Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So Who Are You Going To Tell He Would Sneer An Olympia Wa Crime Victims Account Part Two

Writen by Russ Miles

Her only motive has been, and is, to protect her children from physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual damage continually inflicted upon them since her divorce, ten years ago. For the first six years thereafter, Grace had a life, custody of her minor children, and made some "Left-hand-turns" - as some divorcés do.

Since Grace could not abide by, sanction, nor submit to the depravity that she witnessed - things she was expected to ignore - she had removed herself from an abusive situation through lawful means. The means to extract payment for divorcing him - and exercising his control over Grace's life and destiny ~ those employed by her ex-husband, have been anything but lawful. By exercising his condoned power within the corrupt Washington State capital, secrete powers infrastructure (which supersedes Child Protective Services, the foster care system, and cover's up their flagrant and frequent abuses), the ex-husband and those responsible have inflected irreparable damages -to not only Grace and her children but -to countless others who suffer similar unfortunate plight.

We fast forward to four years ago. When it became clear to her ex-husband, the meth~addicted, state protected man, Grace was not "Going to come to her senses, and come back," he turned up the heat. Multiple energies of evil were dispatched against her.

Grace was given arsenic in her food over several months. Grace's house was robbed, her automobiles messed with. She was kidnapped, always tailed, intentionally traumatized, never safe. On one occasion, her would be "Walk in the woods" assassin became frustrated, throwing the intended murder weapon, revolver onto the parking lot - next to the woods - where she was supposed to disappear. Police reports document her difficulties. She has the copies of doctored reporting records discounting the validity of her ordeal and witnesses to testify contradictory to the distorted investigating officer's account thereof.

Grace also has copies -and originals- of letters from state agencies to her ex-husband suggesting that he be more careful after which her 8-year-old unsupervised, son was found to be smoking marijuana with her ex-husband himself - and on another occasion - when her son was struck by a fast moving car. Included in one cryptic warning letter - on official state stationary - is the dire warning, "We wouldn't want anything to happen to your son, would we?" Certainly, such words are indicating anything goes for the powerful in Olympia.

In her case, Grace has expanded her area of "Divinely~Ordained" responsibility to include all of the damaged and dead victims, often mothers of children estranged from them by powerful State law enforcement personal, battered wives that can't talk, the terrorized who can't tell. Her heart aches for each one for she understands. As Grace's ex-husband smugly asked, "So, who are you going to tell?" He would sneer. "Who would ever believe you?"

Well, reader, I believe her. If you become involved, you will too. Grace has been unable to obtain her divorce decreed duplex, keep custody of her children, been defrauded of her good name and made to appear crazy. She is not. Only "Affected" by the innumerable atrocities she has faithfully endured. In her effort to maintain congeniality and have access to her children, Grace even has "Forgiven" those directly responsible for attempting to murder her, having her raped, and locking her up" - if that is possible. Yet, she will never say, "Wrong is right."

Repeated attempts to secure competent legal council - in Olympia / Thurston County, Washington jurisdiction - have been unsuccessful. None of the attorneys contacted have been willing to take on the entrenched system to which they have sworn allegiance or sold out. This despite some significant sums of money and properties involved could conceivably materialize. Perhaps, their own careers of the Olympia lawyers contacted ~and personal survival issues - are at stake?

On one venture to recover some court file documents - last year, in Olympia - Grace and I were greeted by a startled policeman when we exited a restaurant. Her hair color changed, yet her Spirit unmistakable, the officer's first astonished words upon approach were, "Are you still alive?"

On that trip, my own car was sabotaged, while parked in front of our motel room door. It required extensive / expensive repairs to the engine before we could leave Olympia. How could we prove it? To whom could we turn? "So,who are you going to tell?" What proof do we have, other than the Styrofoam lid from the joke diner - left at the door overnight - with "Your Last Super!" scrawled on its lid? It is like the second illuminating line, nonsense announcement that any jokester could have made: "You can't Love!"

Yes, I believe her. I believe despite impossible odds, Grace is the best mother her fortunate children could ever have had. From long distance telephone, she has maintained almost daily contact with her six children, solving problems, when necessary even soliciting the helps of "Handcuffed" state agency workers to intercede with authorities on their behalves. Her ongoing, fearless efforts have affected much positive influence in their lives.

In a unbridled attempt to survive by fleeing Olympia ~ in April 2003 ~ Grace arrived to help me (a disabled victim of Multiple Sclerosis and sometimes author/poet) relocate from my home I had to sell ~ and in response to her appeal to be heard, coupled with the need to secure sanctuary. Deposited with a mountain of suitcases and garment bags in my living room, Grace could hardly speak. Much of what she said sounded confused, unintelligible. Although I wrote fiction, this woman's sordid story - at first listen - was way too bazaar for me. Little wonder a retired Federal agent had assured Grace, "You have the most twisted Olympia file that I've seen in this town for twenty years."

As with an uncapped volcano, underlying turmoil tremors preceded her various eruptions. Once removed from emanate danger, Grace began to recover quickly. Her time clock had locked during a traumatic event. She quit believing her twelve-year-old son was yet eight-years-old. Grace could once again keep track of what day and year it now was. Without toxic stress, Grace is no longer a muddle. With the eyes of a sparrow, a heart of a lioness , she sees people clearly and perceives their motives. Not easily deceived, she cuts through the crap.

While assisting me in all aspects of my disability, Grace regained her physical and mental health. Exercising uncanny wisdom, she has helped me to identify, recognize, and overcome many of my personal shortfalls. Most importantly, she has made me aware that I do have physical limitations, a realiry I was reluctant to accept. Our symbiotic, platonic relationship has evolved to one of mutual respect, appreciation of strengths, and accountability for weakness.

Personally, I feel that with proper representation, Grace has at least cause to charge the State of Washington, City of Olympia, Thurston County, Child Protective Services, her ex-husband, his PHD psychologist – Guardian Ad linen mother, and her collogue in collusion judge friend with criminal offenses for which she should be compensated. Although irreparable damage has already been inflicted to her children, Grace should be made able to obtain the counseling services for however long she deems necessary - to restore their belief in authority - and become contributing citizens within a sane, if now foreign to them, society.

We feel that going public - with her support documentation - might afford Grace some protection in the aftermath of the resultant bombshell? Olympia can't keep victim crimes covered up forever. The long-locked, hot lid is now leaking!

Can Grace ever be safe from reprisals ordered by exposed adversaries? Will she ever be able to find peace and security, be economically compensated, be empowered to resume her life - perhaps in another part of the country? We will yet see. An Olympia Crime Victim's Account - Part Three is still unfolding. We have been approached by an entity to collaborate on the movie rights to "Her Abuse Never Happened."

I believe we will…

Russ Miles is author of the novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO. A "Seasoned" Real Estate NAR® Broker, he is "Disabled" by Multiple Sclerosis, FOR SALE BY OWNERS:FSBO ISBN 0-595-28703-4,in trade paperback, is available by phone or Internet:1-800-Authors to order direct! Adobe e-book & hard cover editions also available at at Barnes and Noble and other fine booksellers. For personal referrals to his publisher, reader's~feedback, or comments, reach Russ at (360)694-6756. Or by e-mail [Please label the subject of your e-mail so as not to be confused as SPAM, and to assure proper handling.]

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