt. Disposal of the body in this way eliminated the possiblility of disease being spread by decay. Therefore the practice of cremation has become more and more accepted in Western cultures as cities have grown larger and cemetaries have become more crowded.

Cremation in the modern era involves the use of high levels of heat that reduce the body of the deceased to ashes. The ashes can then be spread without causing any health problem to others.

However, increasingly many people today are returning to the ancient practice of storing the ashes in a funerary urn instead. In such a container the ashes can be kept and memorialized by their loved ones, or it can also serve as a fitting receptacle for burial as well.

Cremation urns are available in many different configurations and price levels, and they need not simply be a utilitarian object. In fact, some urns can be very decorative and attractive in appearance.

So if you wish to memorialize a loved one in a dignified way, be sure to consider a crematory urn as another way to honor and remember them.

Jim Johnson writes on many consumer related topics. You can find out more about urns for cremation by visiting our All About Urns website.

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