Saturday, January 10, 2009

How To Party Without Feeling Pooped

Writen by Karen Fusco

Each year Busy Moms across America lose control when their child's birthday arrives. Bank accounts deplete. Parents argue. Everyone is exhausted. The situation becomes anything but fun. Here are 9 wonderful tips to turn your child's birthday into a blast without compromising your sanity or your savings.

Organize Your Child's Birthday Party Without Wearing Yourself and Your Savings Out!

1. Balance Your Budget! Most Moms notoriously overspend when their children's birthdays roll around. This can be avoided by setting a budget and planning in advance. When you create your budget consider your headcount, food, activities, party favors, prizes, decorations, and entertainment so you won't start spending haphazardly.

2. Start Early. You can't ever really say you didn't have time to plan. Your child's birthday inevitably falls on the same day each year faithfully. Since you know the date, why not plan in advance? Pace yourself so you won't be overwhelmed as it approaches.

3. Make An Agenda. The cake and decorations are great, but what will make a party sensational from a child's perspective are games and activities. Power pack your kid's party with the best games and entertainment and you'll be sure to get rave reviews from the youngsters. If you are having a party for tiny tots make sure you keep activities safe and loosely structured. Older kids are good with games that are more involved and interactive which last under 30 minutes. Teenagers pretty much can come up with activities independently. Upon approval, let your adolescent child have the responsibility of coming up with their birthday activity ideas and give feedback and suggestions.

4. Tailor a Theme. Once you come up with a theme, the ideas for your activities will begin to flow and come together beautifully. You can use your theme for everything from the menu to the décor and if you state the theme on the invitation it may even cross over into the presents.

5. Be Realistic. Don't try to do it all in one year. We all want our children to be happy. We all want to make their birthdays pleasantly memorable. But, if you overdo it you can be setting yourself up for failure in the future.

6. Communicate about the Plans. This isn't so much of an issue for toddlers and babies, but if you have children that can talk, you should begin to communicate the birthday plans with them. Be sure to let your son or daughter know your expectations of them as well as your expectations of their friends as precautionary measures in addition to the agenda of the party.

7. Recruit Help. This can save time, money and energy. Some of your girlfriends probably have many creative talents that you'd normally pay big bucks for. Others can lend a helping hand to cut cake or organize an activity. Have your husband step up to the plate, but be sure to give him tasks he can actually handle. If you ask him to bake the cake or clean the house, he most likely will shy away from the task. But ask him to bring out the grill or compliment his techno talents and he may be your videographer for the day! Hire older children or teens to assist. This is a great way to find extra help with games and activities. Make sure to leave any disciplinary actions to the adults because children don't respond well to discipline from their peers. Having extra help will have your child's party flowing better.

8. Cook Ahead. If you cook one or two days beforehand, you will save yourself the hassle of trying to prepare a child's feast in one morning. You don't want to spend your child's entire birthday held up in the kitchen over a hot stove, so it get out of the way early and enjoy the party.

9. Turn Off MTV! Mothers everywhere should beware of My Super Sweet 16. This MTV Reality show has teens everywhere begging for the ultimate celebrity style party of the year. If your teenage child has seen it, their perception of what a party should entail is sure to be altered. The Super Sweet 16 parties cost anywhere from $30,000 to $100,000 dollars for one night.

Copyright 2006 Karen Fusco

Karen Fusco is co-founder of which supports Busy Moms with free gift ideas and helpful tips to meet the challenges of motherhood. SilkBow is the perfect place for the perfect gift. Karen can be reached directly at:

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